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Dietary Supplements
2 Products availableHerbal Juice
1 Products availableBeverages
1 Products availableHerbal Tablets
1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Chandraprabha Tablets, Har Piles Mukta Capsules, Mahasudarshan Churan, Supari Pak and Rasnadi Guggul Tablets
Chandraprabha vati helps in managing menstrual problems like pain, cramps etc due to its antispasmodic property. It relaxes the muscles and relieves spasm and cramps in the abdomen. It also helps to reduce pain associated with menstruation due to its analgesic activity
Indication: Useful in piles disease
Dosage: Twice capsule with water before meal a day or as directed by the physician
Storage: Store in cool and dry place
Each Capsule Contains of:
Mahasudarshan Churna (MC) is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine that is employed in fever (especially chronic type), cold and malaria, improvement of digestion and appetite, removes toxins from the blood, boosts immunity and protects against common bacterial infections
Supari Pak is one of the top ayurvedic medicines for leucorrhoea which is a trusted herbal preparation formulated using various medicinal plants, to treat a variety of problems related to female reproductive system as recommended by ayurved in India.
this formula helps with conditions due to excess vata. It reduces heat and discomfort caused by excessive vata which lead to other conditions in Ayurveda. It helps relieve joint associated discomfort and arthritis. it relieves all types of joint pains as it acts as an analgesic and is anti-inflammatory.
Musli Pak is one formula to improve physical strength, provide nourishment to the entire body and boost sexual health. It is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. Musli Pak is a jam made from the best complete body rejuvenators and aphrodisiacs in Ayurveda.
We are top suppliers of Chyawanprash ayurvedic products.Ingredients:Chyawanprash Is An Ayurvedic Medicine & Dietary Supplement useful in general deability, chronic cough etc
Dose:5 to 10 gm per day or as directed by the physician
Each 10gm contains of:
We are top suppliers of Chyawanprash ayurvedic products.Ingredients:Chyawanprash Is An Ayurvedic Medicine & Dietary Supplement useful in general deability, chronic cough etc
Dose:5 to 10 gm per day or as directed by the physician
Each 10gm contains of:
Singhnad Guggulu has following main benefits: Improve digestion and minimizing further production of toxins and rheumatic symptoms. Has claming and soothing effects. Has anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties.