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CONTAINERTRUCK MONITORING SYSTEM Type: TR1030TR1039 manufactured by NUCLEONIX has been primarily designed to detect Radioactive Contamination (RaC) � Gamma Radiation, present in a moving vehicle loaded with steel scrap metal finished goods. Hence, this system finds use in steel industry, forging units more...
This Project describes a design of an effective vehicular parameter monitoring system through GSM. A GSM modem provides the communication interface. It transports device protocols transparently over the network through a serial interface. A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. more...
We are offering vehicle security monitoring system. Up to 40 ton vehicle load capacity vehicle speeds of up to 30 kmph ip based - lan connectivity 3 under ground cameras 1 license plate recognition camera 1 driver imaging camera iinspect readiinspect video software intel i7 pc with windows 7 64 bit database i more...