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Our product range contains a wide range of Cassia roxburghii, Bauhinia vahlii, Sterculia Foetida, Trachyspermum roxburghianum Flower Seed and Leucaena leucocephala

Cassia Roxburghii

Theleavesare clusters of pink, rose or orange flowers, 1560cm (5.923.6in) long, and pinnate with three to eight pairs of leaflets, each leaflet 721cm (2.88.3in) long and 49cm (1.63.5in) broad. Theflowersare produced in pendulousracemes2040cm (7.915.7in) long, each flower 47cm (1.62.8in) diameter with red to pinkish petals. Thefruitis alegume.

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Bauhinia Vahlii

Bauhinia vahlii a gigantic evergreen climber; attain a height of 10-30mt, branchlets often terminating in a pari of revolute tendrils; young branches, petioles and leaves beneath, especially along the nerves, densely rusty - or grey-velvety. Leaves very variable in size, often up to 18 inches across, as broad as long or broader, deeply cordate, 11-15 nerved, cleft through about a third of the length, sub-coriaceous, dark-green and glabrescent above, more or less downy beneath; lobes obtuse, rounded; petiole 3-6in. long, stout.Flowers white in terminal corymbs or corymbose racemes; pedicels 1-2.5in.long, slender, with a lanceolate caduceus bract at the base and a pair of small bracteoles above the middle, all densely woolly. Flowers turn yellow when old. They have 3fertile stamens and 7 staminodes. Pod is flat and woody with rusty hairs. Common in the Dehradoon and Saharanpur Forests, especially in moist localities and shady hill-slopes; also in the outer Himalayas, up to 3, 000ft.

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Sterculia Foetida

Sterculia foetida is a large, straight, deciduous tree growing to 40 m in height and 3 m in girth, with the branches arranged in whorls and spreading horizontally. The bark is smooth and grey. Leaves crowded at the ends of branchlets, digitate, with 7-9 leaflets; leaflets elliptical or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, 10-17 cm long, shortly petioluled, with unpleasant smell; petiole 12.5-23 cm long. Flowers in many panicles, subterminal, 10-15 cm long; rather large, green or dull purple; unisexual, with male and female flowers on separate trees; calyx dull, orange coloured, deeply 5-partite; lobes 1-1.3 cm long. Follicles scarlet, 7.6-9 x 5 cm, very stout, ultimately woody; seeds 10-15, slatecoloured, ellipsoid, oblong, 1.5-1.8 cm with rudimentary yellow aril. The generic name is based on the Latin word stercus, meaning manure, which refers to the smell of the flowers and leaves of some species. The malodorous nature of the tree is emphasized in the species name, foetida, meaning stinking.

In India, new leaves appear in March-April, just after flowering. The flowers, which have a foetid smell, appear in March when the tree is leafless. Fruits ripen the following February, nearly 11 months after the 1st appearance of the flowers. S. foetida is dioecious.

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Trachyspermum Roxburghianum Flower Seed

Trachyspermum roxburghianum a much-branched annual, up height cultivated almost throughout India, chiefly in gardens. Roots fusiform; leaves bipinnately divided, ultimate segmentsof the lower leaves rather broad, of the upper narrowly linear-lanceolate; flowers in terminal or axillary, compound umbels, white or greenish white, small; fruits ovoid, aromatic cremocarps, 1.5 - 3.0mm. long prominently ribbed, yellow to yellowish green when ripe.This species very closely resembles and is probably a cultivated form of T. stictocarpum (C. B. Clarke) Wolff syn. Carum stictocarpum C. B. Clarke, which is found wild from the lower Himalayas to South India.

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Leucaena Leucocephala

Leucaena leucocephala deep rooted high yielding perennial tree, withstands repeated defoliation, can be managed at any height. Green yield 50-60 MT/ha/Yr.

