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Freezers, Refrigerators And Chillers

Our product range contains a wide range of Ice Block Maker, Ice Plant Automation, Slurry Ice Machines, Tube Ice Machine and Ice Block Making Machine

Ice Block Maker

Ice for industrial use has been traditionally made in the form of blocks of different sizes and weight. For applications where small fragmented ice is unsuitable, block ice is the best alternative. We can design and manufacture containerised block ice plant as per customer needs. Only high-quality refrigeration machinery and materials are used for manufacturing, ensuring high durability and minimum maintenance. The design of block ice plant is simple, and hence operations such as filling of the ice cans, ice-harvesting and ice-processing cans , require minimum skills.

  • The containerised design saves initial construction cost.
  • Unique design makes plant easy to operate.
  • Can be set up on site and move to another site in no time.
  • Ice Cans made of galvanised iron or Stainless Steel.
  • Environmentally Safe Ammonia.
  • Evaporative Condensers.
  • Shell & Tube Condensers.
  • Energy efficient Refrigeration Compressor.
  • Heavy-duty Construction.

Model No. No. of Cans No. of blocks (25 kgs each block) Production Capacity (per day)
B-5A 70 200 5 TONS
B-10A 120 350 9-11 TONS
B-20A 240 700 17-20 TONS
B-22A 480 1500 35-40 TONS
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Ice Plant Automation

Icelings offers complete automation solution for tube ice plant. We also offer remote Performance Monitoring System- Ice Watch.

Now you can monitor your Icelings Tube Ice plant from anywhere in the world with our customized web-based smart Ice Watch Remote performance monitoring system. IceWatch monitors the functioning of the ice plant and notifies when parameters cross set limits to facilitate corrective action.


The supplied system intelligently

  • Stop making ice once storage is full and will again resume making ice once the ice level in storage reaches preset level.
  • Required quantity of Ice will be discharged to the reaction vessel as and when process demand.
  • Complete ice plant is integrated with the master SCADA system of the plant. And seamlessly work as a part of it.
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Slurry Ice Machines

ICEFLOW uses the latest slurry ice technology to allow fishermen maintain the harvested seafood in the best quality and achieve the highest price while being competitive in todays highly quality conscious global markets. ICEFLOW is the most cost-effective solution for rapid chilling allowing Fishermen to produce their own ice using a patented on-board, self contained plant using seawater with its own self- contained diesel engine and electrical motor. Salient Features Iceflow engulfs the fish completely leaving no air pockets thereby ensuring rapid and even heat transfer.Produces Icef low @ 250 kg/hr using seawater as and when required. Iceflow is pumpable hence no need to carry ice from dock or transfer crushed ice. Iceflow is soft and has no sharp edges thereby ensuring the best A grade quality with the high export price realization. Iceflow temperature ranges between -2C and -4C ensuring rapid cooling thereby preserving the freshness. Stainless Steel 316 (foodgrade) used in all contact areas. Iceflow is compact, weighs approx. 9SOkgs and occupies minimal space.

F3-E F6-E F9-E F6-D
Compressor BOCK (R-22 or R-404Refrigerant) or as per customer requirement HGX44E HGX5830 HGX6-1080 F4
Compressor RPM 1450 1450 1450 1650
Power Requirement (HP)/Engine 16 18 32 25
Power consumption per hour Kwh 3-4 3-5 3-7 NA
No. of Evaporators 01 02 03 02
Dimensions in mm(inch)
Length 1220 1220 1220 1220
Width 610 920 1042 1042
Height 1120 1220 1220 1220
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Tube Ice Machine

Are you looking for a single Tube Ice Machine or state of the art Tube Ice PlantLeading Chemical Manufacturers, Seafood Processor, Poultry-Processing, Meat Plants are using ICELINGS Tube Ice Plant. ICELINGS is well known as a leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter of Tube Ice manufacturing plants, cooling systems and industrial refrigeration plants. We specialize in providing turnkey tube ice plants, industrial refrigeration equipment and slurry ice machines. Keeping specific customer requirements in mind, we custom design each plant. Our range is from 3.5 to over 125 tons per day ice production.

