Our Products
Herbal Tablets & Capsules
2 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Cross Addiction Herbal Powder, Shatavari Churna, Ashwagandha Churna, Giloy Churna and Trikatu Churna.
Cross Addiction powder is an ayurvedic solution for any kind of drug addiction be it alcohol, ciggerate, drugs tobacco etc. Cross addiction is 100 % safe herbal product that help addicts to quit any harmful substances addiction. According to the cancer research institute people who abuse substances such as drugs, smoking, alcohol, and tobacco are 30% more vulenrable to life taking deseases. E.g, Cigarette smoking can lead to lung cancer, lever cirrhosis is mainly casued my ALCOHOLISM, Drugs can lead to brain damage, and Tobaaco cause mouth cancer. Cross Addiction is 100% safe guaranteed result oriented with no side effects treatment for addicts to these substances.
Each 10 gms Powder:
It helps in toning and nourishing female reproductive organs. It is used in males to treat sexual debility. Also effective in stomach ulcers, hyperacidity and diarrhea.It helps in toning and nourishing female reproductive organs. It is used in males to treat sexual debility.
Ashwagandha Churna helps to get rid of stress, provides greater vitality and longevity. It nourishes overall bodily tissues.
Helps to get rid of stress, provides greater vitality and longevity.
Each 5 gm of churna contains:
Giloy Churna is useful in Fever, Jaundice, Skin diseases, Gout, Piles and Rejuvenator. It also reduces blood sugars.
It is useful in digestion and increases appetite. It is good for liver, spleen and pancreas. Also good for respiratory system.
Saunth, Pippal, Kali mirch.
Jamun Guthli Churnais useful in treating Diabetes and lowers blood sugar levels. It is useful in treating Diabetes and lowers blood sugar levels.
Each 5 gram of churna contains: Jamun Churna 5 grams.