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2 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Herbal Syrup, Hamdard Naunehal Gripe, Mosquito Cream, Antiseptic Cream and Balm.
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is an idiopathic acquired disorder of skin, which causes pigmentary disfigurement mostly in dark skinned individuals. Taking into the consideration of this disease, scientist of Defence Agriculture Research laboratory (DARL) has developed Lukoskin, a patented and proprietary herbal formulation meant to treat Leucoderma or Safed Daag. Lukoskin is a comprehensive, effective and competively safe Ayurvedic treatment for Safed Daag.
Overview of major actions of Lukoskin:Skin Photo-sensitizerStimulates Melanin synthesisAnti-blisterAnti-irritationImproves auto-immune systemChecks secondary infections
Herb HighlightsAmmi majus : The seed contains furanocoumarins (including bergapten), which stimulate pigment production in skin that is exposed to bright sunlight.Psoralea corylifolia: Skin Photo sensitizer Babachi botanically known as Psoralea corylifolia grows as weed. Since generations, it is in use as folk medicine in India.Calotropis gigantia This large shrub, which looks like a small tree, sports clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in color.Aloe vera- It is stem less or has a short stemmed plant which can produce up to a height of about 80 cm to 100 cm that spreads for root sprouts and balancing.Centella asiatica -The whole plant is alterative, cardio-depressant, hypotensive, weakly sedative and tonic.Benefits:Activates Melanin SynthesisExerts PhotosensitisationEnhances Blister HealingModulates ImmunityReduce StressRegulates MetabolismDual Therapy of LukoskinOral liquid and ointment together provide a comprehensive and effective treatment for Leucoderma (Safed Daag).Lukoskin Oral Liquid
DosageAdults : 1 to 2 ml. Or 20 to 40 drops diluted in a cup of water twice or thrice a day.Children : 1/s ml. Or 10 to 20 drops diluted in a cup of water twice or thrice a day.
Dose of syrup is dependent on age of child.For child of age up to 6 months: 1/2 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.For child of age 6 months to 1 year: 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily.For child of age 1 year and above: 2 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily.
with Natural Citronella and Aloevera
Dabur Advanced Odomos Naturals Mosquito Repellent Cream is Recommended by Indian Medical Association. Protects you from Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya.
Gives protection from Aedes, Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes. For kids playing outdoors, it offers complete protection.
Has a pleasant fragrance. Doesnt cause allergy when applied on skin.
Soothing effect on skin due to the presence of natural Aloe Vera.
Mosquitoes detect us by the smell our bodies emit. Advanced Odomos Naturals Cream has a proprietary formula that masks this smell and forms a layer around our body so that the mosquitoes cannot detect our presence, thus protecting us from their bites.
Instructions for use of Dabur Advanced Odomos Naturals Mosquito Repellent Cream :
For best results, apply the cream uniformly over the exposed skin. Do not apply to eyes, lips and mouth. Do not apply over cuts and wounds.
How to use Boroline Antiseptic Cream:
Gentle massage of Maha Strong Pain Balm on forehead is the instant remedy for headache. It kicks out your pain in no time.
Amrutanjan Maha Strong Pain BalmAyurvedic Proprietary MedicineKick Out Pain
Gentle massage of Maha Strong Pain Balm on forehead is the instant remedy for headache. It kicks out your pain in no time.
Indications for use of Amrutanjan Maha Strong Pain Balm :
Directions for use of Amrutanjan Maha Strong Pain Balm :
Amycordial Syrup is used for the treatment of Menstrual Problems, Inflammation, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dropsy, Arthritis and other conditions.
Amycordial Syrup contains Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Azadirachta Indica, Dashmoola, Leptadenia Reticulata, Saraca Indica, Symplocos Racemosa, and Tagetes Erecta as active ingredients.
Amycordial Syrup works by affecting the cholesterol synthesis; calming the brain, reducing swelling, lowering blood pressure and altering the immune system; lowering the level of blood glucose in diabetic patients; reducing the blood lipid levels in hyperlipidemia; showing effective use in treatment of genital herpes and psoriasis; supporting healthy reproductive system in women; works as an antioxidant, antibacterial, vasodilator and galactogogue; treating inflammatory conditions; activating through opioid receptors; stimulating the cell-mediated immune mechanisms to elicit an enhanced response to subsequent mitogenic or antigenic challenge; lowering blood sugar level; inhibiting the mucus depletion and mast cell degranulation; stimulating cell-mediated immune reaction; retarding the growth and development of asexual and sexual stages of drug sensitive and resistant strains of the human malarial parasite and etc.