What specifically does the GRE test? On the verbal side, the GRE tests vocabulary, primarily in context, and a whole lot of reading comprehension. The three distinct question types on the verbal portion are Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence and Reading Comprehension. On the math side, the GRE tests basic math concepts up through algebra I and geometry. The most commonly tested topics include basic algebra, geometry, averages, ratios, number properties, exponents and square roots, and numeric problem solving. There are also two essays. One tests your ability to formulate a convincing argument based upon a topic you select from two choices. The other will give you the argument and you have to evaluate it. Of course, ETS likes to claim that the GRE tests skills that you will need to be successful in graduate school, but really all it tests is your ability to take the GRE. Fortunately, that can be learned and mastered. How is the GRE scored? Test-takers will get three separate scores, one for the Quantitative (the math), one for the Verbal, and one for the Analytic (the essays). Math and Verbal scores will range between 130 and 170 in one point increments. Analytic scores range between 0 and 6 in half point increments. The Revised General Test is adaptive by section. Every test taker will see at least two math sections and two verbal sections. The difficulty level of the second section of each subject is determined by the test taker's performance on the first section of each subject. If you get lots of questions right on the first section, you will get a harder second section, but access to higher scores. If you do poorly on the first section, you will get an easier second section and your scoring potential is capped at a lower range.