2, 4-Ethyl Easter 38ì is used mainly for broad leafed weeds in wheat etc.Sorghum, maize, wheat , Sugarcane, transplanted rice, Aquatic weeds more...
It controls many grasses, broad leaf weeds and sedges. Residual action on the weeds gives longer control. Safe for subsequent crops more...
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1. chlorobenzene - a colorless volatile flammable liquid with an almond odor that is made from chlorine and benzene ; used as a solvent and in the production of phenol and DDT and other organic compounds. hydrocarbon - an organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen. more...
Glyphogan is a non-selective, non-residual post-emergence herbicide which is absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout plant. Glyphogan is very effective for use on many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as on many tree and woody bush species in cropland and non-crop sites more...
Description It is applied before emergence of weeds, within 0-5 days of transplanting One shot solution of annual grasses, Sedges and broad-leaved weeds in rice It is very economical with its broad-spectrum activity and low use rate It gives long duration control. Spectrum Rice-Echino more...
GLYPHOLAND 71 is a systemic, broad-spectrum, non-selective, post-emergent, herbicide. GLYPHOLAND 71 gives complete and speedy control of hard to kill annual and perennial weeds. Features Quicker & Higher absorption. Faster kill as compared to IPA salt. Higher loading (a.i.) per liter. more...
ACETAFF 75 SP is a 75% SP formulation of Acephate, a versatile organophosphate insecticide with both contact and systemic action. It is particularly effective on severe infestations of sucking and chewing insects of , sugarcane, cotton, chillies, vegetables, fruits and cereals. more...
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Acephate 25% + Fenvalerate 3% EC is used for the control of American bollworm and sucking pests on cotton. * Caution :- It is toxic to honey bees, spray application should be avoided during the foraging period of bees Direction of Use Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compres more...
Mahabir Bajrang Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Bela Industrial Area, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
India’s 1 st unique 100% organic destroyer Made up of Go Amruth with scientifical botanical plant extracts & Go Amruth plays a role in soil fertility enhancement this will convert dried in to manure more...
Target Weeds: Echinochloa spp., Eleusine spp., Xantheium strumarium, Brachiaria sp., Digitaria sp., Amaranthus viridis, Polygonumspp, Trianthama monogyna more...
Features: GOLD 24D is a, safe and wide spectrum weedicide for the control of broad leaved weeds in many crops. It is selective, systemic weedicides of Phenoxyacetic group. Apart from effectively controlling broad leaf weeds, these also control the Cyperus sp. It is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translo more...