Inquiry Management System

Why am I getting so few inquiries?

There may be a number of reasons why you are receiving less or no inquiries. It could be because of fewer details about your product, quality of listing, pricing, buyer preferences, keywords, etc. Another reason for not receiving inquiries could be your email-id or mobile number is not correct.

What should I do to get more relevant inquiries?

  • Work on the quality of the product listing
  • Complete the product details to 100%
  • Insert text description, tables, images, etc., to attract the buyers
  • Keep a competitive price
  • Choose a relevant product name with keywords that gets more searches
  • Upgrade your membership to increase your product visibility on different search pages

Where do I view inquiries received for my product/service on ExportersIndia.Com?

  • Go to ‘My Inquiries’ on the top navigation bar
  • From the drop-down, click on ‘Inbox’
  • You can view all the inquiries received for your product or service through buyers on ExportersIndia.Com

What is the difference between Business Inquiry, Buy Lead Inquiry, Product Inquiry, and Website Inquiry?

  • Business Inquiry: The inquiry sent by a buyer on your mini catalog or on your company page.
  • Buy Lead Inquiry: The buy leads that you have purchased and want to send any message to.
  • Product Inquiry: The inquiry sent by a buyer on the product that you have posted online.
  • Website Inquiry: The inquiry received by buyers through your company website.

How can I open the inquiry or reply to it?

To open any inquiry, you need to enter the verification code or OTP sent to your mobile phone once for every session.

Why am I unable to reply to an inquiry?

To reply to any query, you need to enter the OTP sent on your verified mobile number. If you haven’t entered the verification code, you wouldn’t be able to open any inquiry or reply to it.

Can I view all the inquiries as a Free member?

No, FREE members cannot open all the inquiry or reply them.

How many inquiries can I view as a free member?

FREE members can only view 1 inquiry per month. To view more inquiries, they need to take the paid membership.

Once I have received an inquiry, how can I view its contact details?

Once you have received an inquiry, you need to enter the verification code first and open the inquiry to view the buyer’s contact details.

Does ExportersIndia.Com keep record of my past inquiries as well?

Yes, ExportersIndia.Com keeps a complete record of all the inquiries you have received since your registration. You cannot just view the inquiries received as a paid member but even the inquiries you received when you were a free member.

Can I view year-wise inquiries?

Yes, you can view your inquiries categorized according to the year that you received them in. To do so, just click on the year whose inquiry you want to view. You can view the years under the ‘Manage Inquiries’ heading.

What actions can I take with my inquiries?

  • Reply: You can open the inquiry and reply to it.
  • Report Junk: In case the inquiry seems like a spam, you can report it to junk.
  • Trash: you can move all the useless inquiries to trash
  • Move To Folder: You can create new folders and move them to particular folders

For better management, can I categories my inquiries and move them to different folders?

Yes, ExportersIndia.Com allows its members to categorize all the inquiries and move them to folders they’ve created.

How do I create new folder to group my inquiries?

  • In the ‘Manage Inquiries’ section, go to ‘Manage Folders’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘My Inquiry Folder’ page.
  • Click on ‘Add New Folder’
  • You will see a tab with ‘New Folder’ heading appear below the list of other folders
  • Type the name of the folder you want to create in the tab and click on ‘Create’
  • Select ‘OK’ from the pop-up that appears
  • Your new folder has been successfully created

How do I move my inquiries to the folder I’ve created?

  • Select the inquiry you want to move by ticking in the checkbox provided in front of that inquiry
  • Once you have selected the inquiries you want to move, scroll your cursor to the ‘Move To’ option on top
  • From the drop-down, select the folder where you want to move the inquiry
  • Your inquiry would be successfully moved to that particular folder

How do I view the inquiries once I’ve moved them to another folder?

Once you have moved inquiries to different folders, to view them:

  • Click o ‘Manage Folders’
  • You will be redirected to the ‘My Inquiry Folder’ page
  • Select the folder whose inquiry you want to view
  • Under the ‘Total Inquiry’ section, you can view the number of inquiries you’ve moved to that folder
  • Click on the number to view the inquiries

What inquiries do I move in the ‘Junk’ folder?

The inquiries you feel are just spam should be moved to the ‘Junk’ folder.

How can I delete the irrelevant inquiries?

In case you find some irrelevant inquiries in your inbox, you can select the checkbox in front of the inquiry and click on ‘Trash’ to delete them.

How to view the inquiries sent in ‘Trash’?

  • Scroll your cursor to the ‘My Inquiries’ section
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Trash’
  • You will be redirected to the trash folder and view all the inquiries you’ve sent to trash
  • Alternatively, on your ‘Manage Inquiries’ page, click on the ‘Trash’ option to view the inquiries you’ve sent to trash.

Can I still see the message received by the buyer after deleting an inquiry?

Yes, you can still view the message received by the buyer in the ‘Trash’ folder even after deleting the inquiry.

Can I reply to a deleted inquiry?

Yes, you can reply to any deleted inquiry by going to the ‘Trash’ folder.

  • Go to the trash inquiries
  • Click on any inquiry to which you want to respond
  • Scroll down and enter your message in the reply box and click on ‘Send Reply’.

When should I reply to any buyer’s inquiry on ExportersIndia.Com?

With thousands of others selling similar products and services on ExportersIndia.Com, you are advised to respond to the buyers’ inquiries as quickly as possible to make sure he/she does not go to any other seller.

Where can I view all the sent messages?

  • Scroll your cursor to the ‘My Inquiries’ section
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Sent Box’
  • You can view a complete list of inquiries to whom you have sent any reply in the past

Why is the count of my inquiries automatically decreasing?

If a buyer who has sent you an inquiry deletes his/her profile from our portal, that inquiry would be automatically deleted from your folder; thus, decreasing the count of your inquiries.

Can I download all the inquiries in one place?

Yes, you can download all the inquiries in one place. These inquiries can be downloaded year-wise.

  • On the ‘Manage Inquiries’ page, click on the year whose inquiries you want to download
  • Click on ‘Download In Excel’ button available on the right side of that page above the inquiries count and page number
  • All your inquiries would be successfully downloaded in Excel file.