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Pathology Laboratory Equipment
2 Products availableSurgical Needles & Scissors
2 Products availableBlades
1 Products availableMirrors, Glassware & Glass Artware
1 Products availableStorage Drums, Tanks & Containers
1 Products availablePVC, PP & Plastic Products
1 Products availableSurgical Needle
1 Products availableLaboratory Equipments
1 Products availableHMDsuniquelydesignedEvacuated(Vacuum)tubesystemshelpsmakethevenepunctureproceduressimplerbyallowingbloodtobecollecteddirectlyintothetube.Theproductsareapartofaclosedsystemunlikeotheropensystemswhichinvolvecollectionofbloodintoasyringeandthentransferringthemintotesttubes.
Vaku-8 evacuated tube system, the blood is collected directly into the tube during the venipuncture procedure and is a closed system. With the syringe method, the blood from the syringe must be transferred into test tubes after collection and is an open system
The safety box is designed for safe disposal of medical sharps and needles which may otherwise result in injuries. The safety box is one of the most innovatively designed products by HMD healthcare and is a highly sought after medical consumable.
The name hypodermic is a medical term that refers to anything which is related to just below the skin. Hypodermic syringes have a hollow needle attached to a syringe which helps pierce the skin and inject substances into the bloodstream. However, they can also be used to extract blood and other fluids from the body.
The R&D team at HMD poured a huge amount of time and resources in designing these surgical blades before perfecting the grinding and honing process, as a result of which the cutting edges are consistently sharp and of the highest possible standard.
Blood collection and single use needles serve distinct purposes. Designed to offer maximum protection and are ground on high-precision machines and assembled and packed on totally automated machines with vision camera quality controls for enabling superior sharpness to ensure injections with minimal pain.
Safety infusion sets are moulded from nontoxic, medical-grade PVC compound ensuring minimal pain. The safety infusion sets include components such as Luer Adaptors which are made of nontoxic, medical-grade polyvinyl chloride compatible with any injectable medication.
IV Cannulasare placed inside a vein to provide venous access. Venous access allows sampling of blood, as well as administration of fluids, medications, parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy, and blood products
HMDBloodcollectionsets(BCS)havebeentestedanddesignedkeepingprecisioninmind.Itsuniquesafetyshieldaccessesdifficultveinsforbloodsamplingbyutilizingthewingstocontrolneedleplacementensuringminimumtrauma.Theproductsfeatureinstantflashbackthatenablesquickveinlocation;thereby, ensuringminimalpaintothepatients.
Vaku-8 & Vaku-8+ Safety Blood Collection Set with safety shield for accessing difficult veins for blood sampling by utilizing the wings to control needle placement. The wings ensure no trauma due to rolling of needle and minimizes the chances of vein perforation. Distal vein wall puncture aside from causing patient discomfort due to repeated pricks can result in increased chances of Phlebitis and other related problems.
A non latex rubber sheath envelops the needle of the multiple sample adaptor, automatically retracting as the needle penetrates the vacuum tube stopper, and upon withdrawal recovers the needle.