The particularly gentle surface treatment of the strips in Achenbach heavy metal rolling mills, the innovations in the six-high rolling mill technology as well as rolling of copper foil, qualify Achenbach as supplier of first-class rolling mills for copper, brass, zinc and their alloys. Hot Strip Rolling Mills > Rolled thickness range from 300 mm down to 12 mm > Strip width range up to 1300 mm > Rolling speeds up to 200 mmin > Slab weights up to 16 kgmm width Cold Strip Rolling Mills > Strip thickness range from 16 mm down to 0.4 mm > Strip width range up to 1300 mm > Rolling speeds up to 500 mmin > Coil weights up to 16 kgmm strip width Thin Strip Rolling Mills > Strip thickness range from 2 mm down to 0.05 mm > Strip width range up to 850 mm > Rolling speeds up to 800 mmin > Coil weights up to 16 kgmm strip widthText Box: 2011 Hi-Tech International Wednesday, January 18, 2012