Our Product / Services
Medicinal Plant
2 Products availableOutdoor Plants
2 Products availableFresh, Organic & Preserved Vegetables
2 Products availableGarden Plant
1 Products availableCitrus Fruit
1 Products availableMedicinal Plant Seeds
1 Products availableAgro Farming Services
1 Services availableFood Additives
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Stevia Planting Material, Nepali Shatawar, Contract Cultivation, Safed Musli Cultivation and Stevia Cultivation.
We have always provided Marketing assistance in selling the crops to the farmers who got into business with us by purchasing the Planting material from us. Now, moving one step ahead other than providing complete marketing assistance, we also will provide âBuy Back Agreementâ in our project of âContract Farmingâ for some of the crops, which are highly demanded by our associates from us. In this way, we hereby bring a new revolution in the field of farming by associating persons/farmers with us looking for nice profit & growing collectively.
With proper network of buyers with us, we are able to provide returns of approximately upto Rs.5, 50, 000/acre (Five Lakh Fifty Thousand Per Acre) to the farmers/cultivators & does the farming as per our instructions. The crop/crops under buy back agreement are provided with targeted requirement.
Persons interested in farming with buy back agreement will be entertained only on Prior Appointment basis. Mr. Devesh : +91-9826556880
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Payment Terms : Western Union
Packaging Details : As per Consent.
Delivery Time : As per demand
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
We also assist the clients in marketing and other related procedures. We are one of the leading Nepali Shatavari Plant Suppliers & Nepali Shatavari Seeds suppliers all over India.
Returns/Crop (As per 2017) :
Yield :
Harvesting :
Irrigation :Proper irrigation without excess water. It requires moderate amount of water & the thumb rule is to maintain normal moisture in the soil.
Planting Time :Starts from monsoon & continues till temperature falls in single digits & must plant it when the temperature is below 38 degree. On an average, it can be planted in almost whole year leaving around 100-120 days. You can also call us to know the better time of plantation.
Marketing/Selling :We provide the marketing support & assistance also for the Nepali Golden Shatavari. Marketing is also done only when the material is of authentic variety because some fraudsters supply adulterated variety planting material to the farmers at less costing & that becomes problem at the time of marketing.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
Returns :
Can be approx. (Ten Lakh) Rs.10, 000, 00/entire crop.i.e.Approximately upto Rs.2, 00, 000/acre in 5 Years on planting the plants once.
We are trusted supplier of quality Stevia Plants/Stevia Saplings in India along with its products. Stevia cultivation promises a very bright and assured future. In a Year, we have the capacity to supply approximately 1 Crore Stevia planyts in general.
The day by day increase witnessed in the number of Sugar/Diabetic patients, problem of obesity and health consciousness among people assures its use and thereby its consumption. Discovered accidently by the English Troops during World War Second, Stevia Herbal Plant became popular among people. Today, it is one of the best medicinal plants available in the market. It is said that 50% Japan uses Stevia and with its increasing awareness among people, it is widely demanded.
Many Sugar free products are available in market but all of them contain chemicals, which causes loss of memory, impotency, urinary and other problems but natural organic Stevia available with us, has no side effects. On the contrary it is a boon for the mankind.
We are into supplying of The Best Quality Stevia Plants / Saplings and Stevia Seeds. We prepare the Stevia Saplings/Plants of the finest quality having very dense roots, especially for planting purpose. As it is a well-known fact that the roots are the most important factor looked upon when Plants are purchased for Sowing/planting, we attempt to meet the customer expectations by providing quality products.
Every year, millions of Stevia Plants are prepared and floated at very reasonable rates in entire India. Various NG0S, Private Firms as well as Traders purchase the finest quality Stevia Plants from us and give them to the farmers for cultivation. We supply Stevia Plants in thermocol boxes to ensure their safety and freshness.
Stevia Plants in Every Quantity supplied :Stevia plants are supplied by us everywhere in India. Every order is treated with same respect & care. We supply plants in smallest quantity of 10 plants, 20 plants, 50 plants, 100 plants & upto 1, 00, 000 1Lac plants/day.
Therefore everybody is treated with same gesture & plants are supplied upto or near the destination or as per the requirement of the buyer. Stevia plants are even specially packed to stay fresh for 4 days in standard conditions.
Cultivation Technology And Its Importance :As everybody is aware that from past many years, farmers have been using such chemicals that our lands have become addicted to these chemicals and without their use, proper yield is just a dream. But after going through many products, techniques, lands of different states, different environmental conditions and discussing hours with many scientists, we came to a conclusion. Now we are confident that we have achieved the finest products to increase production of your crops. We have such revolutionary products, which are changing the face of farming and have turned it into a profitable business.