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Canavalia Gladiata Flower Seed

Canavalia gladiata a large, annual climber, widely cultivated nearly throughout the East, attain a height of6feet. It has not been found so far in a wild state in India, but it is supposed to have originated, probably from C. virosa Wight & Arn., a wild climber extending from W. Africa to Philippines (Piper & Dunn, Kew Bull., 1922, 134). It exhibits some variations under cultivation, particularly in the length of pods and number of seeds (Haines, III, 278). It is grown mostly near houses and hedges of fields and left to trail on walls and trees.

It is generally twining in habit, but semi-erect varieties are known. It grows vigorously and bears large white or pinkish flowers and large sword shaped pods, 8-12 in. long and 1.0 - 1.5in broad. The pods are more curved and have more strongly developed ridges than those of C. ensiformis. The seeds are rose or pink in colour, but occasionally greyish or white. They are strongly compressed and have a hilum nearly as long as the seed. The fruits are eaten as a vegetable in Africa and Asia. It is also grown as ornamental plant. Propagation is done from seeds.

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Lolium Perenne Grass Seed

Lolium perenne is a perennial grass with tufted stems, up to 90cm high, found in western Tibet at c. 4500m. Leaves flat, hairless, pointed or blunt, up to 30cm long and 1.25cm broad; spikes straight with spikelets stalkless; grain glabrous tightly enclosed in the hardened lemma and palea.This grass has been introduced into Simla, Sikkim, Shillong, Nilgiri and Palni hills. It is considered worthy of trial in the lower foothills, valleys and highlands of S. India and also in such places as Kangra valley in Punjab, where grassing is deficient. It responds well to cultivation and manuring, and can be grown in mixture with clover and other grass species. It withstands cuttings and grazing, and yields an excellent fodder for horses, cattle and sheep.

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Stylosanthes Hamata Flower Seed

Stylosanthes hamataShort spreading and busy in appearance. Green colour of leaves, growing to a height of maximum 1 ft., profusely branching.

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Toona Ciliata

Australian Red Cedar (called also Toona ciliata, Suren or Indian Mahogany), Toona ciliatais a forest tree in the family Meliaceae which grows throughout southern Asia from Afghanistan to Papua New Guinea and Australia. In Australia its natural habitat is now extensively cleared subtropical rainforests of New South Wales and Queensland. The Australian population was formerly treated as distinct species under the name T. australis. The species can grow to around 60m (45mt.) in height and its trunk can reach 3m in girth. The largest recorded T. ciliata tree in Australia grew near Nulla Nulla Creek, west of Kempsey, New South Wales and was felled in 1883. The southern most limit of natural distribution is on basaltic soils, growing west of the Princes Highway near the village of Turmeil, south of Ulladulla, southern Illawarra, NSW. It also naturally occurs at Norfolk Island.

It is one of Australia's few native deciduous trees. The timber is red in colour, easy to work and very highly valued. It was used extensively for furniture, wood panelling and construction, including shipbuilding, and was referred to as "Red Gold" by Australian settlers. Heavily and unsustainably exploited in the 19th Century and early 20th Century, almost all the large trees have been cut out and the species is essentially commercially extinct. However, the timber is relatively fast growing and following on from a wave of tree cutting in the 1950s, regrowth and timber from forestry sources currently provides trees up to 1 metre in diameter for the furniture trade in Australia and timber is not difficult to source. Timber is currently also harvested in New Guinea. Although it is not generally a viable plantation species, trees are regularly harvested by Forestry in the Atherton region of Queensland. It grows best in an environment with high light levels, however in the relative darkness of the rainforest understory, it is less susceptible to attack by the Cedar Tip Moth.

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Gliricidia Sepium Tree Seed

Gliricidia sepium small or medium-sized tree with a short bole, introduced into India primarily as a shade tree in plantations. Leaves large, imparipinnate, with 7-15 leaflets, bright green above and pale below; flowers purplish leaves are shed; pods linear; 4-8 in. long, compressed, containing 10 or more seeds.

