Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Libido Gold Animal Feed Supplement, Gutcure Poultry Feed Additives, GR-Electro Plus, Heptone Plus Animal Feed Supplement and Vitosel Care Poultry Feed Supplements.
GR-Libido Plus is a supportive product for optimal condition during fertility in breeding season. It stimulates fertility, reproductive function and also increases libido in male breeder. It provides stimulating effect and intensifying the growth process of the body. Possible causes of low sperm count include varicoceles, a side effect of certain medications, excessive stress, exposure to radiation or certain chemicals and congenital testicular abnormalities ultimately leading to infertility or low sperm count. GR-Libid+ is a non-hormonal, for male breeders possess highly proven herbal ingredients to increasesemen volume, sperm count, sperm motility & successful reproduction possibly by stimulating the LH-FSH producing basophil cells in the pituitary gland.
Antibiotics have been used in poultry worldwide to prevent different poultry pathogens, but improper use of antibiotics promotes the development drug resistant. A blend of acidifier use in poultry feed is an excellent means to avoid drug resistant because acidifier complexes enables minimization of the development of pathogenic flora in feed and/or water and therefore optimizes digestive function by promoting beneficial acidophilus bacteria.
Electrolytes like sodium, potassium and chlorides play a crucial role in maintaining body acid-base balance as well as osmotic pressure in body fluids. Respiratory alkalosis occurs at high temperatures consequent to excessive loss of carbon-dioxide induced by panting. Electrolyte imbalance can affect the metabolism of numerous amino acids, especially lysine & methionine that causes tibial dyschondroplasia in chicks and respiratory alkalosis in birds.
Liver is the largest and primary detoxification center of the body. A healthy liver is the key to an animals health because it performs vital metabolic reactions of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins and also function of secretion & glycogen storage. It is the main site for metabolism and detoxification process of the body. Liver is highly prone to infection caused by parasite, bacterial, chemical toxins, food poisoning & viral infections. The most clinical manifestations are hepatitis & fatty liver syndrome. Heptone+ is very much effective herbal panacea to protect the liver dysfucntion from these infections.
Dairy animals have optimum requirement of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and probiotics which is crucial for optimum growth and production. Vitomin-Gold contains in perfect combinations of vitamins micro and micro nutries with probiotics for high productive performance.
Utrexin is an exclusive combination of standardized and highly efficacious medicinal herbs with a potent ecbolic activity. It induces an effective uterine cleansing action through activation of uterine secretions. It also helps in the improvement of uterine tonicity thereby, expediting the process of uterine involution.
Utrexin is an ideal herbal choice for both the treatment and prevention of retained placenta in cow, buffalo, mare, ewe and doe.
Lysine, the first limiting amino acid in swine diets, is a substrate for generating body proteins, . Lysine is highly used ingredients of poultry ration, swine diet and supplementation of this essential amino acid is required for optimum carcass quality, performance in broilers, swine, and egg size for layers.
Choline is essential for fat metabolism in liver, synthesis of plasma membrane component Phosphatidyl choline, synthesis of neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Choline generally added to poultry diets in the form of synthetic choline as choline chloride. However, this product is highly hygroscopic, and may result in losses of water-soluble vitamin added to premixes because it increases free water content in the mixture, resulting in higher reactive potential acceleration of oxidative loss of vitamins in the diet, and the formation of trimethylamine in the gastrointestinal tract of the birds which produces fishy smells. To avoid these of synthetic choline chloride we develop purely GR-Choline from extracts of different plants. choline is in esterified form as phosphatidylcholine and other phospholipids rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine. It provides high bioavailability and bioactive natural phosphatidyl choline to maintain health and production. It optimizes the mobilization of hepatic fat and transport of lipids from liver to adipose tissue, assisting prevention of fatty liver syndrome.
The use of antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents and vaccines are the most used additives in poultry rations, but they have high costs and can cause undesirable effects such as bioaccumulation and bacterial resistance. Some pathways are involved in the action mechanism of natural additives, such as: changes in the intestinal structure, modulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses, reduction of pathogenic microorganisms, avoiding disturbances in animal digestion and nutrient absorption, We have developed GR CurQ 100 from Curcuma longa that contains curcumin, which have vital role in as a dye and it exerts protective effects against oxidation, being capable of eliminating free radicals and, thus, protecting the cells against lipid peroxidation. It helps in improvement of egg quality, animal health by stimulating the immune response, protecting effect from coccidiosis and pathogenic microbes.
Vitamins dietary intake is affected by various factors bioavailability, processing, feed intake, storage, least cost feed formulations and other factors. Vitamins are micronutrients which participate in almost mostly biological and metabolic reactions and are immensely crucial for attaining good production performance and health. Deficiency of any of the vitamins can lead to several metabolic disorders, resulting in decreased productivity, delayed growth, reproductive problems and/or decreased immunity. Generally, lipid soluble vitamins have peculiar function in the growth and synthesis of tissue structure in the body, while hydrosoluble vitamins involves in catalytic reactions or act as coenzyme in metabolic pathways.
GR-BComP is a specific B complex groups water soluble vitamin and some essential amino acids to promote the nutritional deficiency during the periods of peak egg production, reduce hatchability. GR-BComP is very helpful in prevention of anemia, perosis, loose feathering, mouth lesions, conjunctivitis, poor growth, embryonic mortality, dermatitis of feet, poor feathering, enhance egg production. It completes the requirement of young stock during grower periods and dehydration conditions.
Coccidiosis is one of the infectious obligatory intracellular protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria. Different species like Eimeria catrix, E. maxima, E. tenella, E. brunetti, E. praecox can infect and duplicate inside the mucosal epithelia in several areas of birds by oral means. Subsequently, they cause damage to the gut (like hemorrhage, diarrhea, inflammation) morbidity, and mortality in poultry. Diarrhea is also caused by multiple factors like bacterial infection, imbalanced feed, mycotoxins in the feed and electrolytic imbalance.
Dianill is very much effective herbal panacea to control the multiplication of Eimera spp at different stage ranging from schizont stage to oocyst stage.