Our Products
Herbal Tablets & Capsules
1 Products availableGastrointestinal Drug
1 Products available
The HISHIMO PHARMACEUTICALS was born 21 years back in 1982. We started manufacturing high quality disposable medical aids like I.V., S.V., B.D., B.T. sets etc. In 1984 we visualized that herbal drugs are the in-thing and they have a very bright future. So we started conceiving the drugs, which will have better potential in time to come. We started developing the formula and experimenting with them.
Our motto is to follow old Ayurvedic scriptures, formulate products and produce them in large-scale with the help of modern technology.
In 1992 with six unique researched products we launched ourselves in the world of Ayurved. Today we have a big range of 24 products all are very unique and are of exclusive type.
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