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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Shiny Ball Organic Manure Organic Fertilizer, Phosphate Solublising Fungi, Organic Manure Organic Fertilizer, Azospirillum Bio Fertilizer and City Compost Organic Fertilizer

Shiny Ball Organic Manure Organic Fertilizer

Amino Humic Shiny Balls are used to improve soil structure. It is specially made round granules for soil application. It is combination of Amino Acid, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, Potash, etc. Research and study shows that this product can increase crop yield by 10-20% can be used in any crops.


Key Aids

  • Mainly used for soil application
  • growth promoting
  • root developing


Recommended Crops

Any Field Crops and/or Horticultural Crops Vegetables.

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Phosphate Solublising Fungi

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Box
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name HBT
  • Application industrial
  • Purity 100%
  • Type Phosphate-solubilizing fungi
  • Classification Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are beneficial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phos
  • CAS No. 0000000
  • Other Names PSB
  • Working Pressure 100% result
  • fungus fungus

A biofungicide is made up of beneficial fungi and bacteria that colonize and assail plant pathogens, thereby thwarting the diseases they cause. These microorganisms are commonly and naturally found in soil, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fungicides. Biofungicides attack and feed on the harmful pathogen. Biofungicide has to be in the rhizosphere either before or at the same time as the pathogen. Predation by the biofungicide will not affect the harmful pathogen if introduces after it has infected the roots.


Recommended Crops-:

Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Cotton, Capsicum, Chilies, Cauliflower, Brinjal, Tomato, Potato, Onion, Peas, Beans, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee and Fruits crop- Apple, Citrus, Grape , Pomegranate , Banana etc.







Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, D/A, D/P, T/T,

Packaging Details : Box

Delivery Time : 2 days

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Organic Manure Organic Fertilizer

Organic manure is nutrient derived from organic sources like animal waste, vegetable compost, agricultural residues, human excreta, etc. Basically they are natural materials that decay and get mixed with the soil thereby increasing its fertility. The main idea behind providing organic manure is to break down the complex inorganic nutritional supplements into simpler organic ones that can be easily absorbed and assimilated by the plants. Manures having a low nutrient content have residual effect for a longer period of time. It also improves the quality of the soil. Some of the major manure sources are

  • Human waste like urine, night soil, sludge, sewage, slurry and other organic town refuse.
  • Cattle waste like urine, dung, slurry from biogas plants.
  • Agricultural wastes like crop residue, trash, stubble, twigs, dry leaves, etc.
  • Slaughterhouse wastes like blood meal, bone-meal, meat meal, fish waste, horn meal and hoof meal.
  • Water tank wastes like silt, weeds, water hyacinths, etc.
  • Agro-based industrial wastes like bagasse, oil cakes, corn cobs, press mud, wheat straw, fruit and vegetable processing wastes, wheat bran, mushroom compost, etc.
  • Poultry wastes like droppings, extra feed, etc.
  • Besides these kitchen waste can be used to make organic manure for gardening.



  • Gardening : Vegetable, Roof top, herbs, Flowering Plants (Floriculture), Natural Lawn and Garden care.
  • Organic Landscaping and Agricultural Farms.
  • Fruit trees (Horticulture).
  • Tissue culture Plants.
  • Sericulture.
  • All crops



  • Enables efficient growth.
  • Increases moisture retention.
  • Promotes microbial activity.
  • Controls pest & diseases.



As per the requirement according to the crops

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Azospirillum Bio Fertilizer

Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops

CFU : 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 2 – and broadcast 4 kgs / acre with the soil / FYM / vermi-compost after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture at the last ploughing.


Seed Treatment

  • Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
  • Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes): Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.


Mode of Action

Azospirullam brasilense produces growth promoting substances like auxins, gibberellins which promotes the root proliferation; root branching and rootlet density thus results in increased uptake of minerals and water from the soil.


Recommended Crops

Cereal crops like Paddy, millets, Sugarcane, oilseeds, fiber crops.


Key Aids

  • Azospirullam Increases the N-fixation and uptake of nutrients.
  • It stimulates the plant growth and results in higher yields.
  • Imparts resistance against drought.



