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Details : Rapid Setting Emulsion (RS} - Break is rapid even with coarse aggregate of relatively low surface area. Rapid setting Emulsion is further sub divided into RS-1 and RS-2 types. Medium Setting Emulsion (MS} - Break is sufficiently slow that the emulsion can be mixed with coarse aggregate containing a more...
is :8887 :2004 (isi marked) itcc bitumen emulsion is available as anionic, cationic and ionic types.usually, it is the type of aggregate and climate that defines what type of bitumen emulsion should be used. Cationic emulsion represents more than 95% of the world consumption today. the technology for the emul more...
Bitumen in India. The company supplies high quality Bitumen grades directly from Manufacturers in Iran especially from Jey Oil refinery & Pasargad oil refinery. The company has made its mark as a distinguished Supplier of Bitumen. The high quality Bitumen is widely appreciated by the customers for its purity more...