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Sesbania Grandiflora

Sesbania grandiflora a short-lived, quick-growing, soft-wooded tree, 15mt. High and 0.6m in girth it is a natice of Malaysia and is grown in many parts of India such as Punjab, Delhi, Bengal, Assam and the Andamans. Leaves 15-30cm long, abruptly pinnate; leaflets 41-61, linear-oblong, glabrous, 2.5-5.0cm x 0.5 - 1.6cm; racemes 2 - 4 flowered, short, axillary; flowers 6.0-10cm long with showy, fleshy white, pink or crimson petals; pods pendulous 30.0 - 45cm x 0.6-0.8cm, rather flat and somewhat 4-cornered, non-torulose, septate with swoolen margins and 15-50 pale coloured seeds. Agathi is grown for oranament and is valued as food and also as a good fodder. It is grown as a support for pepper and betel vines, as shade plant for coconut seedlings, and as wind-break in banana fields. Bark yields a good fibre and a gum annd various parts of agathi have medicinal value.

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Pterospermum Acerifolium

Pterospermum acerifolium An evergreen tree, up to 50-70 ft. in height and c. 25m in girth, with a clean bole up to 12m, found in the sub-Himalayan tract and outer valleys from Yamuna eastwards to West Bengal, and in Assam and Manipur, up to an altitude of c. 1, 200m extending southwards into Ramnagar hills of Biharand in western ghats of Konkan and North Kanara; it is also common in the Andamans. Bark greyish brown; leaves variable in size and shape, 25-35cm x 15-30cm entire or variously lobed, oblong, cordate or sometimes peltate; flowers large, 12-15cm in diam., axillary, solitary or in pairs, white, fragrant; capsules oblong, 5-angled, dark brown, woody; seeds winged, brown.

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Cassia Javanica

Cassia javanica, commonly known as Java cassia, is a semideciduous, fast-growing tree, growing up to a height of 25 m. The tree is native to sub-tropical Asia, and is famous for its bright crimson-pink flowers. The paripinnate leaves are made up of 12 pairs of oblong or elliptic leaflets. Cassia javanica flowers are arranged in racemes, and the pods are long and cylindrical. Cassia javanica seed pods turn black on maturity, and remain on the trees for a long time. It is mainly distributed in Malaysia, Sumatra, Indonesia, Southern China and Phillipines. Flowering season occur in April-May. Pods are same as Cassia fistula cylindrical, 45-60cm long, dark brown, rather smooth, flesh dry, not pulpy. Seeds are 70-80, flattened, smooth, shiny brown. Propagation is performed by seeds.

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Millettia Pinnata

Millettia pinnatais a species of tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, native in tropical and temperate Asia including parts of India, China, Japan, Malesia, Australia and Pacific islands. It is often known by the synonym Pongamia pinnata as it was moved to the genus Millettia only recently. Common names include Indian Beech, Pongam Oiltree, Karanj (Hindi), Honge (Kannada), Pungai (Tamil), Knuga (Telugu), Naktamla (Sanskrit).

A legume tree that grows to about 1525 meters (5080 ft) in height with a large canopy which spreads equally wide. It may be deciduous for short periods. The leaves are a soft, shiny burgundy in early summer and mature to a glossy, deep green as the season progresses. Flowering starts in general after 34 years. Cropping of pods and single almond sized seeds can occur by 46 years. Small clusters of white, purple, and pink flowers blossom on their branches throughout the year, maturing into brown seed pods.

Naturally distributed in tropical and temperate Asia, from India to Japan to Thailand to Malesia to north and north-eastern Australia to some Pacific islands; It has been propagated and distributed further around the world in humid and subtropical environments from sea-level to 1200m, although in the Himalayan foothills it is not found above 600m.[4] Withstanding temperatures slightly below 0 C (32 F) and up to about 50 C (120 F) and annual rainfall of 5002, 500 mm (20100 in), the tree grows wild on sandy and rocky soils, including oolitic limestone, and will grow in most soil types, even with its roots in salt water.

