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We offer the best product range of Gir Cow Farm in Surat.

Biogas Liquid Manure

The company has emerged as a highly reliable Manufacturer and Supplier of Biogas Liquid Manure in Surat. The Biogas Liquid Manure, offered by the company, is widely appreciated for its positive contributions in the farming-related applications. The company offers quality assured and highly pure Biogas Liquid Manure at the best prices. Additional Information
  • Packing : Virgin food grade plastic
  • Minimum Order Quantity : 1 kg

Green Alfalfa

  • Color Light Green
  • Form Leaves
  • Feature Cleanses Liver and Bowels , Detoxyfying Agent , Heals Arthritis
  • Packaging Type Container, Pouch & Bag
  • Purity 99%
  • Type Natural
  • Usage/application Personal and Herbal

The company is known as one of the major Manufacturers and Suppliers of Green Alfalfa in Surat. The Green Alfalfa, offered by the company, is known for being of the finest quality. The company offers the Green Alfalfa at the best prices and the delivery is always on time.

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Pure Groundnut Oil

  • Type Groundnut Oil
  • Form Liquid
  • Feaures Low Cholestrol, Rich In Vitamin
  • Shelf Life 12 Months
  • Speciality No Artificial Flavour, 100% Natural
  • Fssai Certified Yes

Have you ever wondered, from where your cooking oil comes from and how it is treated?No.Then listen, the oil that you are using for cooking, deep frying or in any other things is refined oil. Oil available in market is generally refined oil

Our Brand MPH oilOur oil is called “kachi ghani” oil.


Oil is first extracted from groundnut by pressing it under normal heat. Then it is filtered through filter cloth and packed directly into container. Hygiene is maintain at each level for maximum retention of nutrients in oil.  We use standard grade of Groundnut that originated in Saurashtra region of Gujarat. After grading and proper analysis of its quality, it is used for oil extraction.  We believe that “standard the raw material standard will be the end product”.Because of a very high smoke point (3500F), groundnut oil can be used for deep frying and high temperature cooking. “Kachi Ghani” groundnut oil adds unique flavour to any food.


Health Benefits of Consuming “kachi Ghani” Oil:-

  • Controls cholesterol level
  • Rich in plant sterol which reduces risk of heart attack
  • Its help to Lower blood pressure
  • Groundnut oil have valuable amount of vitamin E which is also an antioxidant and protects the cells from damage
  • It’s also boost hair growth
  • High in omega-6 fatty acids which help in proper growth and development, as well as normal brain function


What is refined oil?Oil is first extracted from seeds like Groundnut, Sun flower, Cotton seeds, Maize, etc. Then it is refined using numbers of chemical. An oil has been refined by using chemical that are harmful to us. Oil is treated with acid, alkali or bleached. It can also be neutralized, filtered or deodorized.    


Why is refined oil?

The refining process creates oil that is stable, easy to preserve, hardly coloured, with no discernable aroma and with a yield more than 90% which is much more profitable to the industry. However cold “pressed” oils preserve all their qualities are more expensive and can lose up to 40% of its substance when extracted.Harmful chemical added during refining (NaOH) can leads to improper digestion and other gastro intestinal problem. The high temperature involved in the refining process removes all the natural and beneficial substances from the oil. It instead increases the Trans fats of the oil which is detrimental to your heart health. Regular consumption of this oil can act as a slow poison for your heart and can cause heart attacks or blockages.

Lab Report Of Groundnut Oil :-



Total Fat, gm/100 gm


Total Protein, gm/100gm


Energy, kcal/100gm


Total Carbohydrates, gm/100gm


Moisture, gm/100gm


Total Ash, gm/100gm


Cholesterol, gm/100gm


PUFA, gm/100gm


MUFA, gm/100gm


Saturated Fat, gm/100gm


Trans Fat, gm/100gm


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Cow Dung Cakes

  • Shape Round
  • Organic Type Organic
  • Color Dhenu Kripa., Light Brown
  • Moisture 5%
  • Purity 99%
  • Usage Used in traditional Indian households for Hawan kund, yagnas, ceremonies, rituals

Indian holy cow dung cakes importanceIndian cow dung are considered pious and have specific place in worship and many ritual ceremonies. In Mahabharata it is said, “Of all 8.4 million species of living entities, only cow is such entity whose dung is pure and which purifies every kind of impurities”.