Marketing/Selling :We Purchase & Provide Buy Back agreement also of Stevia Dry Leaves. Get in touch for more details to know the latest existing contract.
Yield :The yield depends on a lot of factors including the quality of plants used for planting, climate, cultivation techniques & products used. We supply millions of best quality Stevia Plants having dense roots to traders, farmers and NGOs. We use the best techniques to raise saplings of the finest quality so that all the buyers dealing with us get the best yields.
As Stevia is a 5-year crop, it is observed that its production graph is like a Pyramid. It gives enough production in the first year, more during second year and the maximum yield in the third year. After that, production declines during the third and fourth year. A regular farmer can get an average upto110 quintal leaves in 5 years (Depending on cultivation methods and other factors at field). Growers can achieve extremely fine production through our recommended products or can have at least an increased production of 25%-40 %.
Harvesting :First pruning of Stevia leaves is done after 120 days. But presently, the leaves can be pruned in every 75-90 days (depending on climatic conditions and products used).
Storage :After pruning, the leaves are dried in shade and then immediately sent to market for selling. The leaves are stored in gunnysacks in shade or in open in a room where there is no sunlight. If we want to keep the leaves, we can preserve them upto 3-5 months as per the conditions. Even after 3 months, the leaves can be kept but then a bit of degradation starts likes excess shrinkage, black spots etc.
Irrigation :It requires immense moisture in the soil. We have to irrigate the field as per the demand of the soil. Stevia is not something which demands irrigation very very frequently but moderate irrigation at regular intervals will do.
Planting/Sowing material requirement :At least around 40000 well rooted Stevia plants are needed for planting if someone wishes to make optimum utilization of the land otherwise many people prefer 30000 plants as per the wish. The saplings used for planting should have dense roots so that the plant re -germinates properly and in a healthy manner.
Manures and Growth Agents :As Stevia is for human consumption as a medicine, it is mandatory to do it naturally or with organic products. Growers can contact us to have the most effective products to increase the quality and quantity of the Stevia leaves and achieve additional profit.
Proper Guidance & dosages are told to the growers whoever asks us.
Bed Preparation :Raised beds are required for Stevia plantation. Therefore, 1 ft heighted and 1.5 ft wide beds are built.
Time of Planting :Stevia saplings can be sown any time of the year. It is advised not to plant saplings during excess rain, heat, and winter. Stevia planting can be done from August December (till temperature of winter does not go below 10 degree C). After that again Stevia planting can be started from January onwards and continues till April (till temperature does not exceed 42 degree C).
Land Preparation :We assist completely in land preparation also by being present at the field as per the demand of the buyerLand preparation is very important in Stevia cultivation because once prepared, the beds will remain same for 5 years. Therefore, we have to enrich them with manure, growth promoters, and nutrients after the making of raised beds, which is prepared through deep plough & tilling.
We are one of the well-known Suppliers of Ayurvedic Herbal Plants in India. Our comprehensive range of Organic Medicinal Plants is available in plant or seed form. We provide Planting materials of Kali Haldi, Ginger and Garlic, which is used in wide variety of medicines. We make available land for sale, purchase, and on rental basis for farming of medicinal crops. With this, we provide manure and special growing agent, which can improve the yield of Medicinal Plants and helps earning an additional profit. We also assist the farmers in growing quality plants and provide them the knowledge and experience to enhance production. List of Plants we supply in small to bulk quantities is as under. Buyers interested in buying small quantities are also welcome & we promise to supply the material with same respect as we do with bulk buyers.
Material is supplied all over India in every Quantity.
Call us directly on 9826556880 & ask us for availability of your demanded seeds & plants. Plants will be or seeds will be supplied upto your demanded place.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
We offer Fresh Garlic & Garlic Planting Material that provides high yield to the customers. The Fresh Garlic contains alliin, which is a therapeutic ingredient providing immense health benefits. Our Fresh Garlic is widely demanded in the market and used for cooking in Hotels, Households, Resorts etc. Farmers/Growers must use high yielding varieties of Garlic while starting cultivation so that they get the finest rates & regular buyers.
We supply high yielding varieties like – Amleta/Amretha Ooty, G-2, G-282 & some more varieties as per the availability.
Benefits It Offers
Returns/Crop : Approximately can go upto - Rs.180000/acre
Marketing We follow various terms and conditions and make our farmers to cultivate high quality Garlic. We also purchase superior quality Garlic from our farmers for the Buyers regularly demanding material from us.