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Melilotus Indica

Melilotus indicais a fast-growing, erect shrub and a scrambling climber, which can form densethickets in a short span of time. It is an annual, although behaves as a perennial. Leaves are bright green, feathery, alternate, each leaf with about 20 pairs of small leaflets, bipinnate, sessile, opposite, lanceolate, cute, 6 - 12 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, sensitive to disturbance. The stem is four-angled, woody at the decumbent base, with re-curved thorns (3 - 6 mm long), up to 3 m in height. The inflorescence is a lustered fluffy ball, about 12 mm across, pale pink, occurs on short stalks (1 cm long) in leaf joints; the orolla is gamopetalous; there are twice as many stamens as petals. The flowering period is from ugust to February, but can vary from region to region; it flowers throughout the year in some tropical ountries. The pods are clustered, 10 - 35 mm long and 6 mm wide, linear, flat, clothed with small rickles, splitting transversely into one-seeded sections at the groves. The seeds are flat, ovate, spiny, 2 - .5 mm long and 0.6 - 1.4 mm thick, glossy and light brown. Seed production is in the range of 8, 000 - 12, 000 per m2. The weight of 1, 000 seeds is around 6 gm. Seed setting is from September to February. Roots are profusely branched and with root nodule

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Vigna Sinensis Tree Seed

Vigna sinensis a sub-erect, trailing or climbing, bushy annual, with glabrous stems, found in the warmer parts throughout India, mostly under cultivation. Leaves pinnate: leaflets 7.5-15 cm. long, ovate, flowers in recemes, white, pale violet or purple in colour with an yellow eye, turning yellow when faded; pods variable, up to 90 cm long. 10-20 seeded: seeds varying in size, shape and colour.

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Sesbania Sesban

Sesbania sesban a soft wooded, quick-growing short lived shrub, 4-8mt. high, found cultivated throughout the plains of India up to an altitude of 1200m. Leaves 7.5-15cm long paripinnate, leaflets 8-20 pairs, linear-oblong, glabrous, entire, mucronate to acuminate, 6.0-25.0mm x 2.5-6.0mm, flowers yellow or yellow spotted red to purple or with standard petals coloured purple or brown form outside, in 8-10 flowered, lax, axillary racemes, 2.5-14.0cm long; pods 12.5-22.5cm x 0.25-0.37cm; pendulous, weak, distinctly torulose, twisted, sharply beaked, 20-30 seeded and sepate.

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Duranta Erecta Tree Seed

Duranta erecta is an evergreen, variable shrub or small tree, up to 1-3mt. in height, with drooping branches usually armed with spines. The branches are 4 - angled, with oval or ovate-elliptic leaves, smooth textured, bright green or variegated in colour, and 1.5 to 8 cm long. Flowers appear nearly throughout the year and are borne in profusion in panicles or loose racemes, light blue, blue-violet, lavender, purple in colour. The berries are glossy, orange-coloured and globose. The bark is light gray, becoming rough and fissured when old. The yellow or yellow-orange fleshy fruits are ellipsoidal with five lobes and grow in hanging clusters. This plant requires acidic soil for better growth. This plant can be propagated by dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets), From leaf cuttings, From woody stem cuttings, From softwood cuttings, From semi-hardwood cuttings, From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse, seed can also direct sow after last frost.

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Lagerstroemia Indica

Lagerstroemia indica is a handsome deciduous shrub or a small tree, native of China, commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India for its beautiful flowers. Though usually a shrub under cultivation, it is reported to attain a height of 15m. in Assam forests, where it is possibly wild. Bark smooth, ashy or nearly white, peeling off in thin pieces; leaves elliptic or obovate; flowers in terminal panicles, white, rose or mauve; capsules globose; seeds winged.

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Cedrus Deodara

In an average mature forest, attain a height of 40-50ft., trees from 8 to 12 ft. in girth predominate, while far larger trees, occasionally reaching up to 250 ft. in height and 45ft. in girth, are also found. There are very few ornamental tree trees in the world, which can be compared to Cedrus deodara even when the most beautiful of those of its own family are taken into account. In IUCN red list it is the Least concern variety. The leaves are spirally arranged, simple, entire, needle-like, parellal venation, evergreen. Flowering occurs in spring. It can tolerate high pH. It is highly drought tolerant.

