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we offer good condition lube oil centrifuges MAPX-204, MAPX-205, MAPX-207, MAPX-309.[All are Automatic Cleaning] MMPX-303, MMPX-304, MMPX-403, MMPX-404. MFPX-307 [For Heavy Fuel Oil] WHPX-505 [For Lubricating oil & Diesel Oil] more...
The Filtek Centrifugal Oil Cleaner model FT025060200400600 are widely used on land based as well as marine generators since the last 40 years. This is a very effective bypass lube oil filtration to maintain the quality of lube oil for a longer period. The centrifuge is driven by the lube oil pressure of the e more...
Diesel or type-A heavy oil can be separated until the water content under room temperature (1 pass) is 0.01% or less for diesel oil, or 0.02% or less for type-A heavy oil. For lubricating oil for industrial use, separation is enabled until the water content is 0.03% (volume) or less under heating temperature more...
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Aggarwal & Associates
(Waghawadi Road,Bhavnagar) - 206, Madhav Darshan, Waghawadi Road,,Bhavnagar
Delta Separation
(Vidhyanagar,Bhavnagar) - Sapphire Prime, Waghawadi, Near HDFC Bank,Vidhyanagar,Bhavnagar