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Other Products / Services #4365961

White Marble Queen

The Marble Queen is the quintessential houseplant. They are tolerant of low light conditions and erratic watering and apart from being soothing to eyes, they helps in air-purification of the surroundings.

Type :Indoor, Outdoor & Semi-shade
Watering : TwiOnly when the soil starts to dry
Site Selection : Gazebo, Patio, Window Sill
Tip :To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock

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Xanadu In Doll

Xanadu adds a distinct tropical flavor to your room and balcony with its delightfully different texture .It requires minimal amount care and helps in air purification, indeed making your surroundings greener, happier and healthier.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock
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Syngonium Tray Set

Syngonium requires minimal amount care, thereby, making it perfect for those busy bees. Syngonium apart from being soothing to the eyes, helps in air purification of the house and removes harmful toxins from the air.
Type :Indoor
Watering :Water when the soil starts to dry
Tip :To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock
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Syngonium In Clock Pot

Syngonium requires minimal amount care, thereby, making it perfect for those busy bees. Syngonium apart from being soothing to the eyes, helps in air purification of the house and removes harmful toxins from the air. It is best for corporate gifting, a plant which also values your time.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock
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Pachira Jungle

A variant of money tree which is known to be extremely lucky for the household. This piece comes with decorative shaped pot which adds appeals to the decor.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once in a week
Tip : To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Podocarpus is also known as Buddhist pine and it is one of the most preferred & popular variety among bonsai lovers and amateurs. It will grow well outside, but can also be held indoors.
Type :Semi- Shaded
Watering : Alternate Day
Tip:Cut brown leaves as and when they come. To be kept outside once a week.
Availability :In Stock
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Podocarpus Small

Podocarpus is also known as Buddhist pine and it is one of the most preferred & popular variety among bonsai lovers and amateurs. It will grow well outside, but can also be held indoors.
Type :Semi- Shaded
Watering : Alternate Day
Tip:Cut brown leaves as and when they come. To be kept outside once a week.
Availability :In Stock
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Schefflera Varigated Plant

Schefflera is an amazing tropical palnt. Schefflera that is a bit large in size is something also known as the Umbrella Plant. They have long, shiny and oval leaves that sprout from a single stem. They prefer a lot of humidity.

Type :Outdoor
Watering :Daily
Site selection :Garden, Terrace Garden, Patio
Availability :In Stock

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Schefflera Green Umbrella Plant

Schefflera is an amazing tropical palnt. Schefflera that is a bit large in size is something also known as the Umbrella Plant. They have long, shiny and oval leaves that sprout from a single stem. They prefer a lot of humidity.
Type :Outdoor
Watering :Daily
Site selection :Garden, Terrace Garden, Patio
Availability :In Stock
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Indoor Money Tree

The money tree is thought to bring good fortune and luck to those who place it in their home or office. It is used as a feng shui cure to attract the energy of wealth and prosperity.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once in a week
Tip :To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Braided Money Tree

The money tree is thought to bring good fortune and luck to those who place it in their home or office. It is used as a feng shui cure to attract the energy of wealth and prosperity.

Type :Indoor
Watering : Once in a week
Tip :To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock

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Mini Money Tree

The money tree is thought to bring good fortune and luck to those who place it in their home or office. It is used as a feng shui cure to attract the energy of wealth and prosperity.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once in a week
Tip :To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Kaner Cage Bonsai

Kaner Bonsai is an evergreen tree with good foliage. This outdoor perennial bonsai will captive every on looker with its uniqueness and sophistication. Regular planing and cutting can be done for the required shape.
Type :Outdoor and semi-shaded
Watering : Daily
Site selection :Garden, Terrace Garden, Patio
Availability :In Stock
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White Pothos Denim

White Pothos is a hybrid tissue-culture plant and has been found to be extremely efficient in helping to clean indoor air. So you can now grow your own fresh air as its included in NASA's list as one of the most air-purifying plants. It is tolerant of low light conditions and erratic watering which makes it low-maintenance plant. Its truly beautiful, and soothes your soul.
Type : Indoor & Semi-Shade
Watering : Once in a week
Site Selection : Room & Balcony
Availability : In Stock
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Aralia can be used as an impressive floor plant. The distinct leaves of an Aralia Plant can be lacy, rounded, or spinach shaped and the color of the leaves can be green, white, and cream.
Type :Semi-shaded
Watering : Twice a week
Tip :Cut yellow leaves as and when they come
Availability : In Stock
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Cock A Doodle Doo

Schefflera is an amazing tropical plant and is also known as the Umbrella Plant. It has long, shiny and oval leaves that sprout from a single stem and prefers lot of humidity.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Thrice a week
Tip : To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Green Peperomia

Peperomia is a relatively easy, compact, and attractive little plant to grow. It has all the features one look for in houseplants: variability, interesting leaves, and tolerance for a relatively wide range of conditions.

