Our Products
Cement And Concrete
2 Products availableBody Fillers
2 Products availablePrimer Paint
2 Products availableMortar
2 Products availableWall Putty
2 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Non Metallic Floor Hardener, Cement Based Tile Joint Filler and Rapidest Cement Concrete Hardener.
HAWKS FLOOR HARD NM is pre-mixed emery based dryshake floor hardener which contains graded high qualityEmery/quarts aggregates, Portland cement, and special additives.The emery/quarts aggregate used has excellent hardness andis chemically inert. This resists polishing and provides a non-supskid-resistant surface even in wet conditions. Being non-metallic, itwill not rust.
TILEBOND-TG is a rich blend of powder polymers & viscosity modifiers, water-proofing additives & white cement with Hiquality pigments provides excellent bonding to tiles for interior orexterior application including swimming pools.
Product Benefits
RAPIDSET is a most effective and dependable concrete hardener of an excellent quick-setting and Rapid hardening agent and of a thoroughly satisfactory waterproofing admixture. Besides this unique and remarkable compound offers other advantages as well.
RAPIDSET has been tested and approved by various Central andState Government laboratories. In addition, numerous laboratory tests and field trials have been carried out by the authorities of various important projects, in order to determine the efficiency of this compound. The results of each test and trial in respect of RAPIDSET have been uniformly impressive and consistent throughout. As a result, this compound is now being extensively used at various important projects throughout India.