Cedrus deodara is a native of north-western Himalayas, and is found between the altitudes of 4, 000-10, 000ft. Cedrus deodara seeds are obtained from its cone, which is 3-6 inches long and brown in color. The seeds are sown in moist soil and seedlings require regular watering.

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Trachyspermum Ammi

Trachyspermum ammi an erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent, branced annual, up to 0.4-0.6mt. tall, cultivated almost throughout India. Stands straight; leaves rather distant, 2 - 3 - pinnately divided, segments linear, ultimate segments 1.0 - 2.5cm long; flowers in terminal or seemingly - lateral pedunculate, compound umbles, white, small; fruits ovoid, muricate, aromatic cremocarps, 2-3mm long, greyish brown; mericarps compressed, with distinct ridges and tubercular surface, 1 - seeded.

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Dichanthium Annulatum Grass

Dichanthium annulatum a perennial, densely tufted grass, with erect clums up to 3ft. high; inflorescence of subdigitately arranged recemes, usually 3 but often more. Perennial tussock, sometimes stoloniferous, with culms geniculately ascending, foliage to 80 cm and fertile tillers to about 1 m (rarely 1.8 m); pronounced annulus of radiating, 3-5 mm long white hairs on the nodes; leaf blade linear, to about 30 cm long and 2-7 mm wide, margins sparsely pubescent and scaberulous. Inflorescence a sub-digitate panicle, comprising 2-9 (-15) pale green or purplish racemes, each 3-7 cm long; geniculate, twisted awn 8-25 mm long arising from the upper lemma of the sessile spikelet. Caryopsis oblong to obovate, dorsally compressed, ca. 2 mm long (1.9 million/kg), although seed weight (sessile + pedicellate spikelet ) about 500, 000/kg. Surface rooted, >90% of roots in top 1 m soil. The grass is common throughout the plains and hills of India up to 5, 000 ft. It is often found in hedges, road sides, lawns and pasture grounds, andd thrives in sheltered situations on well-drained soils.

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Cenchrus Setigerus Grass Seed

Cenchrus setigerus a perennial tufted grass is common in the arid regions of north - west India, Madras and Rajasthan. The plant stem is erect, attain a height of 60cm. leaf blades are linear, 15-30cm long. Its spikelets are 3-4.5 mm long. It is native to Africa and Asia. It flowers in shortening days.The plant is used in control of soil-erosion. It is very drought and frost tolerant. This species is yielded as high as 11, 400 lb. of green fodder per acre in one cutting under rain - fed conditions. It prefers light textured sandy soil, it can tolerate salty soil.

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Cupressus Macrocarpa

Cupressus macrocarpa, an evergreen coniferous tree, is narrowly conical to columnar and spiky topped when young, while becoming very wide spreading with age. The tree reaches a height of 25-40 meters in 10 to 20 years, the bark diameter is generally 1, 5 to 2.5 meters but normally attains aheight of 70-90ft. The tree has a shallowly ridged bark with pointed, dark to bright green lemon scented leaves borne in erect or spreading, plume-like sprays, oppositely arranged, simple, entire, evergreen and less than 2inches. Flowers are yellow in colour. Flowering occurs in spring. Fruit is round in shape and around 1-5inch in size. Cupressus macrocarpa seed cones are grayish white in color, oblongoid in shape, and contain 4-6 pairs of scales. Cupressus macrocarpa seeds are about 5-6 mm dark brown, non-spherical seeds. Cupressus macrocarpa generally observes a serotinous behavior and seeds are generally released in response to wildfires. It is moderately drought tolerant. It can also propagated by semi-hardwood cuttings.

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Pinus Patula

Pinus Patula round to broadly spreading tree with scaly, reddish brown bark, pale - green - brown, glaucous shoots. This plant attains a height of 50mt. Slender, pendent, shiny, lightgreen leaves, 15-30cm long, brone in trees, rarely four or fives. Stalkless is long conical, yellow to chestnut-brown female cones, 6-10cm long. The flowers are monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and are pollinated by Wind.The plant is not self-fertile. This plant prefers light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought. A tan or green dye is obtained from the needles. The needles contain a substance called terpene, this is released when rain washes over the needles and it has a negative effect on the germination of some plants, including wheat.