Type :Indoor
Watering : When soil starts to dry.
Tip : Cut brown leaves as and when they come. To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock

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Green Chlorophytum

MILT (Mother In Law Tongue Plant) is a very strong plant known for its ability to survive under adverse conditions, thus, it is one of the excellent plant for the beginners. As it absorbs harmful toxins from the atmosphere, it also acts a very stress buster plant.
Type :Indoor
Watering : When soil starts to dry.
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : Out Of Stock
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Peperomia Green

Peperomia is a relatively easy, compact, and attractive little plant to grow. It has all the features one look for in houseplants: variability, interesting leaves, and tolerance for a relatively wide range of conditions.
Type :Indoor
Watering : When soil starts to dry.
Tip : Cut brown leaves as and when they come. To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock
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Scindapsus Artificial Plant

Satin Pothos is one of the most beautiful variety. It has grew leaves with a satiny finish and splashes of silver.This easy to care plant can help to filter out a variety of air pollutants and toxins.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock
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Schefflera Hicolor

Schefflera is an amazing tropical plant and is also known as the Umbrella Plant. It has long, shiny and oval leaves that sprout from a single stem and prefers lot of humidity.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Thrice a week
Tip : To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Jelly Bean

Hybrid Jellybean plant is an interesting succulent plant that displays jelly bean like leaves. In summer, its leaves change from green to bright red, and it bears yellow flowers in the springtime. It forms a dense mat which spreads quickly.

Type :Indoor
Watering : Twice a Month
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : Out of Stock

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This extremely tolerant plant is an easy to look after house plant and has dark green leaves with white margins Spider plants are effective at fighting pollutants including benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. It is a great choice for beginners or forgetful owners.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock
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Dracaena CTC

Dracaena CTC is a beautiful ornamental plant which is durable, adorable and low maintenance and hence favourite for home and offices. Its unique textured leaves are soothing to the eyes which makes it an ideal option for gifting.

Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock

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Sansevieria Green

Sansevieria Green also known as mother-in-laws tongue. Sansevieria Green is a good plant to keep in the bedroom as it converts carbon dioxide to oxygen even at night, which will help you have a better and relaxed sleep. According to NASA and other studies, this hardy plant can clear indoor air of harmful in-house pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene.

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Aglaonema White

Aglaonema is just one of many varieties of Chinese Evergreen. An attractive, easy to care for plant, it is on just about everyones list of best houseplants. Aglaonemas can be maintained at the lower light levels often found in the home or office.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week.
Availability : In Stock
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Pippali Plants

Black pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn. Indian long pepper is used to improve appetite and digestion, as well as treat stomachache, heartburn, indigestion, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cholera.

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Lettuce greens are so easy to grow, so nutritious, and so delicious picked fresh from the garden, that everyone should grow them.

  • It has high nutritional value.
  • Helps in controlling anxiety.
  • It lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Acts as antioxidant agent.
  • Induces Sleep.
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Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a perennial herb from the mint family. Its leaves give off a strong lemon scent when you rub or brush up against them. Lemon balm is used alone or as part of various multi-herb combination products. Many people believe lemon balm has calming effects so they take it for anxiety, sleep problems, and restlessness.

It is used for centuries to treat headache, anxiety, sleep disorders, indigestion and wounds. You can make lemon balm tea by steeping 1/4 to 1 tsp. of dried herb in hot water.

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  • Certification FSSAI Certified
  • Drying Process Sun Dried
  • Anti-inflammatory Qualities.
  • Aids in Digestion.
  • Boosts Immunity.
  • Antioxidant Capacity.
  • Dental Care.
  • Improves Circulation.
  • Protects Heart Health.
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It is a variety of a species of thistle cultivated as a food. The edible portion of the plant consists of the flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. The cynarin in artichokes increases bile production in your liver, which in turn rids cholesterol from your body. It is used in liver and gall bladder treatment.
Artichokes typically have a clean, green, and earthy taste that most vegetables have. Theyre low in calories and fat.

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Aloe Vera

We all know the cosmetic and medicinal benefits of Aloe Vera, which help heal cuts and burns. But did you know, this plant also helps keep the air at home clean of harmful gasses like formaldehyde and benzene, which are can be a by-product of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more.

