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Benefits: Preventive action to avoid disases infection. No resistance due to Multi-site mechanism. Supply crops with Zinc in the cases of nutrient deficiency. Adaptable to every season (dry-rainy sea). more...
Mode of Action Tebuconazole is dimethylase inhibitor (DMI) - interferes in process of building the structure of fungal cell wall. Finally it inhibits the reproduction and further growth of fungus. Trifloxystrobin interferes with respiration in plant pathogenic fungi. Fungicide Resistance Action Committe more...
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Benefits: Preventive action to avoid disases infection. No resistance due to Multi-site mechanism. Supply crops with Zinc in the cases of nutrient deficiency. Adaptable to every season (dry-rainy sea) more...
Details: Bayer Buonos fungicide is a leading chemical class of fungicide that belongs to the Triazole group. Buonos fungicide bayer offers a wide range of solutions for multiple fungal pathogens in various crops. Features: Buonos (Tebuconazole) has multiple role as preventive , curative and eradicative more...