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Suitable for construction, mining, farm machinery and marine applications where water contamination with petroleum lubricity agents can create problems. more...
White Oil is used as a blending base for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products such as creams, lotions, hair oils, petroleum jelly, ointments, laxatives etc. It also find application in many other industrial segments such as polystyrene manufacturing, food packaging industries, protective coatings for fruits a more...
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B100 Biodiesel & as per IS:15607:2016 standard more...
Bio Diesel more...
Bio Diesel for industrial fuel more...
The biodiesel can be generated from crude palm oil, neem oil, karanja oil, jatropha oil, mahua oil and many more. In addition to this, frying (cooking) oils can be also used for bio diesel production. Ensure Bio Diesel Benefits : Higher lubricity Greatest reduction in emission Biodegradable- 95% degradation i more...
We are assisted by a team of professional quality experts who check our products at different stages such as production, packaging and delivery. With our brilliant logistics network, we can furnish urgent and massive requirements of the buyers with ease. more...
Pure biodiesel made from used cooking oil no petroleum added more...
We are looking for supplier for BIO LDO / BIO DIESEL @ 1.5 Lakh Litre per month. Part quantity is alco accepted. more...