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The screen now boasts Quad HD Super AMOLED (2, 560 x 1, 440 resolution) technology that stretches to 500 pixels per inch. Couple this with what Samsung is calling an adaptive display - one that changes depending on the light of the place you are viewing the screen - and on paper you have the optimum viewing no matter what situation you are in. To test the quality of the screen I watched a video that was shot in UHD on the device and it was stunning. Colours were vivid and detail popped out with the clarity you would expect from a 500ppi screen. Even zooming in there were no jagged edges and playback was smooth - no judder from the demo I viewed. But the screen isn't the first thing that hits you when you get the Samsung Galaxy S4 in your hands, it's the build quality. Samsung has definitely listened about its latest line-up feeling plastic-y in the hand and has decided to give the Note 4 more of a premium finish, with a metal rim surrounding the handset, shielding the rest of the chassis like a velvet rope protecting celebs from real people in a club. I loved the way the Note 4 felt in the hand and being a regular user of the Note 3, it definitely felt different enough and lighter too, although exact weight specifications were not offered at the time of the hands on. It's obvious but the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 does come equipped with some of the features that we saw on the S5. The most notable is the heartrate monitor on the back (which also has a neat camera functionality I will explain shortly) and the back has been improved somewhat too, but is still a little too faux leather for my liking. There is a lot of similarity between the Note 3 and its successor. In my hands-on session with the device I wasn't informed of the exact size specs but any difference between the two chassis is definitely negligible - although there did seem to be a little shaved off the height of the Note 4.