Yellow 140 mm + 3.8mm ring tag, Solderable terminal 6 mm length. 19.8mm DIA x 32mm L, Bajaj 150 cc three wheele front engine. Bajaj M 50 motorcycle. Bajaj M 80 motorcycle (old). Under the "ElCiAr" brand we are currently manufacture plastic film capacitors, IGBT and snubber capacitors. We are continually investing in R&D, innovating rigourously to develop new markets.
El-Ci-Ar MKP - 71 capacitors are unmatched in terms of size, weight, performance and reliability for A C applications. MKP - 71 series of capacitors are specifically designed for POWER ELECTRONICS applications, where the voltage waveform is non-sinusoida! and higher frequency currents are present but peak currents are lower. The MKP-71 capacitors are oil filled which makes heat dissipation more efficient and ensures a long life. MKP-71 capacitors display "self healing property" by which the capacitor has an open circuit mode of failure. This ensures safe operation. Dielectric :Polypropylene film.Dissipation Factor (tan d) :
Our film capacitors use oil impregnation technology which is a homegrown technology and perfected for mass manufacture. Our film capacitors have a lot of advantages over metallized capacitors which have been listed below. 1) Higher dvdt rating, higher peak current capacity, higher insulation resistance over metallized capacitors. 2) Oil impregnation of film capacitors acts as a coolant at higher temperatures and prevents breakdown. 3) Mode of failure in film capacitors is in short circuit mode versus open circuit mode for metallized capacitors