Major IngredientsNatural Choline, Natural Biotin, Minerals & Protein etc.
AdvantagesTo maintain growth, FCR, egg production, Iivability and hatchability etc.
Dosage1 Kg. Herbo Choline mixed in, 1 Ton of Poultry Feed
Major Ingredients :
Natural Choline
Natural Biotin
Minerals & Protein
Natural Enzymes
Fat & Crude Fibre
Advantages :
To maintain growth, FCR, egg production, Iivability and hatchability
To maintain secretion of bile at optimum levels and to help prevent liver enlargement, fatty infiltration of liver and fatty liver condition.
For maintaining optimum mobilization of hepatic fat and transportation of lipids from liver to adipose tissue.
As feed supplement to provide optimum quantity of Natural Biotin & Choline required to maintain health, production and to control fatty liver syndrome.
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