Offer price : 75, 000- per piecef1000 inline fuel catalystuse the fitch fuel catalyst just once and discover how your engine will start easier, burn less fuel andincrease overall performance. Enhances performance for heavy diesel engines in marine, on road and offroad equipment up to 500kw in 18l enginesthe combustion improvement caused by the presence of the fitch fuel catalyst produces a number ofbenefits. Since the fuel is consumed more completely, less fuel is burned, emissions are lowered and poweris increased. In addition, engine oil remains cleaner, longer because blow-by is reduced. Carbon build up inthe engine is also reduced the life of the engine is enhanced. The overall result is a more efficiently runningengine.the combustion improvement caused by the presence of the fitch fuel catalyst produces a number ofbenefits. Because the fuel is consumed more completely, less fuel is burned, emissions are lowered andpower is increased. In addition, engine oil remains cleaner, longer because blow-by is reduced. Becausecarbon build up in the engine is also reduced the life of the engine is enhanced. The overall result is a moreefficiently running engine. From 5-12% fuel savings reduced emissions increased horsepower reduced gelling reduced diesel bug does not raise fuel temperature significant reduction in fuel soot contamination to the oil suits heavy duty marine engines up to 500kwuse the fitch fuel catalyst just once and discover how your engine will start easier, burn lessfuel and increase overall performance.