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With our strong distribution network, we efficiently distribute goods to the desired place. It is due to our guarantee of providing damage-free products to the clients; we are highly in demand amongst the buyers. Our packaging experts keep a stringent check on the entire packing procedure ensuring the same. more...
1. Anti-Aging Skin Care 2. Arthritis Treatment 3. Helps reduce cold & cough. 4. Its antioxidant properties make it excellent for preventing free radicle damage. 5. Increases Red Blood Cells count. 6. Helps keep blood pressure in check. 7. Helps relieving menstrual discomfort and pain. more...
We also deal in best & fresh turmeric powder, besides best quality red chilli powder. more...
Our stern examination in the raw materials and other inputs help us presenting quality assortment of products. With complete inspection on all materials, we ensure premium quality of products. Our team members inclusive of quality auditors make complete quality analysis of the product before final dispatch. F more...
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product name high thermal conductivity nylon 66 graphite granules polyamide 66 graphite engineering polymer pa66 graphite grey plastic compound materials nylon 66 is made of two monomers each containing 6 carbon atoms, hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid in particular semicrystalline polyamide 66 , thermopla more...
Rich In Taste, Pure, Non Harmful, Good For Health more...
Launched in the year 2010 in Mumbai, Aadish Impex Pvt Ltd is a well-experienced importer and exporter company that offers excellent quality Turmeric Powder from India. Our Products have nutritional and medicinal value. We are offering excellent quality turmeric powder to our prestigious clients. We are offeri more...