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Herbal, Ayurvedic Oils & Cosmetics
2 Products availableTea
2 Products availableHerbal Products
1 Products availableBody Powder
1 Products availableHair Shampoo
1 Products availableAloe Vera Gel
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1 Products availableLip Cosmetics
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Vigor Vitality Prash, Fezinil Capsule, HT-NIL Capsule, Hard Rock Capsule and Herbo Diabecon Capsule.
Diabokil Teacontains a herbal blend used by traditional folk medicine to mitigate the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. The effects of its agents have been confirmed by modern medicine.
Diabokil Teais a potent dietary supplement and an excellent remedy for management of Diabetes. This tea: Normalizes blood sugar levels. It is a good source of antioxidants Helps to overcome the run-down feeling in diabetics.
Dosage :Two cups daily before food or as directed by the physician.
Vigor Vitality Prashis a natural remedy for male infertility of any etiology. It promotes spermatogenesis by correcting the functions of testicle, seminal vesicle and epididymis. It increases sperm count, sperm quality and sperm motility. It increases libido and sexual desire. Vigor Vitality Prash makes men more powerful from inside specially the sex organ both length wise & strength wise.it checks on following these major causes to improve sexual performance in men.
Benefits of Vigor Vitality Prash :WithFezinil Capsule, it is now possible for women to enjoy sexual vitality boosting unlike before where only the men enjoyed this. A womans sexual desires naturally vacillate or changes, It May be because of Obesity or Anorexia, Alcohol and drug abuse, pain during intercourse, Imbalanced Hormone. This medicine is specifically made for women and helps in the improvement of sexual interest and also satisfaction. This is means that women reach their climax easily and actually get to enjoy their sexual lives better than it was before.
Fezinil Capsule Are :If you are having problems with your blood pressure, then you needHT-Nil Capsules.This is a capsule that contains herbs that has seen many people reduce their blood pressure within a very short time. This medication not only go for the constricted blood vessels but also plays a huge role in helping your heart pump blood better than before.
Benefits :Hard Rock Capsuleis a medicine used in many ways to improve a mans sexual related issues. This could be erectile dysfunction, penile size and even to strengthen erections. This medicine is made from various herbs from around the world that assist in all these factors. The results to using this medicine are very satisfying. You not only get a a larger penis but also last longer during sex.
Benefits of Hard Rock Capsule :Herbo Diabecon Capsuleis a unique herbal compound and doesnt have any side effects nor does it interact with any other herbs or allopathic drugs.Herbo Diabecon Capsuleis useful to control and cure diabetes naturally.Herbo Diabecon Capsuleworks on every-one without any restriction on the level of the disease, whatever may be the history, beginning, one year, five year, ten year or any longer period, it works, works and works. But the effect of medicine and total duration of treatment will differs from person to person.
INDICATIONS :It is very useful in Pirmah, diabetes.
Premature ejaculation, functional impotency and sexual debility. Increase male libido naturally and safely With Herbal Medicine.Extream-X Plus Capsuleis the best sexual enhancement product which increase Male sex power. It helps to increase sex stamina naturally for all ages . If you are suffering from premature ejaculation and impotence, Extream-X Plus Capsuleis the best prescription.
Indicated for :
Alcohol addictionis a very common problem in our culture today. But the use ofAnto-Bacus Capsulefor alcohol addiction is making a difference in people living with alcohol addiction. UsingAnto-Bacus Capsulefor alcohol addiction does work. In fact some considerAnto-Bacus Capsuleproved a miracle drug.Alcoholism carries many serious dangers. Heavy drinking can increase the risk of certain cancers. It can cause damage to the liver, brain and other organs. It can cause birth defects. It increases the risk of death from car crashes and other injuries as well as the risk of homicide and suicide.
Benefits of Anto-Bacus Capsule :Rishi Swarn Bhasamcontains electromagnetic frequency and wave patterns that raises the vibrations of the natural energy fields and chakra centers of the body.The Discovery ofRishi Swarn Bhasamis significant and profound. Also known as white gold powder, it is here to assist those who are attracted to it in their transformation process and spiritual path.
Reported Benefits from Gold Ash Powder :
Penis enlargement patchMugahl-e-Azam is a male enhancement penis patchthat is an all natural herbal dermal patch containing a variety of herbs known for promotingmale sexual desireand performance. Men who have size or performance issues or even a lack of desire can benefit from using ourMugahl-e-Azam Patch.
Mugahl-e-Azam Patch Benefits :By usingMugahl-e-Azam Patch male enhancement penis patchyou should experience an increase in sexual desire, an improvement in your size and performance, as well as increased energy and pleasure during sexual activity. You can expect to enjoy many of the following benefits:
Aloe Vera E+ Gelis a natural cleaning and disinfecting gel from the aloe Vera plant. It relieves itching, burns, insect bites, scrapes, sunburn and redness. Cooling and moisturizingAloe Vera E+ Gelis recommended after removing facial and body hair and for preventing diaper rash in babies.
Aloe Vera E+ Gel Benefit :
Cold & Flu Syrupis an optimally balanced combination of carefully selected Herbs to exert potent anti tussive, expectorant and decongestant actions.Cold & Flu Syrupby virtue of their well-balanced composition and synergistic action provides strong and prompt relief of all the major symptoms incough, cold and flu.
Indication :Natural vitamins herb (has vitamin C) for immunity booster and givesamla benefitsto a great extent as it isused in amla oil, amla juice and amla Gel.It is mainly used in loosening weight to become slim, lowering cholesterol levels, and for food absorption. As it contains Vitamin C, it is beneficial to heart patients.
Benefits :Headache Relief Teahas the rich taste and aroma of premium grade tea, unlike most herbal teas which have an unpleasant taste. The naturally existing health benefits of the tea have been further enriched with a unique blend of herbal extracts, which act as a nerviness tonic and help to relieve headaches caused due to sinusitis, lack of sleep, fatigue, and stress due to work or study-load.
We offerBlood Purifier Capsule.It is an anti fungal, anti bacterial & anti septic medicine. It helps the human body to earn more resistant power to prevent allergic diseases, especially for skin allergy. Beneficial in breast abscess, boils, allergic rhinitis and blood diseases. Allergic and chronic disorders of skin characterized by pruritus of known as well as unknown Etiology, effectively functioning against ring worm, pus, scabies and itching, glandular swellings and skin affections are checked, It acts as a primary remedy for protecting skin from bacterial infection.
Cold Plus Lozengesare beneficial in both productive and dry cough. The peripheral antitussive action of these lozenges reduce the bronchial mucosal irritation. The lozenges anti-inflammatory activity reduces inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, especially in the pharynx and larynx. In addition, the anti-allergic, antimicrobial and immune-resistance building properties provide relief from cough of varied etiology.
Indications :Temporarily relieves cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation due to: colds, inhaled irritants.
This shampooleaves your hair soft, shiny and manageable. We have solutions for dandruff prone hair as well for dehydrated, damaged, dry or oily hair. WithHerbo Shampooyou get a maximum of caring for your hair. Our Shampoos leave your hair soft, shiny, manageable and long.Herbo Shampoomanufacturers offer this solution for dandruff prone hair as well for dehydrated, damaged, dry or oily hair.
Benefits of herbal shampoo :Hashmi Herbal Lipstickis enriched with peppermint for fresh breath. Added herbs like Aloe Vera, Wax and Vitamin E to improve the lips surface and combat aging to reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Prevents the lips from drying or cracking, providing the natural humectants needed for a healthy look. Enriched with peppermint for fresh breath.
Improves lips surface and combats agingReduces appearance of fine linesCreamy rich coverage