INTRODUCTION : sandal wood is one of the finest perfumery materials since ages. The demand for the natural srigandha is increasing faster than of supply. Because of scarcity and supply industries are constrained to use alternates similar to Indian sandal wood, imported from different countries. Sandalwood (Chandan) and its products find use from cradle to cremation in human life. Even in temples imported chandan is used as to give prasadam. Sandal wood oil, because of its unique chemical and physical properties it has acquired a special place in aroma therapy medicine, perfumery, agarbatti Soaps and Detergents, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and allied industries. Santalum Album Line (Sandal wood) is commonly known as Chandan, Srigandha. Naturally grown sandal wood can find in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andra, Kerala, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and U.P. Manipura and in some other states. Chandan is known all over the world as East Indian sandal wood and is prized for its quality of oil and heart wood. Chandana is also considered as medicinal plant and is used on large scale in the manufacture of Ayurvadic Medicines. National Medicinal Plant Board, govt.of India had recognized as a Medicinal and Aromatic Plant. This is endangered species too. Sandal wood is an evergreen tree attaining a Height of 12 to 15 Meter and girth of 100 to 200cms. At breast height. It is semi –root parasite plant found in association with other plants. There are many varieties in sandal wood. The best variety is known to till (Santalum Album line. But all of the Other plants are not a competitive for Indian Sandal wood. LEGAL ASPECTS : The govt. of Forest Department, “Every occupant or holder of land shall be legally entitled to sandal wood tree in his land” No Government permissions are required for growing these plants GOVT. SUBSIDY : National medicinal plants board (Dept. of I.S.M &H.) Govt. of India giving subsidy as per OPERATIOMAL GUIDELINES to Sandal wood cultivators. LOAN FACILITIES : Nationalised Banks and co – op banks are financing the Sandal wood plantation projects. INFORMATION & DETAILS FOR SANDALWOOD PLANTATION ; Farming of sandal wood cultivation : Sandal wood can be grown in variety of soil and ranging different climatic condition and temperature, not restricted to any region or area. The plantation grown Sandal wood with intensive cultivation in organic manner gives good results than the natural once. The naturally grown Chandan tree requires more than 20 years for harvesting, where as invasively cultivated plants starts formation of scented heart wood around 20 to 25 kgs. with the width of 30 cm and 65 cm. in 12 to 15 years. These results are based on the actual existing plantation in nearby places. The management practices, irrigation, fertilization, soil working, drainage, inducing stress and manipulation in hosteria are the main criteria for the early growth. it is cleat that sandal wood prefers a well drained, moderately fertile land and the heart wood the oil content in the wood seems to be better under drier conditions. COSTING AND PROFIT Sandalwood is a semi root Parasite Plant. To grow well it will depend on a host plant. In the beginning we will provide Toordal. In one acre land total plants be around 435. the distance from plant to plant is 10ft (10’*10’). The pits size 45cm*45cm*45cm. Water should not stagnate in pit. In summer we should provide water twice a week (2liters each plant) and Bio – fertilizer, weeding is necessary. After 3 to 4 years of cultivation it will starts flowering, by that time the formation of heart wood take place. After 12 years each plant may yield almost 20 to 25 kg of heart wood I.e., depend upon the growth of the tree. If we cultivate properly by 12 years the girth may around 60 cm at breast level. The oil content in root is 4% to 6% each year the growth will be 5cm.} The Costing Per Acre ; Plant Rs.100*435 = 43, 500.00 Host plants Rs. 25*435 = 10, 875.00 Planting cost (Including soil workings, Pits @ 25/=each Rs.10, 875.00 Annual weeding & soil working for 10 years (Rs.2000x10) =20, 000.00 Annual Irrigation (Rs.2000 x 10) =20, 000.00 Annual Fertilization (Rs.5000 x10) =50, 000.00 Total Exp. Rs.1, 55, 250 SANDALWOOD HEART WOOD EXPECTED YIELD AT THE AGE OF FIFTEEN YEARS AFTER TAKING 30% AS MORALITIES, THEFTS ETC. No of sandalwood trees eligible for extraction 305 Quantity of heart wood expected per tree-25 kgs---For 305 plants------ 7625 kgs Average cost of sandalwood heart wood (Rs. 6000/ Kg) Rs.1, 50, 000 Total heart wood (7625 kgs)* 6000=4, 57, 50, 000 Total Expenditure incurred per acre Rs. 1, 55, 250 NET PROFIT WOULD BE MORE THAN Rs. 4, 55, 00, 000/ Acre (Approx.) MAIN FEATURS OF OUR COPANY: 1 WE will arrange the replacement against damaged plants up to one year with suitable reasons 2)WE will provide buyback facility at the time of yielding time or otherwise will arrange the buyers 12th year onwards. 3 WE will arranges the plants at door delivery. 4) WE will take the soil report.( i.e; PH value, when u book the order.) 5) WE will give the technical guidance about how to plantation, how to control the pest and deceases and growth of the plants . 6) For sandal &Red Sander Plants, we will provide buyback facility at the time of yielding or otherwise will arrange the buyers 12th year onwards. SOME OTHER SAILENT POINTS ON GROWING THREE PLANTS: No Government permissions are required for growing these plants. However the forest department should be informed at the time of cutting and marketing . The actual growth, yield and income from these genetically superior plants will depend on Climate. WE will arranges the plants at door delivery. We are waiting for your valuable order Thanking you , With regards T. Rajani kanth. VAISU AGRI FIRMS LIG 76, APIIC COLONY SUB STATION JEEDIMETLA, HYDERABAD , A.P 9292956597 9848848437 For Sandalwood / Chandan Plantation We will guide you and supply you The Sandalwood / Chandan saplings (which is raised under modern methods)