Welcome to GRN Cellulose Pvt Ltd
Delhi, India Visit us at F - 56, Hall No.10 India Expo Centre, Greater Noida 11 - 15 February, 2015 Middle East Coatings Show 2015 - Dubai, UAE Visit us at Bhooth Number R06 Dubai InternationalConvention & Exhibition Centre, UAE 9 - 11 March 2015 ABOUT US GRN Cellulose Pvt. Ltd. was established in year 1990 and is one of the leading manufacturers of Industrial grade Nitrocellulose in powder (cotton) and solution form. Its founder, Mr. Om Prakash Pasari, having Technical Degree from Birla Intitute of Technology, Mesra has over 30 years of experience in paint and chemical industry. Over the years, the brand GRN has become a hallmark in the landscape of worldwide a chemical industry. Today, GRN manufactured nitrocellulose is frequently used in the paints, wood lacquers, printing inks, leather finishing lacquers, nail varnishes, defence industry among many other miscellaneous applications. While maintaining our commitment to safety, GRN has consistently outpaced competitors with strict control on quality at every stage of the product. We have developed the capability to meet all requirements of the nitrocellulose users through a comprehensive product range that covers solvent & water damped. When indeed, we also offer customized grades based on company needs. Great flexibility, better pricing and assured quality is few of our pinnacles we strive for with years of continued research and development in Nitrocellulose Products. GRN's packaging and tranportation of nitrocellulose confirm to international standards as also to country specific standards as requires.