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Root Canal is a treatment done to fix and save badly infected or damaged roots of their teeth. It’s required while the pulp, the soft tissue within the main canal, becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth or a crack or chip in the tooth. Additionally, an injury more...
Cusp Dental Clinic has of the Best root canal specialist in gurgaon. A single root canals are used to save rest of the teeth. A number of factors like damage to pulp due to deep cavity, deep decay, fracture of tooth , discoloration at the tip or chewing surface of tooth etc require a root canal treatment. RCT more...
Root canal is the area inside the tooth that contains the tooth pulp. It includes nerves and other sensitive tissue which when infected causes symptoms like persistent toothache, prolonged sensitivity, teeth darkening, tenderness of gum. This eventually leads to teeth loss if not treated. Our endodontist, dr. more...
Though it is a widely used term among dentists and patients, it still creates an anxiety for the patients and often scare them. It can be treated easily with the latest japanese technology by highly trained and skilful dentists without causing any pain or discomfort to the patients. Root canal treatment is th more...
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Endodontic Treatment or root canal Treatment, is a sequence of treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from futurobia. The alternatives to root canal Treatment include no treatment or tooth extraction more...