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  1. Fertilizer 4 Products available
  2. Seeds 3 Products available
  3. Insecticides

    2 Products available
  4. Manures

    1 Products available
  5. Insect Trap

    1 Products available
  6. Herbal Extract

    1 Products available

Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Agricultural Inputs.

Pheromone Trap

We are indulged in the supplying of the finest quality Pheromone Trap procured from reliable sources. The Pheromone Trap that we make available is sensitive and attracts the insects present at low densities. It is one of the most effective ways to control pests. The Trap can lure any sort of pest one wants. The Pheromone Trap, offered by us, is provided at the best market prices from us. Order big or small, timely delivery is assured.


More About Pheromone Trap :

  • Melon Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Cucurbitae) is a highly destructive pest of cucurbitaceous crops such as gherkin, cucumber, gourd, squash, melon, pumpkin, etc.
  • Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Dorsalis) is a very serious pest of a wide variety of fruits such as mango, guava, etc.
  • Adults of melon and oriental fruit flies occur throughout the year, may live over 5 months and are capable to lay more than 1000 eggs. They lay their eggs below the skin of the host fruits, hatch within a day under optimum conditions and the larvae feed on the maturing fruit. Attacked fruits become unfit for human consumption and up to 100% of the fruits are damaged in unprotected fields. The full grown maggots drop and pupate in the soil under the host plant.
  • Bacu-Lure and Bador-Lure are two environment-friendly products developed by PCI to assist growers in Fruit Fly Management. The lures contain specific para-pheromones or attractive substance which the adult require to complete their development. The lures should be used in association with Fligh-T traps manufacture by PCI for best result.
  • Fligh-T Traps consist of three parts: a yellow-colored base, a translucent dome to cover the base and a slot for insertion of the lure in the dome. The trap is readied for use by filling the base with water, Bacu-Lure or Bador-Lure is then inserted in the slot under the dome is fitted over the base. The trap should be hung by plastic string or metallic wire about 5 feet from the above ground level in the midst of crop foliage.
  • Adult Fruits Flies are attracted to the traps with the respective lures. After entering the centre of the base, they hover inside the dome and around the lure. Trapped files are unable to escape though the opening at the base, due to their attraction to the light entering the dome, get exhausted and drown in water contained in the base. Dead flies may be removed once a week or when water is filled with dead flies. Water in the base should also be replenished once a week.
  • Bacu-Lure or Bador-Lure in combination with Fligh-T trap may be installed @ 3-4 per acre, at the ones of flowering, to mass-trap melon fruit fly or oriental fruit fly adults, respectively. The lures are effective for 50-60 days under field conditions.
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Organic Manure

We have in our store a wide assortment of Cedar Organic Manure which is inclusive of vermi compost, bone meal, neem crush, leather meal, micro nutrients humic and other organic matters. The Natural Organic Manure that we deal in is effective microorganism refers to both aerobic & anaerobic bacteria. The Manure is obtainable from us at market-leading prices. We are a celebrated Supplier of Organic Manure in Kerala, India.

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Hybrid Tomato Seeds

Located in Kerala, India, we are actively engaged in the supplying of excellent quality Hybrid Tomato Seeds all over the country. The Tomato Seeds that we deal in are cultivated using latest machines and technologies so as to endow them high germination rate. They are thoroughly processed and checked stringently so that they are free from all sorts of contamination. We can make swift and safe deliveries of not only small orders but bulk orders as well.

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Hybrid Brinjal Seeds

We have a strong foothold as a noted Supplier of high quality Hybrid Brinjal Seeds in Kerala, India. We can make available both MAHY 9 Hybrid Brinjal Seeds as well as MAHY 11 Hybrid Brinjal Seeds to all our valuable buyers. They are comprehensively demanded for biotic stress resistance, better yield results, longer shelf life and cost-effectiveness. Buyers are free to place bulk orders with us and we will ensure timely deliveries.

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Hybrid Chilli Seeds

If looking for top of the line quality Hybrid Chilli Seeds, contact us! We are a trustworthy Supplier of Hybrid Chilli Seeds from Kerala, India. Having awesome yield results and longer shelf life, our Chilli Seeds are extensively in demand. The Seeds that we make available are cost-effective as well. Buyers are free to place bulk orders with us, the delivery of which will be surely on time.

