With the immense knowledge and experience, our company presents a comprehensive array of Dehydrated Garlic Flakes in the national market. The check on quality has been kept by our experts who ensure that the inputs we source are free from any sort of impurities. Thus, we ensure quality products at buyer's end.
Physical Properties :
- Taste / flavour - Fresh, aromatic & spicy, from mild to pungent, characteristic of onion
- Odour - Typical, mild to pungent, according to species, free from foreign odour.
- Colour - Brown
- Foreign Matter - Absent This includes any foreign matter like glass, insects, wood pieces, paper, metal, Impurities or any other Contaminants
Chemical Data :
- Moisture - Max. 6%
- SO2 - Max. 50 PPM
- Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides - Not detectable.
Microbiological Data :
- Total plate count - Max 1, 50, 000 /g
- Coliform germs - Max 10 / g
- E-Coli - Negative in 1 g
- Yeast & mould - Max.100 / g
- Salmonella - Negative in 25 g
- Bacillus cereus - Max 10 / g
- Staphylococcus Aureus - Negative in 1 g