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Cupressus Cashmeriana

Cupressus cashmeriana, an evergreen coniferous tree with a conical outline, is native to the northeastern Himalayas. The tree is generally used as an ornamental tree across the globe and grows to a height of about 9-12mt. The trunk grows to approximately 3 m in diameter, and the needle-shaped leaves are 3 to 8 millimeter long. Cupressus cashmeriana seed cones are oval and turn dark brown at maturity to release the seeds after a 24 month long pollination cycle. Cupressus cashmeriana seeds are first scarified by soaking in water for 24 hrs, followed by cold stratification for one month. The seeds are sown about 1.16 inches deep in a mulched seed bed. It is highly drought tolerant. According to IUCN category it is estimated as near threatened variety. It is native to India and Burma.

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Polyalthia Longifolia

Polyalthia longifolia is a tall, handsome, evergreen tree with astraight trunk, condidered to be a native of the drier parts of Ceylon, very commonly cultivated all over India, in gardens and avenues. Bark smooth, greyish brown, thick; leaves glossy green, lanceolate with undulate margins; flowers in fascicles, yellowish green; fruit a cluster of small ovoid, purple, I-seeded carpels. There are also forms of this tree with markedly drooping branches. The tree grows well in moist and warm localities. Propagation is through direct sowing of seeds at site or planting 2-year old seedlings raised in pots or baskets. The seeds retain their viability for one season only and should be sown in August. It has been recommended for growing in tall hedges. It is reported to be subject to die-back disease caused by a species of Phomopsis. A number of defoliating larvae and a few other insect pests have also been recorded.

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Ulex Europaeus

Ulex europaeus a spiny , 5ft. tall, introduced in to India from England and Europe, and naturalized at the higher altitudes of the Nilgiris, Palni and Kodaikanal hills of South India; it is also cultivated in the Simla hills as a winter-fodder. Branches striped, sometimes modified in to subulate throns; leaves simply, scaly, ending in a spinescent point; flowers yellow, fragrant, solitary or impairs in the axils crowded at the ends of branchlets; pods oblong, dark brown, turgid, few seeded. It is nowgrowing wild in India over large areas in the Nilgiris, frequenting the roadsides and borders of cultivated fields.

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Jasminum Arborescens

Jasminum arborescens large sub-erect or climbing shrub with hairy branchlets, distributed along the sub-Himalayan tract and outer ranges up to an altitude of 4000 ft and in Bengal, chota Nagpur, orissa, and hills of Ganjam, Visakhapatnam and Bellary. Leaves simple, opposite, shortly acuminate, often tomentose on both surfaces; cymes with 12 - 20 flowers, not dense; flowers white and very fragrant; carpels single, ellipsoid, black. This species is common in sal and miscellaneous forests throughout the sub-Himalayan tract and alsont he rocky hillsides and nalas in Chota Nagpur.

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Manilkara Hexandra Tree Seed

Manilkara hexandra A small to medium-sized evergreen tree with a spreading crown and straight massive bole, found in central India and the Deccan Peninsula; it is cultivated throughout the greater part of India for ornament and also for the sweet edible fruit. Bark dark grey, deeply furrowed; leaves elliptic-obvate or oblong, coriaceous; flowers solitary or in fascicles, white or pale yellow; berry ovoid or ellipsoid, c. 1.5 - 2.0 cm. long, reddish yellow; seed 1, rarely 2, ovoid, 1.0 - 1.5 cm. long, reddish brown, shining.

