A digestive appetizer quick relax from distress of gas trouble effective in spastic stage of gastrointestinal tract correct gastric secretion help in better digestion and assimilation comfortable excretion with flexible constipation a powerful gas remover aids digestion after heavy, irregular, thick meals.
Quick relief from allergic cough. Effective and safe treatment for asthmatic & spasmodic cough controls allergic condition & relieves bronchial spasm. Relieves chest congestion & pyrexia. Reduces severity and fragrance of cough. A soothing expectorant and useful demulcent to ensure quicker response in cough for all ages groups.
Improves functional efficiency of all the organs of bodyCreates a zest for healthy livingImproves resistance power of the body against infectionsvitagreen syrup is flow of energy
We are instrumental in offering a wide spectrum of Liver Tonic Syrup. Our range is processed using superior-grade ingredients, which are sourced from the trusted vendors in the market. The are offered by us are used to cure various diseases and are free from side-effects. These are demanded by chemists, hospitals, clinics and pharmaceutical industry.
We are instrumental in offering a wide spectrum of smrut syrupbrain tonic syrup. Our range is processed using superior-grade ingredients, which are sourced from the trusted vendors in the market. The are offered by us are used to cure various diseases and are free from side-effects. These are demanded by chemists, hospitals, clinics and pharmaceutical industry.
We are engaged in offering Fimetone Syrup. For rhythm & order in menstrual disorder fimetone is a distinguished uterine tonic. Stimulates & tones uterine musculature. Regular normal menstrual cycle. Relieves uterine cramps and low back pain. Corrects malnutrition and debility.