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Operating Principle:- In Heatless Dryers, two vessels filled with desiccant is provided which cycle automatically, producing dry air continuously. In these units, wet air enters the bottom of one Vessel and passes upwards through the desiccant bed where the moisture is adsorbed. The clean dry air comes out fr more...
Our desiccant dryers adsorb moisture from the air stream and onto a desiccant material in a reversible process. They produce low dew points (up to -70 degree Celsius). They are a good choice when processes require extremely dry air in industries like pharma, paint, biotech more...
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Heatless Air Dryers Operating principle In Heatless Dryers, two vessels filled with desiccant are provided, which cycle automatically, producing Dry air continuously. In these units, wet air enters the bottom of one vessel and passes upwards through the desiccant bed where the moisture is adsorbed. The dry ai more...
The basic theory of operation compressed Air enters to the Air to Air heat exchanger, where it is pre cooled by outgoing cold dry air. Highly effective pre cooler reduces the temperature considerably, and enables to use smaller & economical refrigeration system. Then the pre cooled, relatively low tempera more...
Product Description BEI - Easy Installation, Less Maintenance , Environment Friendly , Environment Friendly, Inlet temperature 40°C degree , Dew point 2°C – 3°C degree Usage Application In: Pneumatic Tools, Manufacturing Processes, Painting And Finishing, Laboratory And Scientific Applicatio more...
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