We are leading name engaged as Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier and Retailer of wide range of Anti Anxiety Medicine, Ayurvedic & Herbal Powders, Ayurvedic Juice, Ayurvedic Medicines and Beverages etc...
Herbal Hills has a separate division of Bulk Herbs where all herbs are sourced from their growing area and brought to High-Tech Processing Unit, for further processing and exporting to various countries.
The major cause for temporary muscle inflammation is overuse of the muscles or continuous muscle use without proper resting. However, there can be other causes as well for chronic muscle inflammation. These include Lupus, multiple sclerosis, or other autoimmune diseases. Arthritis can also lead to muscle inflammation in many patients. Symptoms could be muscle weakness, muscle pain, difficulty swallowing, trouble climbing stairs, general tiredness and fatigue.
There are various factors that result in Alopecia (Typical Hair loss), namely diet, unforeseen consequences of voluntary hairstyling routines, family history of hair loss, any affliction from illness, and even different medications. Factors like heavy amount of stress and improper hair care can further increase the problem. The main cause of hair loss is stress, which can result from excessive work.
Libido and colloquially sex drive, is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. Sex drive is determined by biological, psychological, and social factors. Sex drive may be affected by medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle and relationship issues. A person may have a desire for sex, but not have the opportunity to act on that desire, or may on personal, moral reasons refrain from acting on the urge. Psychologically, a person's urge can be repressed or sublimated. On the other hand, a person can engage in sexual activity without an actual desire for it. Multiple factors affect human sex drive, including stress, illness, pregnancy, and others.
An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Symptoms include red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens or to medication may result in life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. Food allergies and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees are more often associated with these severe reactions. Allergy occurs when our body becomes too sensitive and gets susceptible to allergic reaction. There is no specific area in the body where allergy takes place. It can happen anywhere and is mostly caused by pollens, dust, cosmetics, animal hair, poisonous plants, serums, vaccines and drugs. At times, it can also result from over exposure to physical agents, such as heat, cold and sunlight.
Cleansing the blood is probably one of the most important aspects in the alternative health for achieving optimum wellness. It is also essential for those who suffer from allergies such as hay fever.
Acid reflux is when some of the acid content of the stomach flows up into the esophagus - into the gullet, which moves food down from the mouth. The stomach contains a strong acid, hydrochloric acid, to help with the efficient digestion of food and to protect against, for example, bacteria. It is the burning sensation that you feel in the chest and throat just after a meal. It is also known as heartburn as a result of the formation of acids in the stomach. Acid reflux occurs because the smooth muscles and hormones in the lower oesophagus sphincter, which are responsible for the opening and the closing of the oesophagus end during swallowing, weaken. As a result the lower oesophagus sphincter doesn’t close and so cannot maintain the pressure between the stomach and the oesophagus. This makes it possible for the acids to back up causing acidity and heart burn.
Ageing is one of the glaring outbursts of old age, which is very difficult to tackle with. The effects of aging can be seen in everything from our vital signs to our skin, to our bone and joints, to our cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems, and beyond. Most likely, the vast and varied changes associated with aging result from a lifetime of environmental and cultural influences, as well as genetics, diet, exercise, illness, and a host of other factors, all of which contribute to the aging process.e.
Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom. As a cancer grows, it can begin to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. This pressure causes some of the signs and symptoms of cancer. But sometimes cancer starts in places where it will not cause any signs or symptoms until it has grown quite large. A cancer may also cause symptoms like fever, extreme tiredness or weight loss.
Angina pectoris – commonly known as Angina – is chest pain often due to ischemia of the heart muscle, due in general to obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries. The main cause of angina pectoris is improper contractivity of the heart muscle and coronary artery disease, due to atherosclerosis of the arteries feeding the heart. Angina pectoris can be quite painful, but many patients with angina complain of chest discomfort rather than actual pain: the discomfort is usually described as a pressure, heaviness, tightness and squeezing, burning or choking sensation. Apart from chest discomfort, anginal pains may also be experienced in the epigastrium (upper central abdomen), back, neck area, jaw, or shoulders.
