Welcome to India Aviation Consulting and Support LLP
Iac&s llp has been in business since 2006. The team has first hand experience in airports and airlines , regulatory systems in civil aviation and mros for more than 35 years each. we design airports, prepare airport master plans for airports of all sizes, prepare development plans with long term perspective of 30 to 50 years for existing aerodromes / airports, undertake traffic studies, ols survey , pavement designs, preparation of development plans even separately for city side, terminal buildings and air side operational area, cargo terminals et al. we provide the best of airport equipmetn available world wide -we represent many oems for airport systems like : baggage handling systems, flight information display systems, flight announcement systems ( multi-lingual) airport security equipment - metal detectors like: hand held, door frame & x ray baggage screening systems & milli-meter wave full body scanners airport interiors solar powered buses for passenger movement airport electronic navigational aids like dvors , dmes and electronic landing aids like ils systems visual landing aids like airfield lighting and papi systems etc.
Teckchandani Kishu
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Service Provider
Number of Employees
50 - 100
Annual Turnover
Rs. 2.5 to 5 Crore Approx.