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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Schirmer Tear Test Strips, fluorescein strips and Diagnostic Strips.
Overview- Schirmer Tear Test Strips are made of Whatman No 41 filter paper. It has a calibrated scale printed on the strip, on which a color line made of fluorescent dye will co-migrate with the tear flow. An easier and more precise reading will be provided. These strips are individually wrapped and are gauged so they can be easily read.
Use It is used to measure the amount of tear production. The Schirmer test is based upon mechanical reflex stimulation of the tear production and is actually a test of reflex tear production when performed without anesthesia.
Direction- Not to apply any topical medication to the eye or perform any manipulation of the eye before performing this test. Place a dry Schirmer strip over the middle to lateral 1/3 of the lower eyelid. The patient is then instructed to look forward and blink normally. The strip is removed after 5 minutes and amount of wetting is recorded in millimeters.
Fluorescein Sodium Strip is made of filter paper impregnated with highly pure fluorescein sodium solution. Sterilized by oxirane, it is nontoxic, free of side effects and non-irritative to eye. It is safe and reliable.
Overview- Fluorescein Sodium Strip is made of filter paper impregnated with highly pure fluorescein sodium solution. Sterilized by oxirane, it is nontoxic, free of side effects and non-irritative to eye. It is safe and reliable.
Use It is the most commonly used diagnostic strip used to visualize defects or abrasions in the corneal epithelium by staining the areas of cellular loss. Also useful for evaluating hard contact lens fitting & applanation tonometry.
Direction- Moisten the tip of strip (the side with fluorescein sodium) by 1 or 2 drops of sterile water or sterile ophthalmic solution; touch the fornix or conjunctiva gently by the wet tip. For optimal results, the patient should blink several times after application.
Size- Each strip includes 1 mg fluorescein sodium. 1 strip / pouch, 100 pouches/box.