Both Powder and Liquid form

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City Compost Organic Fertilizer

Compost is a unique product composed f organic manure which includes animal waste plant waste , vegetables and fruit waste that has been decomposed in a process called composting .it is a farm yard manure used for all crops.


Our Product increase crop Production and yield, improves soil health, fertility, structure, creates favorable conditions for healthier plant growth & development and reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and water. Our product is extremely useful for all types of crops, fruits and vegetables. It provides humus, organic matter, microorganisms, major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus , Potassium, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium etc



  • Gardening : Vegetable, Roof top, herbs, Flowering Plants (Floriculture), Natural Lawn and Garden care.
  • Organic Landscaping and Agricultural Farms
  • Fruit trees (Horticulture)
  • Tissue culture Plants
  • Sericulture
  • All crops



  • Enables efficient growth.
  • Increases moisture retention.
  • Promotes microbial activity.
  • Controls pest & diseases.
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Azotobacter Bio Fertilizer

Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops

CFU: 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 4 kgs / acre with the soil / Farm Yard Manure (FYM) / vermin-compost after 2 or 3 days Maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.


Seed Treatment

Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.


Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes) :

Dissolve 1 kg of Azotobacter in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone.


Mode of Action

Azotobacter chrococcum produces enzymes like Nitrogenase, hydrogenase , these will help to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium/nitrates which can be uptake by plants, thus it fixes the nitrogen in the rhizospear. Azotobactor also synthesizes the some of the biologically active substances such as phytohormones there by stimulate the plant growth.


Recommended Crops

Cereal crops such as paddy, jowar, cotton, millets, oilseeds, plantation crops, vegetables, and all other non-leguminous crops.


Key Aids

  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Anti-Fungal Properties:
  • Acts upon the various plant pathogenic fungi
  • Increases Crop Yields



In both Powder and Liquid, granule form

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Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Bio Fertilizer

CFU: 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM /vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.


Seed Treatment

Mix 2 -2.5 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.


Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes)

Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.


Mode of Action

Seputida Secrets Organic acids and some enzymes which converts the insoluble phosphate into soluble form which can be easily uptake by plants.


Recommended Crops

Cereals (Paddy, wheat, maize, barley), Pulses (Soybean, greengram, chickpea, bengalgram, redgram), Oilseeds (sunflower, groundnut, mustard, coconut, soybean), cotton, jute, vegetables, fruit and plantation.


Key Aids

  • Phosphorous solublization and mobilization,
  • Stimulates plant growth,
  • Rreduces the use of phosphatic based fertilizer upto 20-30 %, and
  • Increases the tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses,
  • Results in higher yields.
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Potash Mobilizing Bacteria Bio Fertilizer

CFU: 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 4 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.


Seed Treatment

Mix 2 -2.5 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.


Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes)

Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.


Mode of Action

Produces organic bacillus circulans acid and enzymes that helps to solubilize the insoluble potassium in to soluble form and make it available by plants.


Recommended Crops

All crops


Key Aids

  • It improves the mobilization of Potassium and photosynthates.
  • Better crop growth and development.
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Carrier Based Consortia Bio Fertilizer

CARRIER BASED CONSORTIA NPK is a Powder/LIQUID/GRANULE microbial formulation containing free living nitrogen fixing phosphate solubilizing and potash mobilizing bacteria . It fixes free atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize phosphorus and mobilize potassium into available form for all crops. Bio NPK enhance percentage of seed germination and better seedling vigour.


Recommended Crops

All crops (Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Sugarcane, Grapes, Pomegranate, Apple, Citrus, Cotton, Ground nut, Banana, Tea, Coffee and Coconut etc.)


Seed Treatment

250 ml content of the bottle is sufficient enough to treat the seeds required for one acre area. Mix the inoculate with seeds gently with the minimum amount of water taking care to avoid damage seed coat. Dry the inoculated seed under shade over clean surface gunny bag and sow them immediately.


Root/Bulb/Seedling Treatment

for one acre sowing make solution of 250- 500 ml inoculate in 25-30 Ltr portable (ordinary) water. Plant root/Seedlings/bulbs are dipped for 30 minutes in culture solution and immediately sow in cold weather time.


Soil Treatment

1-2 ltr of Bio NPK inoculate/acre mix with 50 kg FYM/compost organic fertilizer or as per farmers practice and evenly broadcast at the time of last ploughing before first irrigation and irrigate the soil immediately.


