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We offer the best product range of Digital Dimmers Control Unit and LED Stage Lighting Instruments.

Parabolic Aluminized Reflector Light

Parabolic aluminized reflector light is a type of electric lamp that is widely used in commercial, residential, and transportation illumination. Usage includes locomotive headlamps, aircraft landing lights, and residential and commercial recessed lights ("cans" in the United States). They are identical in principle to sealed beam automobile headlights. This article covers only their use in stage lighting. The lamps and their fixtures are widely used in theatre, concerts and motion pictureproduction when a substantial amount of flat lighting is required for a scene.
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Digital Dimmers Control Unit

The MADigital Dimmerswith their high power microcontrollers with time-processing-units do not only provide digital adjusting of the ignition timing of the phase control. All data and stored cues are filed in the EPROM. The operating system can be updated by the simply changing this EPROM. DMX control with single channel or sequence patch, value hold or memory function of dimmer outputs in case of DMX loss and Master/Slave ganging of additional dimmerpacks are only a few more highlights of these remarkable products.

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LED Follow Spot Light

AFollowSpot, sometimes known as a spot light, is a powerful stage lighting instrument which projects a bright beam of light onto a performance space. Followspots are controlled by a spotlight operator who follows actors around the stage. Followspots are most commonly used in concerts, musicals and large scale presentations where highlighting a specific, mobile, individual is critical. Followspots are usually located in the overhead catwalks. In some theatres, they can also be found in the control booth or purpose built "spot booths" in addition to the catwalk.

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Haze Machines Haze Generators

Haze Machines, or haze generators (commonly referred to as hazers), are effects machines similar to fog machines, designed to produce an unobtrusive, homogeneous clouds suspended in the air intended primarily to make light beams visible or create a subtle diffusion. Properties Unlike theatrical fog, which is typically intended to be dense and/or opaque, haze is generally very light and subtle. These properties allows a venue to be filled with haze prior to or during an event without creating an overtly distracting cloud. Haze typically has a substantially longer persistence ("hang time") than conventional theatrical fog.

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Laser Lighting Display System

ALaser Lightingdisplay or laser light show involves the use of laser light to entertain an audience. A laser light show may consist only of projected laser beams set to music, or may accompany another form of entertainment, typically a dance concert or other musical performance. Laser light is useful in entertainment because the coherent nature of laser light allows a narrow beam to be produced, which allows the use of optical scanning to draw patterns or images on walls, ceilings or other surfaces including theatrical smoke and fog without refocusing for the differences in distance, as is common with video projection.

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LED Palco Lighting

AsLed Palcois all the aesthetic, mechanical and applicative features of Palco 3, Palco 5 has the added advantage of being able to offer twice the luminous power, when necessary. In fact, Palco 5 has been fitted with a new model of very powerful LED (the k 2), thanks to which, compared to the other SGM LED LINE models, it is able to ensure remarkable luminosity with decidedly limited energy consumption. It has at its disposal a total of 12 K2 4.5W Blue LEDs, 24 K2 4.5W Green LEDs and 13 Luxeon 4.5W Red LEDs. Palco 5 is therefore an extremely specific fixture, when its necessary to illuminate large walls or cover longer distances.

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LED Stage Lighting Instruments

LEDstage lighting instruments are stage lighting instruments that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source. LED instruments are an alternative to traditional stage lighting instruments which use halogen lamp or high-intensity discharge lamps. Like other LED instruments, they have high light output with lower power consumption. Uses LED instruments can and have been used to replace any conventional lighting fixture, and some shows, such as Radiohead's recent tour, have used only LED lighting instruments.[2]. However, most shows use LEDs only for lighting cycloramas, or as top, side or back light.

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Waterproof LED Tubes

TheseLEDTubes are fully waterproof, and are available either as single colour products, or with colour changing rgb LEDs and DMX controls. They are easy to install - simply plug the connectors together and attach a power supply (and dmx control if needed).

Part No. Description Wattage Colour No of LED’s
ELTB144-R LED Tube Light 7.5-8 Red 144
ELTB144-Y LED Tube Light 7.5-8 Yellow 144
ELTB144-B LED Tube Light 7.5-8 Blue 144
ELTB144-G LED Tube Light 7.5-8 Green 144
ELTB144-W LED Tube Light 7.8-8 White 144
ELTB150GB LED Tube Light 7.5-8 RGB 150
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Lighting Equipment

The MA Digital Dimmers with their high power microcontrollers with time-processing-units do not only provide digital adjusting of the ignition timing of the phase control. All data and stored cues are filed in the EPROM. The operating system can be updated by the simply changing this EPROM. DMX control with single channel or sequence patch, value hold or memory function of dimmer outputs in case of DMX loss and MasterSlave ganging of additional dimmerpacks are only a few more highlights of these remarkable products.
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