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Sewage Treatment Plant
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1 Products availableWater Treatment Plant
1 Products availableFilters & Filtration Systems
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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Pressure Sand Filters, Activated Carbon Filters, Cartridge Filter, Iron Removal Filter and ULTRA filtration filter.
Our assortment of pressure sand filters finds extensive application for removing turbidity, suspended particles, color, odor and iron that are present in raw water with minimum pressure drop. We offer easy to operate pressure sand filters that give sparking clear water. The filters which are commonly used are sand and gravels or anthracite, carbon and magnetized dioxide.
These activated carbon filters are widely used to remove suspended particles, turbidity, odor, color and iron present in the raw water. These filters provide fresh water and are easy to operate. These filters are available in three series, FR, SS and MS activated carbon filter is widely used in various industries. The entire gamut is appreciated for its durability, simple installation and reliable performance. The FR series of activated carbon filters comes with fiber glass reinforced plastic (FGRP) composite vessels that are 1/3rd of the weight of carbon steel. These filters are well recognized and are certified by NSF & PED. Our range of activated carbon filter are as strong as steel and are reckoned for their excellent appearance. The filters are appreciated for the following features: High performance Composite material Thermoplastic liner of polyester Wall thickness 3.8 mm to 7.6 mm as per vessel diameter 100 % corrosion resistant Excellent bonding between inlet & PE liner Better curing at high temperature 200 mm to 1, 000 mm diameter All are top opening & dia 450 mm onwards top & bottom opening 450 mm onward flange fitting Operating Pressure: 10.5 kgf/cm2 Operating temperature: 490 C 250, 000 times cycle test from 10 psi to 150 psi.
The SS or stainless steel pressure sand filters find usage in:We offer a wide spectrum of cartridge filters that are highly acknowledged for their compactness and high porosity. The entire range is fabricated using thermally bonded polypropylene micro fibers and offer high capacity for dirt holding, low pressure loss and unremitting performance. These filters are appropriate with most chemical processes and are free of additives. These are widely used in food and beverage industries and conform as per the requirements of FDA. Its fiber construction minimizes the chances of migration of fiber and offers capacity to resist particle shedding, even under pulse conditions. The entire range is manufactured using pure polypropylene and has the ability to withstand high temperature as well as pressure. These filters are widely used for filtration of organic acids, petroleum oils, animal oils, vegetable oils, alkalies and organic solvents. Our assortment of cartridge filter finds wide application in the following areas: Filtering resins paints inks photographic emulsions waters high purity chemicals Food and beverage Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.
Technical SpecificationsThese iron removal filters are widely used to eliminate turbidity, suspended particles, color, odor and iron that are available in raw water. These filters are known for their easy operation and give crystal clear water. Our iron removal filters are accurately designed to fulfill our clients specific requirements. These filters purify water from sand without clogging the filter. The entire range can also be customized as specified by the clients.
We precision engineered UV Plants that are perfectly designed for filtration. By unsettling DNA ultraviolet energy causes permanent deactivation of micro-organisms so that they are no longer able to uphold metabolism or reproduce. With the most effective wavelength typically at 254nm, the maximum effectiveness occurs at between 240nm and 280nm. The wedeco spektrotherm hp lamp develops this wavelength in large quantity. All bacteria, spores, viruses and protozoa (including cryptosporidium and giardia oocysts) are permanently inactivated.