Drip Irrigation System

1-2 ltrs inoculate to be mixed with 200 ltrs of water and then injected into drip irrigation system and uniformly irrigate one acre area.



  • Helps to uptake nutrients from the soil
  • Ensures early seed-germination, improves crop-growth and vigor
  • Reduces the use of inorganic fertilizer (N, P, K) requirement by 25%
  • Enhances the yield by 10 to 20% for different types of crops
  • Best suited for all economically important field crops
  • Ubiquitous in nature and of great importance to humans


Method of Application

  • Mix 3ml/gm of Grow Consortia with 5ml jiggery solution to treat 1kg of seeds.
  • Mix well to achieve a uniform coating.
  • Dry under shade for 30 minutes.
  • Sow within 24 hours.
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Gypsum Organic Fertilizer

Gypsum is a common mineral obtained from surface and underground deposits. It can be a valuable source of both calcium (Ca) and sulfur (S) for plants and can benefit certain soil properties under specific conditions.


Agricultural gypsum generally consists of CaSO4·2H2O (dihydrate). Under geological conditions of high temperature and pressure, gypsum is converted to anhydrite (CaSO4with no water).


Byproduct gypsum comes from fossil-fuel power stations where S is scrubbed from exhaust gas. Gypsum is also a byproduct from processing phosphate rock into phosphoric acid. Gypsum from recycled wallboard is finely ground and applied to soil as fertilizer.


Agricultural use : Farmers typically add gypsum (sometimes called land plaster) to soils either to nourish plants or modify and improve soil properties. Gypsum is somewhat soluble in water, but more than 100 times more soluble than limestone in neutral pH soils. When applied to soil, its solubility depends on several factors, including particle size, soil moisture and soil properties. Gypsum dissolves in water to release Ca2+ and SO42 –, with no significant direct impact on soil pH. In contrast, limestone will neutralize acidity in low-pH soils.

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Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria Bio Fertilizer

CFU: 5 x 107/ g


Dosage & Method of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 4 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.


Seed Treatment

Mix the inoculants uniformly with the seeds gently with the minimum amount of water taking care to avoid damage to seed coat. Dry the inoculated seeds under shade over clean paper or gunny bag and sow immediately.


Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes)

Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.


Mode of Action

Pseudomonas aeruginosa oxidizes and produces organic acid which helps to solublize the unsoluble zinc In to soluble form and makes it available to the plants.


Recommended Crops

Jowar, Bajra, Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Oilseeds (sunflower, groundnut, mustard, coconut, and soybean) Vegetables, Grass, Fruit trees and Ornamental plants.


Key Aids

  • Mobilization and fixation of Zn.
  • Recovers alkaline oils into soil.
  • Results in higher yields.
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Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer

Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops

CFU : 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 4 kgs / acre with the soil / Farm Yard Manure (FYM) / vermin-compost after 2 or 3 days Maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.


Seed Treatment

  • Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
  • Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes): Dissolve 1 kg of Azotobacter in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Soil Drenching

Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone.


Mode of Action

ACETOBACTER ACETI produces enzymes like Nitrogenase, hydrogenase , these will help to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium/nitrates which can be uptake by plants, thus it fixes the nitrogen in the rhizospear. Azotobactor also synthesizes the some of the biologically active substances such as phytohormones there by stimulate the plant growth.


Recommended Crops

Cereal crops such as Sugarcane, pineapple, sweet potato, beetroot , banana, coffee, tea, wheat, maize, vegetables, and all other leguminous crops.


Key Aids

  • Nitrogen fixation.
  • Anti- fungal properties: acts upon the various plant pathogenic fungi.
  • Increases crop yields.



In both Powder and Liquid , granule form

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Mycorrhiza Bio Fertilizer

A symbiotic network of fungal fibers aids in the root elongation for better water and nutrient absorption for healthy growth of the plants.



Granular formulation

Broadcasting at 4 kgs / acre alone or mix with other organic or chemical fertilizers, irrigation should be provided within 24 hrs of application.


Powder Formulation

Apply powder @ 100-150 gm/acre through Fertigation, drenching, Or Seedling treatment @ 10 gms / lit of water.


