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  1. Water Purification Plants

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  2. Laboratory Equipments

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  3. Reverse Osmosis Water Purifiers

    1 Products available
  4. Reverse Osmosis Plant

    1 Products available
  5. Industrial Water Filters

    1 Products available
  6. Industrial Racks

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  7. Filters & Filtration Systems

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  8. Others Products 2 Products available

Our Products

Our product range contains a wide range of Softening System and Demineralisation System

Pharmaceutical Water System

Pharmaceutical water system We design Water Purification Systems to meet stringent quality requirement as per WHO Standards.
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Lab Water Purification System

Lab water purification system storage tank is then re-circulated in a closed loop to various user points with the following features.Dished ends at bottom for complete drainability and at top to avoid stagnation.
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Laboratory Water System

  • Silt Density Index Less Than 1.0 SDI
  • Turbidity Less Than 0.1 NTU
Laboratory water system high pressure sitch is provided for ultrafiltrationso as to safeguard system. As soon as discharge pressure & pressure drop is more than 15 to 20% than normal then system will give alarm & if not attained within 5 min., the system will be tripped automatically.
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RO-Edi System

Hydrocons offers Reverse Osmosis system with spirally wounded composite membrane with FRP or stainless steel RO housing for the membrane. The system is provided with proper pre treatment to ensure the safety of the RO membrane & to obtain maximum overall recovery from the system. Necessary safety interlocks are provided to safeguard the high pressure pump & the RO membranes. Hydrocons offer manual & completely automatic reverse osmosis system to meet the customer requirement.

Hydrocons offer worlds latest electrodeionisation technology to generate high purity water. EDI cell can meet stringent water quality such as USP standards. The RO permeate water having conductivity less than 20 us/cm fed to EDI cell. The ion-exchange takes place on ultra pure resin bed. These absorbed ions of resins pulls towards concentrate chambers by respective electrode, these pulled ions continuously flush in concentrate chamber with small amount of RO permeate water & finally goes to drain.

RO System with can be designed for any feed water quality. RO System with max. overall recovery of 75-80% can be designed. The semi-permeable reverse osmosis membrane has a porosity 0.001 micron. Pressure sensors are provided across the RO system so as to measure feed & reject pressure of RO system. As soon as discharge pressure & pressure drop is more than 15 to 20% than normal then system will give alarm & if not attained within 5 min., the system will be tripped automatically. The Reverse Osmosis System consist of Hot water Sanitizable, high rejection & low energy type RO membranes. The RO membrane is housed in the High Pressure FRP/ SS 316/ SS 316 L. For high purity water the pipe end connections are with TC end connection.

Continuous Electro-Deionisation systems (CEDI) for producing pure water.

Introduction :

With the advent of new technology it is now practical to deionise water without the use of cation and anion resins regenerated with acid and caustic solutions; this technology is known as Continuous Electro-Deionisation or CEDI.

The process was developed in 1980 and has since been perfected in the form of modular cells for use in high purity water systems as a polishing de-ioniser when feed with permeate from a Reverse Osmosis system, thus replacing the requirement for twin bed and mixed bed de-ionisers.Description of Continuous CEDI Cell:

CEDI systems are used as a post-treatment to reverse osmosis to further purify the permeate to produce water with a quality of 10 to 18 megohm depending on feed water quality and flow rates. The

CEDI units are modular in construction and can accommodate multiple CEDI modules.

Advantages of CEDI Cell over conventional EDI Systems

  • Does not require chemicals for regeneration
  • Compact in size
  • Produces consistent water quality
  • Economical running costs
  • Modular in construction
  • Safe process

Process Description :

CEDI system has an recovery of 95%. The 5% reject water from EDI can be feed back to the feed of RO System & hence the overall recovery of the system is 100% (approx.). CEDI consists of two chambers: the first is ion exchange chamber / frame consist of ultrapure cation & anion exchange resins, these resins are in mixed form. The second chamber is concentrate chamber. These chambers are arranged in alternate positions in EDI cell. The cation membrane & anion membrane forms the boundary of each ion exchange chamber. The cations present in the feed water are exchanged on cation exchange resins. These picked up cations push through resin towards the cathode & pass through the cation allowable membrane into the concentrate chamber. Also anions present in the feed water are exchanged on anion exchange resins. These picked up anions push through from resin towards the anode & pass through the anion allowable membrane into the concentrate chamber. All rejected ions in the concentrate chamber are continuously rinsed with a small amount of the RO Permeate water. This water having TDS not more than 25 30 ppm, can be recycle to the feed of Reverse Osmosis system. A part of permeate water when passes through the electric field of EDI cell, forms Hydrogen & Hydroxyl ions. These ions regenerate the cation & anion resins on-line.

