AFC-Holcroft designed (Controlled Atmosphere Aluminium Brazing) CAAB provides the most advanced and state-of-the-art technological edge for processing aluminium heat exchangers such as radiators, heater cores, condensers, evaporators, charge air and oil coolers. The combined experience of AFC-Holcrofts Therm Alliance & Holcroft Divisions and the strategic alliance with HIGHTEMP translates into immense advantages in terms of the ability to supplying the latest in non-corrosive flux brazing technology to the aluminum heat exchange market. AFC-HOLCROFT has redesigned the conventional CAAB furnaces and the patented New Design CAAB offers significant overall energy savings in normal production, with the component finish and quality as good or better than conventional CAAB processing technology. The New Design CAAB offers the following features No muffle - Easy maintenance, less downtime- No replacement cost - No flux build up below the belt, longer belt life - Lower ramp up time to operating temperatureBelt inside - Substantial savings in powerRadiant heaters - Easy maintenancereplacement, minimum downtime