We primarily market the material of our farmers & on demand we supply fine quality demanded by any buyer in bulk quantity & small quantity too. The grower gets our complete support in Marketing.
Yield The yield of Garlic depends on soil as well as cultivation techniques. Generally 30-50 quintals of garlic is seen growing in an acre of land.
Manures and other Growth Agents We have available with us high grade Growth Agents for Garlic which is a result of our innovations and hard work which increase the yield & the farmer’s profit rises upto 20%.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
We are the renowned Suppliers of Coleus Forskohlii Plant Planting material and Dry Coleus Roots in India. Coleus is a crop that gives quality returns, as its every part is sold, from shoot to root. We procure handsome profit on selling its roots but an additional bonus is its shoot part, which is used as planting material. Coleus Forskohlii Herb available with us is used in urinary ailments. It also reduces the Blood pressure. Forskholii is extracted from coleus dry roots and it is an important constituent found in medicines related to heart.
We also offer K-8 variety of Coleus planting material and provides support in selling and buying dry coleus roots.
Note : We supply Coleus cuttings in every quantity whether it is 10 plants or in Thousands & Lacs. Therefore buyers looking for Coleus Plants in small quantity can also order the plants.
Can be upto Rs.1.65 lac/acre/year Approx.
Marketing/SellingOther than providing genuine planting material of Coleus, we purchase and sell Coleus dry roots from many states of India and supply to the needy. In addition, we provide the Contact details of genuine persons engaged in buying Coleus in every form.
YieldIf genuine planting material of Coleus of K-8 variety is used, the growers get a yield of 6-9 quintal roots in the first season and 2 - 5 quintal roots in the second season. That means 10-12 quintal roots can be easily obtained which provide good amount of money & also planting material for acres, which is a bonus(Depending on cultivation methods & other factors at Field). Majority of farmers fail in Coleus farming as around 90% people never are supplied the authentic planting material & therefore only authentic planting material is supplied by us.
HarvestingColeus is harvested in December when planted in July- August. It is also harvested in July-August when planted in December. In short, it is a 180 day crop. After harvesting, the shoots are cut and planted again and the roots are dried well after cutting in 1-1.5 inch pieces.
StorageAfter the material is cut, it is sold and if the grower wants to store the material, the dry roots can be stored for about 5-6 months.
IrrigationProper irrigation is required for this crop so that the plants and roots can be developed properly. Precise amount of moisture should be maintained in the soil and excess watering is strictly prohibited.
Planting/Sowing Material RequirementGenuine planting material of K-8 variety should only be used for planting to have the desired production. About 22000-25000 cuttings of about 6 inches are required for planting. Once sown, the planting material develops rapidly.
Manures & Growth AgentsBoth growth treatments are essential for this crop as we get money from selling of roots and whole plant also. Usage of the products recommended by us can give marvelous returns.
Bed PreparationRaised beds are required for Safed Musli production to prevent water logging and for the proper development of the roots.
Time of PlantingSowing is done in July-August and the other time is in December-January.
Land PreparationAfter a proper plough, growth promoters & other essential nutrients are mixed well and then raised beds are made.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
The clients can avail from us high quality Fresh Ginger & Ginger Planting Material that is also known as "carrier" herb as well as "synergistic herb". The Fresh Ginger that we provide to the esteemed customers is highly acclaimed for its anti-inflammatory nature and is ideal for curing nausea, motion sickness, colds, etc. We have succeeded in marking our presence among the pre-dominant Fresh Ginger Suppliers majorly cultivated by our farmers. We also provide growth agents that are highly acclaimed by the customers.
Farmers/Growers must use High yielding & disease resistant varieties so that they get the maximum yield & chances are there that their crop will have disease resistant capacity which is very important in Ginger.
We provide High Yielding varieties like – Suprabha, Surbhi, Suruchi, Varda, Maran & some more as per the availability.
Yield : Can be upto 120 quintal/crop
Season Of Irrigation
Irrigated Ginger
mid of February
Method of planting Rhizome bits that are 15 g in weight are planted at a distance of 20 x 20 cm to 25 x 25 cm along with a depth of 4-5 cm. The seed rate of 1500 kg/ha is adopted by following the above process and making one healthy bud to face upwards.
Land Preparation
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
Packing of Now urea sacks is provided of 50 kg each.Approximately 600 Ton Vermicompost can be supplied.
Small quantities are also supplied for home/garden.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 Week (Min.)
Fresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh OrangeFresh Orange
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Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : Depend on Order
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Packaging Details : As per the demand of the buyer.
Delivery Time : 3 Days Approximately.