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Prominent & Leading Manufacturer from Indore, we offer 5090 Brown Evaporated Cooling Pad, Green And Brown Honeycomb Cooling Pad, Yellow Honeycomb Cooling Pad, Black And Brown Honeycomb Cooling Pad and Green Honeycomb Cooling Pad. more...
100% URE AND NATURAL more...
honey comb padding enviro tech offers an innovative substitute to honey comb padding as a packing cushioning material, enviro tech the unique difference between honeycomb packing & enviro tech is that the honey comb padding occupies same volume in storage at godown whereas enviro tech occupies almost nil more...
Honey Comb Filter Air Cooling Pad Honey Comb Filter Air Cooling Pad is used by new generation high polymer material and the spatial crossing linking technology, has high absorbing water, high water resistant, anti-to get moldy and spoil, the service life long and so on merits.Moreover the evaporation relative more...