Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Drip Kit, Growth - PGPR Liquid Consortia, Immunity Plus - Plant Booster Nano Technology, Black Bold Biofertilizer and Bio Potash - Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria.
Element: Potasham 5 Kg, GVMag 10 Kg, Challenge Plus 250 gram, Challenge Pro 250 gram, Vision 250 gram, Carbon 95 250 gram.
Packing: 16 Kg. (Corrugated box)
Dose:1 Kit /Acre
Consumption: Apply as a drip to any crop
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Payment Terms :
Organic Ingredients and Elements: Azetobacter (1X108/ ml), PSB (1X108/ ml), KMB (1X108 / ml), Humic, Fulvik, Amino, Seaweed, Proteins, Vitamins.
Packing: 25 ml (pouch), 250, 500 ml and 1 letter. (bottle)
Dose: 25 ml / pump, 500 ml / acre (Drip or diluting with water).
Element: Nanotechnology based amino acids, Humic acids, Fulvik acids, various hormones, proteins and vitamins.
Packing: 20 ml
Dose: 5 ml / pump
Consumption: Spray in any crop.
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Payment Terms :
biological component and element: endo and acto mycorrhiza (60 spores/1200 ip/gm.), humic, fulvik, amino acids, protein.
packing: 2.5 kg (jar), 5 kg (pouch), 6 kg and 18 kg (bucket).
dose: 6 to 12 kg/acre
consumption: apply as base or supplementary fertilizer in any crop.
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Payment Terms :
Element : Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria (CFU: 7 5x10 cells/gm ), Other Natural Ingredients Packing : 50 kg (Laminated bag) Dose : 50 to 100 kg / Acre Usage : Apply as Base or Supplementary fertilizer in any Crop
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Payment Terms :
included products: supercalc - 25kg, gv-zink - 3kg, blackbold - 5kg, ferrosulf - 3kg, nitrocalc - 1kg, vision - 250gm.
packing: 37.25 kg (laminated bag) price mentioned in 37.25kg
dose: 1 bag/acre
consumption: apply as base or supplementary fertilizer in any crop.
Element: Carbon (14%), Nitrogen (0.5%), Phosphorus (0.5%), Potash (0.5%), Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur.
Packing: 50 kg (Laminated bag).
Dose: 50 to 100 kg/Acre.
Consumption: Apply in any crop in a way that goes underground in the base or supplementary manure.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms :
biological component and element: psf (1x106 spores/gm.), silica, sulfur, calcium, zinc, magnesium, ferrous, copper, boron, manganese, amino and humic acids.
packing: 25 kg (laminated bag)
dose: 25 to 50 kg per acre
consumption: apply as base or supplementary fertilizer in any crop.
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Payment Terms :
Elements: Carbon (14%), Nitrogen (0.5%), Phosphorus (0.5%), Potash (0.5%)
Packing: 250, 500 gm. (Bin)
Dose: 25 gm. / pump, 250 gm. / acre
Consumption: By spray or drip.
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Payment Terms :
Element: Sulfur (40%), Calcium
Packing: 500 ml, 1 litter (bottle), 5 litters (Plastic Cans) and 15 litters (Plastic Coke cans)
Dose: 1 litter / acre in normal soil, 2 litters / acre in alkaline soil and 30 ml / pump for spray
Consumption: By spray, by drip or by diluting with water
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Payment Terms :
Ingredients: PSB (1x108 /ml ) with natural Humic acid.
Packing: 500 ml, 1 litter (bottle), 5 litter (Plastic Bin)
Dose: 1 to 2 litters / acre, 40 ml / pump
Consumption: By spray, by drip or by diluting with water.
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Payment Terms :