  • Chemical Industries
  • Chicken And Meat Processing
  • Seafood Processing
  • Bakeries
  • Ready Mix Concrete
  • Hospitality Sector
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Ice Block Making Machine

Ice for industrial use has been traditionally made in the form of blocks of different sizes and weight. For applications where small fragmented ice is unsuitable, block ice is the best alternative. We can design and manufacture containerised block ice plant as per customer needs. Only high-quality refrigeration machinery and materials are used for manufacturing, ensuring high durability and minimum maintenance. The design of block ice plant is simple, and hence operations such as filling of the ice cans, ice-harvesting and ice-processing cans , require minimum skills.
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Commercial Ice Maker

Tube ice provides long lasting cooling while preserving the taste of the drinks. Big Capacity Tube Ice Makers fulfils the need of the clear ice in Banquet, Restaurants, Bar, Food Service Counter and for the other usages. ICELINGS Tube Ice Machine will produce crystal clear tube shape ice of 25 x 25 mm or 35 x 35mm size. No need to install a separate nugget or flake or cube ice machines at various locations. More than 350 tube ice plants working worldwide. Customers includes, leading Seafood and Chicken Processors, Chemical Manufacturers, Ready Mix Concrete companies.

  • Harvest Tube Ice at every 20 minutes. 1 Ton Per Day plant will deliver 40 KG of Ice Per hour.
  • Compact Design.
  • Lowest Power Consumption per KG of ice, lowest production cost.
  • Water Contact Part in machine is made from Stainless Steel 304 grade.
  • One Ice machine can feed all Ice requirement. Thus reduces initial and operating cost associated with small ice makers used at various location.
  • Ice Crusher, Storage Bin, Transport Systems and Begging System offered extra
  • Refrigerant- 404a

Model P19-1F P19-2F P119-4F P119-5F
Capacity Tons Per Day 1 2 4 5
Tube Ice Size Diameter 25mm - Ice Length - 25mm Diameter 33mm - Ice Length - 35mm
Cutter Motor - HP 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50
Chilled Water Pump - HP 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00
Compressor Motor - HP 5.00 11.00 20.00 30.00
Condenser Pump - HP 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
Cooling Tower Fan 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.50
Feed Water Pump - HP 0.00 0.00 NA NA
Total - HP 7.25 13.50 24.00 35.00
Total - KW 5.41 10.07 18.00 26.00
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Tube Ice Making Process

The main part of the tube ice machine is the ice generator, a vertical shell-and-tube vessel surrounded by a water tank. Special water distributors on top of each tube control an even, spiral supply of water down the insides of the tubes. Excess water is collected in a tank beneath the ice generator and pumped back up to the tank at the top.

Tube ice is formed on the inner surface of vertical tubes and is produced in the form of small hollow cylinders of about 50 x 50 mm with a wall thickness of 10 to 12 mm. The tube ice plant arrangement is similar to a shell and tube condenser with the water on the inside of the tubes and the refrigerant (Ammonia) filling the space between the tubes. The machine is operated automatically on a time cycle and the tubes of ice are released by a hot gas defrost process. As the ice drops from the tubes a cutter chops the ice into suitable lengths, nominally 50 mm, but this is adjustable. Transport of the ice to the storage area is usually automatic, thus, as in the flake ice plant, the harvesting and storage operations require no manual effort or operator attendance.

The discharge system from the plant incorporates an ice crusher which can be adjusted to give an ice particle size to suit the customers requirement. The usual operating temperature of this type of plant is -8C to -10C. The ice will not always be sub cooled on entering the store but it is usually possible to maintain the store at -5C since the particle size and shape allow the ice to be readily broken up for discharge.

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