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Biofertilizer can be defined as biological products containing living microorganisms that, when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, promote growth by several mechanisms such as increasing the supply of nutrients, increasing root biomass or root area and increasing nutrient uptake capacity of the plant EX. INDOPLUSH

Azospirillum Biofertilizer

125 - 175 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Kilogram
  • Brand Name Natradhan
  • Application Agriculture
  • Type Biofertilizer
  • State Granules
  • Country of Origin India
  • Packaging Type Plastic Packet
  • Color White


Natradhan is a powder and liquid based formulation of Azospirillum lipoferum which is associated with roots of monocots, including important crops, such as wheat, corn and rice. Azospirillum fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in associative symbiotic manner. It is found in the soil around plant roots and root surface. It also produces growth-promoting substances like indole acetic acid, gibberellins, pantothenic acid, thiamine and niacin. It also promotes root proliferation and improves the plant growth yield.


Powder - 250 gms, 500 gms, 1 kg

Liquid – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lt

Method of application

Seed TreatmentMake slurry of 250 gm of powder Natradhan or 80-100 ml liquid Natradhan with 400-500 ml water and coat seeds required for 1 acre with slurry homogeneously and dry in shade before sowing.

Soil ApplicationMix 2.5- 4 Kg powder Natradhan or 500 ml – 1lit liquid Natradhan in 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure. Blend the mixture well and broad cast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.

Seedling ApplicationTake 500 gm of powder Natradhan in 10 lit water or 80- 100 ml of liquid Natradhan in 25 lit water and mix properly, then dip the roots (titled material) in this solution for 30 min before sowing in the field.

Recommended crops:

Sugarcane, Rice, Wheat, Barley, Oat, Maize, Jowar, Pearl Millet, Kodo, Kutki, Ragi, etc.


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Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

130 - 180 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 50 Kilogram
  • Brand Name Indoplush
  • Application Agriculture
  • Packaging Type Plastic Packets & Bottle
  • Standard Bio Grade
  • Type Biofertilizer
  • Release Type Quick
  • State Liquid
  • Country of Origin India

ndoPlus,  a Mycorrhizal bio-fertilizer is an environmental friendly product reduces/stops the need of chemical fertilizers and enhances the yield. The product is strongly recommended to maintain soil fertility, to improve soil texture and is also very effective in water strained condition. The product is a consortium of three different highly adoptable species of Glomus mycorrhizal fungus:

A) SPECIES-1 - Adoptable to harsh water strained condition.

B) SPECIES-2 - Adoptable to water lodging conditions.(useful for paddy etc.)

C) SPECIES-3 - Adaptable to general and acidic/basic soil conditions.

It is beneficial for almost all plant species in the world and is very beneficial for Nurseries, Tea Gardens, Rubber Plantations, Sugarcane, afforestation, lawns, gardens, plantations, mining belt, fruits and vegetable growing etc.

Mycorrhiza helps plants to capture macronutrients and micronutrients from the soil, it absorb water and mineral from soil and transmit it to the roots of tree. Trees provide food to fungus.This biofertilizer helps in faster germination. It plays important role in absorption of phosphorus and enhances nitrogen fixation. It makes hormones available to plants. It also has advantages like maintenance of water balance and biological control of root diseases and nematodes.


Granular formulation in 1 kg, 4 kg, 8Kg and 50 kg.

Method of application

Seed TreatmentUse 6-8 Kg Indoplus /acre seeds.

Soil ApplicationUse 6-8 Kg Indoplus /acre seeds with 100 Kg FYM.

Recommended crops:

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PSB Bio Fertilizer Powder

130 - 150 /kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 50 Kilogram
  • Brand Name SPHARANU
  • Color Grey
  • Application Agriculture, Soil Application
  • Packaging Type Plastic Packets
  • Standard Bio Grade
  • Type Bio Fertilizer Powder
  • Country of Origin India
  • Moisture 0-10%

Sphuranu consists of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria either of Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas putida var. striata or Bacillus polymyxa which solubilize the complex insoluble form of phosphorus into simple soluble forms.Phosphorus is one of the major essential macronutrient required for the plant growth. Phosphorus has a defined role in plant metabolism such as cell division, development, photosynthesis, breakdown of sugar, nuclear transport within the plant and regulation of metabolic pathways.Phosphate solubilizing bacteria produce enzymes, hormones and organic acids which gives additional vigor to the root system boosting plant growth and productivity.


Powder - 1kg, 4kg, 5kg

Liquid – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1lt

Method of application

Seed TreatmentMake slurry of 250 gm Sphuranu powder or 100 ml liquid Sphuranu with 500ml water and coat seeds required for 1 acre with slurry homogeneously and dry in shade for 30 min. before sowing.

Soil ApplicationMix 2.5-4 Kg Sphuranu powder or 500 ml – 1 lit liquid formulation in 100Kg of well decomposed farm yard manure. Blend the mixture well and broad cast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.

Seedling ApplicationTake 500 gm of powder Sphuranu or 200 ml liquid Sphuranu in 10 lit water and mix properly, then dip the roots (titled material) in this solution for 30 min before sowing in the field.

Drip IrrigationDilute 5kgs/0.5-1liter of Sphuranu in 100 litrs of chemicals free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a neat cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.

Recommended crops:

Wheat, Jowar, Maize, Paddy, Cotton, Arhar, Soybean, Gram and other Pulses, Groundnut, Potato, Tomato, Chilies and other vegetables, Grapes, Mango, Orange, Banana, Papaya, Sugarcane and all other crops etc.

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