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Organic Pesticide

The company is affianced in supplying a wide assortment of Organic Pesticide from Kerala, India. We can make available Lastraw Organic Pesticide that is specifically formulated using water soluble organic salt of fatty acids of vegetable oil. Our Natural Organic Pesticide does not leave any residue and is safe for environment. The Organic Pesticide, offered by us, is provided at rock bottom prices.


Target Pests : All types of soft bodied sucking pests such as mites, aphids, thrips, mealy bugs, white flies, soft scales and plant hopper on houseplants, vegetable, fruits, shrubs, trees or plants grown in greenhouses.


Mode Of Action : LASTRAW acts by dissolving the waxy layer of insect cuticle, leading to server dehydration. Its unique mode of action does not allow development of resistance by pests. Affected pests drop down from the plant only 2-3 days after application, since the process of dehydration is slow. Presence of shriveled insects on plants can be mistaken for live ones, unless observed closely.


Method Of Application :

  • Mix @ 5ml/ litre of water to prepare spray solution
  • Mix the product with required water in a tank and stir well.
  • Spray immediately after preparation.
  • Repeat application as when required on noticing re-infestation.


Recommendations :

  • Apply only when sucking pests are present
  • Spray thoroughly on upper & lower leaf surface to ensure proper coverage.
  • Apply 2-3 times at weekly intervals for effective control
  • In case of server infestation repeat application at least once within a week after first spray to control nymphs emerging from eggs that are not affected by LASTRAW
  • Compatible with chemical pesticides


Advantages :

  • LASTRAW is an organically certified product
  • Safe, non-toxic and environ- mentally friendly
  • Odorless and leaves no taint or residue on the plant
  • Totally and rapidly biodegradable
  • No waiting period restrictions prior to harvest


Precaution :

  • Use gloves while preparing tank mixture
  • Avoid contact with eyes are contaminated wash with plenty of water
  • Avoid spraying in bright sunny conditions, at high temperature or when plants are under stress
  • At recommended doses LASTRAW does not cause phyto-toxicity, avoid higher doses
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Ecodon Herbal Extract

Our company is a renowned Supplier of Ecodon Herbal Extract from Kerala. The Ecodon Herbal Extract we make available is an eco-friendly rodent and wild boar repellent. The main ingredien in our Ecodon Herbal Extract t is resinolic acid mixed with emulsifier stabilizers and smelling agents derived from natural resources. Bulk orders of the Herbal Extracts are processed by us as per the specific requirements of the buyers. Details : Use of repellents is one of the environmental friendly approaches to prevent crop ravages. A review made in 1988 indicated that most of the repellents tested are either toxic or too aversive to humans indicating the need of bringing out newer repellents. Ecodon is one of the eco-friendly rodent and wild boar repellent introduced in the year 2003 by M/S Highgrow Floris Chemicals, Hyderabad. The main ingredient is resinolic Acid mixed with emulsifier stabilizers and smelling agents derived from natural resources. It is an area repellent showing repellent effect on the field rodents and wild boars in various Crops viz, rice, maize, banana and other crops. The pest animals were repelled from the applied areas and thus could not inhabit inside the crop fields. Single application of it results in repelling the target pest species for about one month. The product is neither toxic nor harmful to handle. The product was evaluated for its repellent effect by ICAR-All India Network Project on Rodent Control at Andhra Pradesh Rice Research Institute and Regional Research Centre, Acharya N.G, Ranga Agricultural University, Maruteru, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh in rice and used by National Institute of Plant Health Management(NPHM), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Hyderabad in rice. maize and Sorghum crops. It was also used by DAAT Centre, ANGR Agriculture University , Karnataka Agricuture University, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Kerala Agricultural University, KVK, Thavannur, Kerala. It is currently being evaluated against wild animals in Sikkim, which is an organic State. Physical & Chemical Properties : Color : Clear Yellowish Physical state : Transparent liquid PH : 6.5 7.5 Composition : Castor Oil: 60.00% Other Inert ingredients(HERBAL EXTRACTS) : 40.00% Storage : Cool condition or room temperature Shelf life : 3 years from the date of manufacture Application : Soak a Cotton/Jute rope in the bucket containing the product, mixed with water in a ratio 1:2, and tie around the field at about one foot height. This will remain effective in the field for every 45days. In case the rope gets dried, sprinkle wateron the rope to wet it so as to regenerate the smell. Dosage : 500ml/acre Spray :Dilute 1 part per 50 parts of water and spray all around the bunds. This process has to repeated once every month Shake bottle before use. Safety Precautions :Use gloves and mask while handling the product. Other information :
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