Welcome to Shantol Green (India) Pvt Ltd.
Hi-Green Carbon a division of Radhe Group of Energy, focuses on processing waste hydrocarbons and producing valuable hydrocarbons in a manner that positively impacts environment by reducing green house gas emissions. We only process carefully sorted and selected high quality crumb rubber in presence of chemical accelerators in our patented world’s first 100 ton/day continuous processing plant and produce green carbon black by thermal catalytic depolymerization process. This patented technology saves about 60 ton of carbon dioxide emission while producing 30 ton/day of High-Green Carbon Black. The carbon black produced at our facilities goes through vigorous multi stage very high temperature Mineral and Chemical infusion process followed by pelletizing and packaging. This ifusion creats very porous carbon structure that provides superior bonding properties and also the infusion enriches our carbon black with valuable and commonly added minerals in rubber formulations. This way our carbon black matches or exceeds the quality of commonly available costly prime carbon black.
Sales Executive
Rahul Chauhan
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Number of Employees
50 - 100
Annual Turnover
Rs. 5 to 25 Crore Approx.