Herbal Hills offers wide range of Herbal Health Juices with different blends. All Health Juices, main base is Ayurveda, which identifies few herbs from traditional Indian Ayurveda - Science of life and introduces these herbs in their product range which are Aloevera Juice Amla Juice Wheatgrass Juice Karela-Jamun Juice Triphala Juice Weight Management Juice Noni Juice Bottle Gourd / Lauki Juice
The problem with stomach fat is that it can ruin the shape of an otherwise perfect body. Our lifestyle is such that most of us have to spend time sitting in front of the computers. With the workaholic schedules and wrong food habits (burgers, pizzas, cold coffees, ice creams), we only realize when we have already gained the flab around the waist and stomach. The added inches to the mid-section of our body doesn’t only restrict you in wearing bathing suits but also pose serious threat of being at higher risk of heart diseases, diabetes and many other grave diseases according to some researches. In addition, it is not easy to lose belly fat. It needs lots of patience and constant workout to get rid of stomach fat.
Fibroid tumor is a common abnormal mass of tissue or a benign growth, found mostly in the pelvis or the uterus. It usually forms between the ages of 35 to 45 years. A fibroid is most common in the uterus and contains smooth muscles, held together by fibrous tissue. Causes: It has been seen that women taking estrogen supplements for the lack of hormone are more likely to grow fibroids. On the other hand, many women who already have fibroids, show completely normal estrogen level in the body. This proves that estrogen can be a reason for it, but not always. In most cases, women do not even realize that they have a fibroid growing inside their body, till the time some symptoms appear. Symptoms: Very heavy menstrual bleeding and extended monthly periods, sometimes with clots. Frequent soiling events due to excessive menstrual bleeding, anemia and fatigue, caused due to excessive blood loss and low red blood count, pelvic pain or pressure and pressure on the bladder, leading to a constant need to urinate or incontinence.
Our green food formula has only organic and wild-crafted green vegetables, which makes it extremely dense in nutrients and minerals. Organic USDA Green food supplements like wheatgrass, spirulina, alfalfa etc
Alzheimer's disease causes dysfunction in the working of the brain. In the early stages, the most common symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events, known as short term memory loss. Alzheimer destroys the brain cells of a person and causes difficulty in recalling things. It affects the thinking and behaviour of a person and impinges on his/her daily routine and social life completely. The risk of getting Alzheimer's disease increases with age.
Prostate gland is found only in men and, hence, the disorder is also restricted to the males only. Prostate gland usually swells up in the disorder, causing immense pain. Many types of prostrate disorders are present in men, out of which the most common is enlargement of the prostate gland and inflammation in the prostate gland. Causes of prostate disorders: prolonged periods of sitting, exposure to cold and chill, infectious diseases, constipation and unhealthy lifestyle. Symptoms of prostate disorders: interference with the passage of urine, need to urinate frequently, pain in the lower back, hips, legs and feet and difficulty in releasing urine.
Anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behaviour, such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events, such as the feeling of imminent death. Anxiety is not the same as fear, which is a response to a real or perceived immediate threat; whereas anxiety is the expectation of future threat. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, and uneasiness, usually generalized and unfocused as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as menacing. It is often accompanied by muscular tension, restlessness, fatigue, and problems in concentration. These common factors can cause anxiety: stress at work, stress in a personal relationship such as marriage, financial stress, stress from an emotional trauma such as the death of a loved one, stress from a serious medical illness, side effect of medication, use of an illicit drug, and lack of oxygen in circumstances as diverse as high altitude sickness, emphysema or pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the vessels of the lung)
Herbal Hills has a separate division of Herbal Coffee where all herbs are sourced from their growing area and brought to High-Tech Processing Unit, for further processing and exporting to various countries.
Piles can be of various sizes and may be internal (inside the anus) or external ones (outside the anus). Typically, internal piles occur from 2 to 4cm above the opening of the anus. External piles (perianal hematoma) occur on the outside edge of the anus. The internal ones are much more common. Symptoms could be a hard lump may be felt around the anus, after going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full, bright red blood after a bowel movement and itchiness around the anus.
Herbal Hills Manufacturing Herbal & Ayurvedic Products.All cows are reared in healthy environment & fed with Organic fodder.
Diabetes is a condition when the body has high level of blood glucose and the excretion of the excess glucose in the urine. It is a chronic nutritional disorder. In this case, the body is unable to break the sugar levels and also cannot produce insulin. While the former causes excess of sugar level in the blood, the latter is concerned loss of energy. Diabetes causes hunger, weight loss, thirst, urination, dehydration. In severe cases, heart disease, hearing and vision problems are also caused.