Mode of application

Soil, seed treatment, seedling dip.


Recommended Crops

All crops except cruciferous plants (e.g. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprout, radish, turnips etc).


Key Aids

  • Balanced crop growth.
  • Better nutrient mobilization.
  • Healthier root system for better nutrient uptake.
  • Significant Water and Fertilizer use efficiency.
  • Drought and stress resistance.
  • Improves the quality of the produce.
  • Protects from soil pathogens and diseases.
  • Compatible with other bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers.



Granular, Powder, Tablet forms

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Rhizobium Bio Fertilizer

Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops

CFU : 5 x 107/ g


Mode of Application

Soil Treatment

Mix 250 g of rhizobium in 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area.


Seed Treatment

Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.


Treatment of the seedlings

Dissolve 50 – 100 g in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.


Mode of Action

Rhizobium colonizes the plant cells within root nodules, where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds such as glutamine or ureides to the plant. The plant, in turn, provides the bacteria with organic compounds made by photosynthesis.


Recommended Crops

All crops such as Cereal crops like Paddy, Maize, millets, Sugarcane, oilseeds, cotton, vegetables, floricultural and plantation crops.


Key Aids

  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Promotes plant growth.
  • Better crop yields.



Both Powder and Liquid form


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Bio Enriched Organic Manure Organic Fertilizer

It is a unique Bio Enriched Organic manure manufactured from biodegradable organic substances, mainly of plant origin, through controlled accelerated microbial composting process. It is free from unwanted bacteria / insect eggs, unwanted plant pathogens. City Compost is manufactured as per FCO 1985 STANDARDS and subsequent amendments thereof. Our Product increase crop Production and yield, improves soil health, fertility, structure, creates favorable conditions for healthier plant growth & development and reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and water. It provides humus, organic matter, micro organisms, major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium etc., is a nitrogen fixing obligate aerobe and that bacterium can fix N-up to 15kg/ha/year. plant growth promoting species are commonly used to improve crop yield, as plant secretes the growth promoting hormones


Base- carrier based in form of moist/dry powder or granules or liquid based Viable cell count- CFU minimum 5x10' cells/g of powder/granules or carrier material or 1x10' cells/ml. of liquid.


Use For

  • Gardening : Vegetable, Roof top, herbal
  • Flowering Plants (Floriculture)
  • Natural Lawn and Garden care
  • Organic Landscaping
  • Agricultural Farms
  • Fruit trees (Horticulture)
  • Tissue culture Plants
  • Sericulture



  • Enables efficient growth.
  • Increases moisture retention.
  • Promotes microbial activity.
  • Controls pest & diseases.
  • Reduces unwanted bacteria etc.
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Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

10 - 18 /kg Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 150 Bag
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Phosphate Rich Organic Manure
  • Material PROM
  • Application Agriculture
  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Color Brown
  • State Punjab , Rajasthan , Gujarat , Himacha Pradesh , harayana
  • Purity 100%
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bag
  • Packaging Size 50kg
  • Brand Name HBT INDIA

Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate.


Phosphorus is required by all plants but is limited in soil, creating a problem in agriculture In many areas phosphorus must be added to soil for the extensive plant growth that is desired for crop production. Phosphorus was first added as a fertilizer in the form of single super phosphate (SSP) in the mid-nineteenth century, following research at Rothamsted Experimental Station in England. SSP is non-nitrogen fertiliser containing Phosphate in the form of monocalcium phosphate and Gypsum which is best suited for Alkali soils to supplement Phosphate and reduce soil alkalinity.


The world consumes around 140 million tons of high grade rock phosphate mineral today, 90% of which goes into the production of diammonium phosphate .



  • Gardening : Vegetable, Roof top, herbs, Flowering Plants (Floriculture), Natural Lawn and Garden care.
  • Organic Landscaping and Agricultural Farms.
  • Fruit trees (Horticulture).
  • Tissue culture Plants.
  • Sericulture
  • All crops



  • Enables efficient growth.
  • Increases moisture retention.
  • Promotes microbial activity.
  • Controls pest & diseases.



As per the requirement according to the crops

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, D/A, D/P, T/T, Western Union

Packaging Details : bag

Delivery Time : 2day

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