A primary benefit of this system is continuous operation, as the ion exchange resin is regenerated continuously by electricity instead of regeneration chemicals. This approach eliminates the downtime, while reducing chemical usage and the need for waste treatment. No acid or caustic regenerate chemicals are required.

Hot water sanitizable EDI systems are also available for critical Pharma applications. Similarly EDI units with higher flow capacities and range are available for power plant applications.

The unit incorporates the following features:

  • Polished stainless steel housing and frame.
  • Integral control panel with auto dump feature.
  • Panel mounted resistivity meter with digital indication, temperature compensation and 0-10V output option.
  • Panel mounted pressure and flow metering for the system.
  • D.C. Voltage controller that can accept a 4-20mA control signal to control voltage in line with water quality.
  • The complete unit is fully assembled and ready for use simply by plumbing it directly on to the permeate water supply from a Reverse Osmosis system.
  • The complete system complies 21 CFR part 11 and backed with complete validation documents.
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Purified Water Storage & Distribution System

Hydrocons delivers latest concepts for Purified water storage & distribution system. Purified water generated from purified water generation system shall be transferred to the Purified water storage tank This Purified water from the storage tank is then re-circulated in a closed loop to various user points with the following features.

  1. The storage tank assembly consisting of
    - SS316L wetted parts, Jacketed, SS Cladded.
    - Dished ends at bottom for complete drainability and at top to avoid stagnation.
    - Spray ball located at the center nozzle (loop return) on the manhole for continuously wettingall the contact parts on the top surface of the tank including the manhole internal surfaces.
    - Sanitary nozzles for feed, re-circulation, vent, pressure gauge, level switch, spare nozzleson the top (manhole) and outlet at the bottom.
    - Surface finish of less than 0.4 Ra inside and mat finish on outside surface.
    - Sterile vent filter on the tank top.

  2. The distribution pump consisting of the following features
    - SS316 L wetted parts.
    - Mono-block/ vertical multistage, centrifugal type.
    - Casing drain sanitary Valve.

  3. Distribution loop consisting of the following features
    - SS316L, Seamless tubes, Electro-polished.
    - Internal surfaces finish less than 0.4 Ra.
    - Outside mirror polish
    - Installed at a slope of 1:100 for complete drainability.
    - Properly supported with SS304 contact parts.
    - Dead legs of not more than 3 D.
    - No hold up volume in case of shut down.
    - Normal velocity of 2.8 m/s and during peak load velocity of min 1.2 m/s shall be maintained.
    - All possible joints shall be orbital welded; remaining joints shall be sanitary tri-clamptype with silicon gaskets.

  4. Apart from the above major items, the system have the following features :
    - The complete storage and distribution system shall have provision of hot water sanitization
    - Have the necessary pressure gauges viz. at pump outlet, loop return and compoundpressure gauge on tank top
    - Conductivity controllers in loop supply.
    - Differential pressure sensors & transmitters are provided in loop system.
    - Temperature sensors in tank bottom & loop return.
    - Level controller on tank for pump controlling and feed control.
    - Sanitary UV Unit to control microbial load.
    - Flow transmitters in loop return to monitor flow rate / velocity.
    - Auto Dumping valve in loop supply for high conductivity.
    - Auto Back Pressure Valve in loop return to regulate pressure and flow.
    - The complete system shall be controlled by PLC based control panel with dataloggingfacility.
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Softening System

Hydrocons softener is a upflow / downflow unit operating on the principal of ion exchange. The softener is charged with strong acid cation exchange resin in sodium form. These resins exchanges sodium with hardness causing calcium & magnesium ions present in the raw water. In this process the water at the outlet of softener gets softened. The softened water will have hardness less than 5 ppm (commercially zero). The softeners are custom designed to handle various range of flowrates & hardness level in raw water.

