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  1. Heat Exchangers 3 Products available
  2. Evaporators & Dryers

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  3. Heat Exchanger Parts

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  4. Separating Machines

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  5. Chemical Reactors & Process Tanks

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  6. Cooling Tower, Heat Exchanger & Parts

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  7. Others Products 1 Products available

Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Chlorination Reactor.

U Tube Bundles

We manufacture U Bend on precise machinery which minimizes minimum thinning on te outer wall of U Tubes and flattening at U bend area much lesser than permitted by international codes & standards. As per the code requirement eat treatment is carried out. U Tube type heat exchangers are normally used when temperature difference is more and linear expansion is very high.

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Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

We gained expertise in Design, Manufacturing and Testing of all kind of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers. We fabricate Stacked unit with special care so the weight of the upper unit transmitted through saddle supports only keeping all inter connecting nozzles without any external load. Gas Leak Test carried out with Helium Mass Spectrometer @ 1 x 10-7 Std. cc/sec.

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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger is made of concentric inner and outer pipe. Cold and hot liquid respectively flows in the gap of inner pipe and outer pipe and exchanges heat at the same time. U bends are used for inter connecting Inner Pipe. Structure of double pipe heat exchanger is simple and heat transmission Is large. Generally used for high Flow rate, Temperatre & Pressure conditions, and heat transfer rate is high. Double pipe HEs are generally fabricated from exotic materials like LTCS, SS & Non Ferrous.

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Finned Tube Heat Exchanger

The Finned Tube Heat Exchangers of are used for both cooling and heating of air, water and gas. We offer these in different forms including continuous spiral wound fins, G type, L type and wire wound fins. The materials used for manufacturing the tubes are aluminum, copper, SS, admirably brass, carbon steel, cupro nickel etc.

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Cyclone Separator

The gas stream enters the Cyclone Separator tangentially. This starts a cyclone action throwing the liquids to the wall of the vessel. The gas comes down to the vortex finder plate, and reverses back up to the gas outlet pipe. In the centre of the vortex finder plate is a hole connected to the top sealed section by a recycle pipe. As the gas goes out, a low pressure area is created by the cyclone effect. This low pressure area is transmitted to the sealed section by the recycle line, and has a suction effect on the gap in the outlet pipe. Any remaining liquids are pulled through this gap and returned to the lower portion of the vessel by the recycle tube. These separators will remove 99.9% of all free liquids and solids 5 microns and larger when operated under design conditions.

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Pressure Vessel

A Pressure Vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure different from the ambient pressure. These are used almost in all industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, refineries, pharmaseuticals etc.

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Rising Film Evaporator

These Evaporators operate on "thermo-siphon" principle. Feed enters the bottom of the heating tubes and as it heats, vaporizes. The ascending force of this vapor produced during the boiling causes liquid and vapors to flow upwards in parallel flow. At the same time the production of vapor increases and the product is pressed as a thin film on the walls of the tubes, and the liquid rises upwards. This co-current upward movement against gravity has the beneficial effect of creating a high degree of turbulence in the liquid. This is advantageous during evaporation of highly viscous products and products that have a tendency to foul the heating surfaces.

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Fixed Tube Sheet

We gained expertise in Design, Manufacturing and Testing of all kind of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers. Reverse Kettle Type Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger is highly efficient for boiling/evaporating any liquide with more volume. This type of the equipments are widely used in Petrochemical & Refinery, Both the end on shell side is having Tory cone 1400 x 800 x 28thk. Area 335 M2 Weight 35000 Kg.

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Evaporation Unit

Henok Engineers offers complete turnkey plant for concentrating 32% Caustic Soda Lye obtained from Membrane Cell Electrolysers to 48% strength. The system essentially consists of Double/Triple Effect Evaporators using falling Film Evaporator for high heat transfer efficiency. The system incorporates a highly energy efficient design for maximum heat recovery. All equipments are fabricated with most dependable and reliable Materials of Construction. This ensures high corrosion free materials for long trouble free life of the plant. Instrumentation employed is adequate to operate the plant safely and efficiently with not more than one operator per shift. The space occupied for the plant is also minimum. The plant can be designed for any capacity starting from 50 TPD to 500 TPD, the equipments will be manufactured by HE. HE will be happy to make an offer for your requirement of an Evaporation plant as an adjunct to your membrane cell installation.

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Chlorination Reactor

Photochlorination Reactor are unique of its kind and fabricated from non ferrous materials like Monel, Hastelloy, Cupro nickel etc. the number of nozzles in the opposite direction are concentrically fitted so Photohlorination reaction takes pace in linear direction from U V lamps.

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