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Coix Lacryma-jobi

Job's Tears(Coix lacryma-jobi), Coixseed, Tear Grass, adlay, oradlai, is a tall grain-bearingtropicalplant of the family Poaceae (grass family), attain a height of 1-2mt. native to Southeast Asia but elsewhere cultivated in gardens as an annual. Stem is erect, with brace roots from the lower nodes. Inflorecense prolific. Seeds yellow, purple, white or brown. The grass is monoecious with separate male and female flowers. There are soft-shelled forms for eating and hard-shelled ones for ornamentation. It is native to tropical Asia. It is not tolerant to drought. The seed is sown 5cm. deep and covered. It has been naturalized in the southern United States and the New World tropics. In its native environment it is grown in higher areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Vyjanti beads is also commonly, but misleadingly, sold asChinese pearl barleyin Asian supermarkets, despite the fact thatC. lacryma-jobiare not of the same genus as barley (Hordeum vulgare).

There are two main varieties of the species. Wild typeCoix lacryma-jobivar.stenocarpaand var.moniliferhas hard shelled pseudocarps which are very hard, pearly white, oval structures used as beads for making rosaries, necklaces, and other objects. Cultivated typeCoix harvested as a cereal crop, has soft shell, and is used medicinally in parts of Asia.

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Panicum Maximum Grass Seed

Panicum (panicgrass) is a large genus of about 450 species of grasses native throughout the tropical regions of the world, with a few species extending into the northern temperate zone. They are often large, annual or perennial grasses, growing to 13 m tall.

A tufted perennial, often with a shortly creeping rhizome, variable 60-200 cm high, leaf-blades up to 35 mm wide tapering to fine point; panicle 12- 40 cm long, open spikelets 3-3.5 mm long, obtuse, mostly purple red, glumes unequal, the lower one being one-third to one-fourth as long as the spikelet, lower floret usually male. Upper floret (seed) distinctly transversely wrinkled.

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Bauhinia Alba

Bauhinia alba is a sensational orchid tree that shows off masses of white flowers winter through spring, then some more in the summer as well.

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Cymbopogon Martinii

Cymbopogon martinii a tall perennial sweet-scented grass, 5- 8 ft. high, occurring in the drier localities of India, from Kashmir through Punjab hills to Almora, Garhwal and Singhbhum and extending from C.P. to Rajputana, Bombay and south India. Two varieties are known, Motia and Sofia, which are morphologically indistinguishable. It is stated that experienced farmers can distinguish them in the field both by their appearance and scent. The two varieties have different habits and grow under different ecological conditions. The motia variety is not gregarious and it occurs in patches 1 - 2ft. apart. It grows in open forests or clearings on dry sunny slopes. The sofia variety, on the other hand is gregarious and covers considerable area. It grows in lower altitudes and valleys, in shady nullas, and dense moist areas with poor drainage.

It has fragrant leaves, long slender stems and terminal flowering tops. It is a drought hardy grass attaining a height of 1.5 to 2.5m having hairy and fibrous shallow root system with long linear lanceolate leaves. It produces large fawn coloured inflorescence containing while, hairy star like spiked flowers. It is native to India.

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Colvillea Racemosa

Colville's Glory is a beautiful, large tree from Madagascar with large pinnate leaves and very conspicuous cylindrical or cone shaped clusters of bright orange flowers that are bright red in bud. This tree leaves are soft, rich green and sway easily in the breeze. Colvilles glory tree in full sun and deep, rich, acid to neutral soil with good drainage. Though not overly tolerant of drought, it copes with lower water levels by shedding foliage and can become fully deciduous in subtropical areas with cool, dry winters. New leaves will not emerge until weather is warmer and water available again.

This outrageously beautiful flowering tree is tall and open and best nestled among other shorter, more rounded and dense trees. It look perfect planted among a mixed grove of palms and shade trees or as a specimen in a large public park or open landscape.

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Arachis Hypogea

Thepeanutleavesareopposite, pinnatewith four leaflets(two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet); each leaflet is 1 to 7cm long and 1 to 3cm across.

Theflowersare a typical pea flower in shape, 2 to 4cm across, yellow with reddish veining.

Peanuts, which are high in protein and vitamin B and E, as well as magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus, are eaten raw or boiled and roasted (and often salted) as a snack.

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