Goddess lakshmi is the presiding deity of cow dung. She is the embodiment of wealth, prosperity and marital happiness.  Cow dung is used during the festival of Naagpanchami, onam, gudi parva and govardhan pooja festivals to invite the auspicious energies of goddess laxmi in one’s life.

Havan and YagnaCow dung is used to burn fire in havan and yagna. In this form worship, cow plays a central role and some scientific finding proves that burning cow dung in fires tends to purify air; it also acts as anti-pollutant and has anti-radiation qualities that benefits environment. That is the reason our ancestors had the cow and its product placed at the helms of every celebration and observation. However, one doesn’t get all this benefits in foreign breed of cow. And cow dung cake that is available in market mostly belongs to foreign breed cow.

As Insect Repellent and Disinfectant 

  • Cow dung is antiseptic. Cow dung and cow urine possess complex degrading substances and may possess antibacterial properties.
  • Cow dung is used in field as fertilizer of plants. It also helps to produce biogas which helps in cooking and also used to generate electricity.
  • In village, house’s are made of cow dung mix with sand. Its act as radiation absorber. In Smartphone also chip of cow dung is available which act as radiation absorber.   
  • Ayurveda describes cow dung as germicidal, nourishing, giving brightness to body, as a moisturizer and destroyer of bad smell.
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Dried Alfalfa

  • Moisture 12%
  • Protein 18%
  • Fiber 0.5%
  • At. Tox 0.5%
  • Total ash 13%
  • Crude fiber 20%
  • Bacteria 1.10%

The company has come up as a well-known Manufacturer and Supplier of Dried Alfalfa in Surat. The Dried Alfalfa, offered by the company, is widely demanded by the clients across the country. The demand for the Dried Alfalfa stems from the high quality standards it possesses and the company can cater to the client needs in time.

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Milk Matho

  • Taste Sweet with taste of fruit
  • Shelf Life 3 Months
  • Feature Rich in Nutrients , Mouth Watering Taste , Free from Cholesterol
  • Flavour Mango, Pineapple
  • Form Semi Solid
  • Condiiton Fresh

Matho is a popular, classic, thick delectable Indian yogurt sweet. Now, you don’t have to go away for sweet dish. Just enjoy “Matho” prepared from Gir cow milk. So when you have this matho, you better know that it contain all nutritional benefits that you get from A2 milk. We use “Rock Sugar” instead of sugar, to make it 100% natural. Now, stay away from fear of consuming sweets. Food needs no decoration, the simplest and the plainest of things sometimes are the ones that touch your heart more then anything else.Enjoy every bites of PURI with m poonam matho. The beauty of “matho “ is that it can be very creative in terms of flavours. It is an delicious, mouth watering dessert. YUMMY!!!!

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Gir Cow Milk

  • Type Cow Milk
  • Application Coffee, Making Tea
  • Color White
  • Packaging Type Tetra
  • Form Liquid
  • Feature Good For Health, Non Harmful

m Poonam is not about milk      

We are here to regain health  

  • Milk is considered as almost complete food. So, why not to have healthy milk?
  • Ever wonder from where your milk come from?
  • About 90% of milk that people consume is adulterated.  Milk that comes from dairy industry is treated with numbers of chemical. And also there is alteration in there fat and SNF content.
  • Milk come from Dairy industry is generally  A1 milk.

Why to switch from A1 milk to A2 milk?Answer is simple.Our ancestor’s used to drink A2 milk. And they live healthy life for over hundred years.And here, at  m poonam we offer you milk of “our ancestor’s choice”. A2 milk is rich source of all essential nutrients that require for our body development .A2 milk is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals. A2 milk is good for children as it enhance memory power. Its helps in pregnancy, as studies found that women need 1000-1300mg of calcium to keep their bones and muscles healthy.

Why availability of A1 milk is more than A2 milk?

  • Quantity of milk produce by A1 cows (Jersey, Holstein Friesian, Ayrshire, Guernsey, etc.) is higher than quantity of milk produce by A2 cows (Gir, Kankrej, , Sahiwal, Tharparkar, etc).
  • Milk produce by A1 cow is 20-30 litres/day while milk produce by A2 cow is 10-15 litres/day.
  • Many big conventional dairy farms inject hormones to increase milk production and these hormones have adverse effect on human immune system as it increases the level of cancer causing hormones. And because of this cow also get affected from mastitis and other udder infection.
  • So, for farmer keeping foreign breed cow is more economical than Indian breed.