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Ajwain is a common herb found in Indian households and is well known for properties that make it one of the most used home remedies. But other than being a good digestive aid, it has a number of other health benefits. Here are some of them:
Treating cold, cough & fever in infants
Provide relief from stomach problems
Beat Indigestion, Helps in relieving earaches
Its leaf is used in selective Indian dishes.
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Bryophyllum Pinattum

Good for the kidney; dissolves kidney and gall bladder stones upon intake
Mild pain relieving properties; can be applied on burns, scratches, scalds
Heals calluses on the feet
Heals sciatica and gout pain

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Bryophyllum Pinattum

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Citronella is a perennial clumping grass , its distinctive aroma is a strong smell which masks other attractants to mosquitoes, thus it helps in repelling mosquitoes and insects. They are considered low maintenance and they do best in full sun and well-drained locations.

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Syngonium Wendi

It requires minimal amount care, thereby, making it perfect for those busy bees. Syngonium apart from being soothing to the eyes, help in air purification of the houses and removes harmful toxins from the air.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : Out of Stock
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Phyllanthus Emblica
Enhances immunity
High in antioxidants
An excellent source of Vitamin C
Good for digestion and helps body absorb and assimilate nutrients
Strengthens the liver and helps flush out toxins, great for the urinary system.
Extremely beneficial for skin and hair.
Relives from the pain of menstrual cramping.
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60 - 90 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Color Green
  • Packaging Type Plastic Packet
  • Packaging Size 10kg, 1kg, 25kg, 50kg, 5kg
  • Type Fresh
  • Cultivation Type Natural, Organic
  • Feature Full With Iron, Good For Health, High In Vitamin D, Nutritious, Protein
High nutritional value
Used for seasoning and garnishing
Aids digestion
Prevents the formation of stones in the kidney as well as the gall bladder
Tends to suppress appetite, hence good for weight reducing
Helps in controlling blood pressure
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Stevia rebaudiana, commonly known as sweetleaf or sugarleaf act as a sweetener and sugar substitute. Stevias taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar. The leaves can be eaten fresh, or put in teas and foods. It may be useful as a natural sweetener for diabetics and others on carbohydrate-controlled diets.It is a low caloric, aids weight management.

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Pepper Mint

Cough & symptoms of cold.
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Rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves.
Culinary Uses:
The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in traditional Italian cuisine. They have a bitter, astringent taste and are highly aromatic, which complements a wide variety of foods. Herbal tea can be made from the leaves.
Improves Memory & Concentration
Treats gastric problems.
Rich in Vitamins
Relieves Stress.
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Its a hardy plant that establishes quickly, getting no taller than 6 to 8 inches.
Culinary Uses:
Oregano is a very flavorful herb that is often used in Italian, Greek and Spanish cooking. It is often used in seasoning blends, including Italian Seasoning.
The herb is used to treat respiratory tract disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual cramps.
The herb is also applied topically to help treat a number of skin conditions, such as acne and dandruff.
It contains fiber, iron, manganese, vitamin E, iron, calcium, omega fatty acids, manganese, and typtophan.
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Good for constipation.
Gives a boost to the digestive process.
Your key to a healthy heart and controlled cholesterol levels.
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Song Of India In Duck Pot

It is a slow growing plant with bright foliage, making it the most appropriate plant for your table. It helps in air purification in and around the house.
Type :Indoor
Watering : Once a week
Tip : To be kept out once a week and cut brown leaves as and when they come.
Availability : In Stock
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Peace Lily

Apart from being soothing to the eyes, the Peace Lilly also helps in air purification of the surroundings. It topped NASAs list for removing all three of most common Volatile Organic Compounds formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. To maximize the plant's air-cleansing potential, keep the leaves dust-free. All it needs is some shade and weekly watering to survive and produce blooms.

Type : Indoor
Watering : Twice a week
Site Selection : Room & Corridors
Availability : In Stock

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Syngonium In Pingu

Syngonium requires minimal amount care, thereby, making it perfect for those busy bees. Syngonium apart from being soothing to the eyes, helps in air purification of the house and removes harmful toxins from the air.

Type :Indoor
Watering :Once a week
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock

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White Pothos

White pothos is a hybrid tissue-culture plant and has been found to be extremely efficient in purifying the air. This quintessential houseplant is low-maintenance plant and soothes your souls.

Type :Indoor and Semi-Shade
Watering :Once a week.
Tip :To be kept outside once a week
Availability : In Stock

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Kadi Patta

Murraya koenigii
Used widely in cooking
Also in rituals
Has anti-diabetic properties
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Parsley is the worlds most popular herb which has vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well.

Treating cold, cough & fever in infants
Provide relief from stomach problems
Beat Indigestion, Helps in relieving earaches
Its leaf is used in selective Indian dishes.

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