GOLDENCREATION JUTE BAG MANUFACTURER KOLKATA offer Prices of Bags on FOB basis, unless a CIF or any price asked. Any buyers country customs duty or taxes is to be borne by the buyer. Packing will be done as per global standard, 5/7 ply carton. Each will have silica packs inside on request. Payment must be made against TT or L/C at sight. Invoices are due and payable (through our bankers) within time period noted on the pro forma-invoice measured from the date of the invoice. All the commercial transaction is from our Kolkata official bank accounts. details will be below. Product origin is India. Our shipping responsibility ceases upon delivery of the goods in Kolkata Air/Sea port. Loss or damage that occurs during transit by a carrier selected /Nominated by importer is importers responsibility. We are not responsible for any loss or damage of the goods during in transit by air or by ship. We are not responsible for any delay in delivery made by carriers. Note : Since Jute Bag is Natural fibre product and printed in silk screen process colours are subject to +/- 5% variation. The final product may have minor variation from approved sample. We have examined colour shades printed on Natural Fabrics like Jute gets lighter after a day or two. Though with our expertise of handling these screen colours we give a reasonably matching production with samples supplied. Trust 90% of Jute and Cotton Bags being supplied by our company are a customised product, and this product once prepared for you do not bear any resale value for us. We have more than double the money invested, of the advance we get from the buyer before production. Again suppliers margin is generally very thin and low in this competitive market, so our business completely depends on the long-term relationship with a buyer by providing good service and the best quality and adding value to our commitment. We provide an opportunity for a new buyer to place small order to build trust and we agree on payments through credit card or PayPal for first three small transactions. Sampling Samples can be made ready in a week’s time with customised prints. We need client’s courier account details to send samples. The samples are generally sent on “TO PAY” basis – for this you have to give us your account number with any International Courier. Ordering Information Sizes mentioned in the catalogue are in centimetres (Height x Width x Gusset). Please assist us for quick processing of orders by specifying Style Number, Body Colour, Gusset Colour, Printing matter and colour, Quantity and Shipping date. We request the exact purchase order.