Most and least tolerable chemical impurities in water are the hardness producing ions, calcium and magnesium in different concentrations and they are responsible for the hard scale that deposits and builds up in boiler tubes, pipe lines, condensers jackets, circulating system, cooking utensils and other equipment contracted by hot water. Hydrocons Softener is used primarily to produce Zero soft water by strong acid cation exchanger, which removes calcium and magnesium ions. The Hydrocons series of water softeners are designed for counter current regeneration with up flow rate and co-current regeneration with down flow rate. softeners are designed for longer operating cycles, low regeneration cost. The systems incorporate the proven technique of counter and co-counter currant regeneration flow rate to economically to suit the demand of soft water for medium scale industries and commercial use.


  • Boiler & Cooling water feed.
  • Process water for chemical & textile.
  • Hospital / Hostels / Homes / Commercial
  • Institutional waterpower plants / Ice plant.

HYDROCONS deliver the latest concept of monosphere resin technology. The system with monosphere resins reduces capital cost, operating cost & reduces effluent generation cost. The manual & automatic operational softening systems can be provided.

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Filtration System

Hydrocons pressure quartz filter is a latest concept in the field of filtration technology to generate water free from suspended solid (TDS < 5 ppm). The suspended solids are trapped by using fine pure graded silex quartz as the filter media. The filter media is designed to handle incoming suspended solids upto 50 ppm. The filter is provided with manual & automatic backwash facility. The modules can be design for 1.0 m/hr to 400.0 m/hr capacity.

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Demineralisation System

Hydrocons Demineralisation system is essentially used to produce demineralized water by removing dissolved ions from water by ion exchange process. The raw water to be demineralized or deionized is passed through 2 stages.

Demineralisation comprising of cation exchanger followed by an anion exchanger. The treated water of the outlet of the anion is less than 10 ppm. To take care of these ions which have slipped out through the mixed bed (polishing unit) consisting cations & anoin exchange resins.

The treated water at the outlet of the mixed bed unit is the purest form of demineralized water with residual dissolved less than 1 ppm & conductivity less than 1 us/cm. The system removes the carbonic acid formed due to breakdown of alkalinity by cation exchange.

The system can be incorporated between cation exchanger & anoin exchanger unit to reduce the ionic load on the anion exchanger.

This will reduce the operating cost of the system. Hydrocons Demineralisation system systems are custom designed systems so as to optimize the capital cost & minimize the operating cost of the system.

Hydrocons delivers the latest concept of monosphere resin technology. The Demineralisation system with monosphere resin generates conductivity less than 1 us/cm without mixed bed. This reduces operating cost & down time.
The manual & automatic operational Demineralisation systems can be provided.

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Drinking Water RO System

We design Water Purification Systems to meet stringent quality requirement as per WHO Standards

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Ultrafiltration System

  • Component PM100
  • Colloidal Silica 99.0%
  • Colloidal Iron 99.0%
  • Colloidal Aluminum 99.0%
  • Suspended Solids Virtually all SS
  • Turbidity Less Than 0.1 NTU
  • Silt Density Index Less Than 1.0 SDI
  • Giardia 5 LRV
  • Crytosporidium 5 LRV
  • Bacteria 5 LRV
  • Total Organic Carbon Avg.30%

The feed water will be fed to ultrafiltrationat 2.0 kg/cm pressure with help of pump.

The ultrafiltrationmembrane is hollow fiber. The ultrafiltrationwill reduce SDI, load of organics, load of microorganisms & colloidal silica.

The feed water will be fed to ultrafiltrationthrough 5 micron Cartridge Filter to trap the suspended solids. This will avoid chocking of ultrafiltrationmembranes due to suspended solids. The high pressure sitch is provided for ultrafiltrationso as to safeguard system. As soon as discharge pressure & pressure drop is more than 15 to 20% than normal then system will give alarm & if not attained within 5 min., the system will be tripped automatically.

The ultrafiltrationsystem is also used in pharma industry for high purity water generation. Thus the wide application are being discovered for ultrafiltrationsystem and ultrafiltrationwas validated system byUSFDA authority.

Hot water sanitizable ultrafiltrationsystems are also available for critical Pharma applications. Similarly ultrafiltrationunits with higher flow capacities and range are available for power plant applications.

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Water Purifying Equipment

Water purifying equipment from purified water generation system shall be transferred to the Purified water storage tank This Purified water from the storage tank is then re-circulated in a closed loop to various user points with the following features.
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