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Price : INR 1250000 - 150000 -per- Piece(s) more...
Wide Measurement Range You can measure a blood range of hemoglobin levels i.e., 0-24 g/dL with TrueHb Hemoglobin Meter. In healthy individuals, normal hemoglobin ranges from 12 to 16 g/dL for adult women while 13.5 to 18 g/dL for adult men. Irregularity in the hemoglobin levels reflects several health cond more...
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Measurement method Cyanmethoglobin Method (optional alkaline hematin D also Available On request) Display 16 x 2 Alphanumeric display Wavelength 540nm Calibration automatic by press CAL key Set Zero automatic by push switch Measuring Range 0.0 to 30.0 g / dl Photo Detector silicon photodiode Accuracy ±4 % Li more...
Digital Hemoglobin Monitor Set with 10 Hb Strips free along with all Accessories more...
Kotech Export offers a wide range of Biochemistry Instruments which works on cyanmethemoglobin principle. This hemoglobinometer has a 5 operation keyboard and directly measures the reading of Hemoglobin after feeding the set value of standard once. Supply is completed with dust cover, instruction manual, cord more...
Bracketed among the prominent digital hemoglobinometer suppliers in Mumbai, Shri Sai Pharma is a trader and involved in offering top-notch products in different technical specifications. The packaging of products is as important as designing and manufacturing, and we have upgraded machines, assistance of our more...
Microprocessor Hemoglobin Meter – 917 is used to determine the hemoglobin concentration in the blood sample. The measurement hemoglobin concentration is carried out at wavelength of 546 nm. Using state-of-the-art LED technology the green light produced is projected through the sample and measured by sensiti more...
Haemoglobin concentration in blood by Sahilis method. Heamoglobinometer digital model 1315 Deep vision Direct Reading in Hb unit Superior German Shalli’s type with round tube (Hemoglobinometer) Top Tech Heamometer round tube, Indian Top Tech Heamometer Plano-parallel with SQUARE tube Indian Indian make comp more...
Haemoglobin test (Hb) can be performed by our Simple device " HAEMOCHECK & HAEMOTEST: Both are "Haemoglobin Color Scales" in three simple Steps: 1) Just prick the finger and obtain one free flowing drop of Blood [Fresh Capillary Blood, 10-12 micro liter only] on smooth side of Strips provided. 2) Wait for 30 more...
Fully automatic Digital Read out High Accurate Long Life No Calibration Required Zero Adjustment Automatic more...