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Helps, Support and Builds integrity, optimize function and immune activity in the intestine. Selective toxin absorbent keeps production stable and relieves from stress. more...
Hyderated Sodium Calcium Amonium Siliciate more...
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Benefits: Binds and inactivates mycotoxins Broad spectrum mould inhibitor Premature damages due to mycotoxins Inhibits the production of mycotoxins in feed Prevents liver and kidney damage Improve egg production, fertility and hatchability Prevents caking of feed Prevents stress on liver Prevents ill effects more...
ACCIDENTAL RELEASEMEASURES: Person-related safety precautions : Slippery floor by product spill. Avoid contact with product. Wear protective equipment: protective clothes, gloves, safety glasses (eyeshade) and respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust in case of insufficient ventilation. more...
Neema Associates is a reliable Manufacturer and Supplier of Water Based Paint Binders . We offer pure Acrylic, Styrene Acrylic and VAM Acrylic Binders. We also offer a wide range of Dispersing Agents, Wetting Agents, Biocides, De-foamers, Emulsifiers, and Thickeners. These Water Based Paint Binders have good more...