Some of the benefits of consuming A2 milk:-

  • Preventing Heart Blockage
  • Reduce Bad Cholesterol
  • Headache/migrane
  • Treating Broken Bones
  • Reduce Obesity
  • Cure Headache/Migraine
  • Cure Insomia

Cow milk improves mind power, discriminative will. Buffalo milk causes dullness to brain.Ancient literature supports A2 milk and its products for treatment of many ailments. So, next time think before you buy milk, do you want that, which cures ailment or one that causes it?

Now, will you allow your little one to consume A1 milk just because it is cheap?
Or pregnant mother knowingly there is risk on its health?

Chemistry behind A2 and A1 milk

  • Bovine milk (milk from cattle) is about 85-87% water and 13-15% solids-fat, protein, lactose and minerals. The protein is of two general types, casein and whey. The casein proteins are the ones that precipitate out in acids, whereas the whey proteins stay in solution.
  • The casein proteins can be further divided into three types, these being alpha-, beta- and kappa-casein. In a litre of bovine milk there are 9-12 grams of beta-casein, again depending upon breed of cow.
  • It is these beta-casein proteins that we are interested in.
  • All protein composed of amino acids. A key characteristic of amino acids is that it contains at least one atom of nitrogen. Amino acids are a fundamental building block of life.
  • According to most textbooks there are 20 amino acids that are found in human tissues. 8 of these are typically classed as essential dietary components, although for infants and possibly old people there can be 10 that need to be ingested.
  • When we eat foods containing protein our body breaks down the protein with the help of digestive enzymes produced in our stomach and intestines, first into protein fragments called peptides, and then into individual amino acids. This process is called hydrolysis. The amino acids that form are then absorbed into the bloodstream.  
  • The beta-casein protein that we are interested in here is a folded chain of 209 amino acids. There are at least eight variants of this beta-casein. Initially they were categorised as A, B, C, D, E and F, reflecting the order in which they were identified.  Subsequently, the A beta casein was sub divided into three types, now known as A1, A2, and A3. In fact it is now known that the most common forms of beta-casein are A1 and A2. The first of these to be identified by scientists was called A1 beta casein. A2 beta casein got that name  because it was the second of the A variants to be identified.  The only difference between A1 and A2 beta-casein is the amino acids at position 67.
  • In the case of A1 beta casein the amino acids at position 67 is histidine, whereas with A2 beta casein it is the amino acid proline. It may be surprising, but this tiny difference in the protein structure can have a major effect when the protein is digested.  
  • The reason is that the proline binds very closely to the amino acid next to it in position 66, which is isoleucine , whereas the histidine linkage with isoleucine is easily broken by digestive enzymes.  With A2 beta casein the proline also binds very tightly with the amino acids in position 68. The outcome of all this is that digestion of A1 beta-casein can produce a peptide of a string of seven amino acids called beta-casomorphins (or BCM 7) whereas the evidence is that this does not occur with A2 beta Casein.
  • And this BCM 7 results in serious illness, including heart diseases, Type 1 diabetes, autism and schizophrenia.



Minimium Requirement


Energy, kcal/100 gm



Iron , mg/kg



Calcium, mg/kg



Potassium, mg/kg



Sodium, mg/kg



Magnesium, mg/kg



Vitamin A, mcg/100gm



Fat, gm/100 gm


Min. 3.5

SNF, gm/100 gm


Min. 8.3

Total Protein, gm/100 gm



Total Carbohydrates, gm/100 gm




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Sesame Oil

  • Grade Premium
  • Purity 100%
  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Type Sesame Oil, Edible vegetable oil
  • Condition Good
  • Material Made from sesame seeds
  • Admix 1%
  • Size 100ml

Sesame oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking oil in South India, it is used as a flavour enhancer in Middle Eastern, African, and Southeast Asian cuisines. It has a distinctive nutty aroma and taste.

The oil is popular in Asia and is also one of the earliest-known crop-based oils, but worldwide mass modern production continues to be limited even today due to the inefficient manual harvesting process required to extract the oil.

Sesame oil has been used for centuries in Asian cuisine. It also has medicinal purposes, especially in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is used as a base oil for about 90 percent of the herbal oils.

In Ayurvedic therapy, sesame oil is renowned for its ability to strengthen and detoxify the body and ensure the proper functioning of all the vital organs. It's also used in sacred and religious ceremonies. Today, sesame oil is a common component of skin and massage oils, hair care products, cosmetics, soaps, perfumes and sunscreens. Sesame oil has great moisturizing, soothing and emollient qualities.

In aromatherapy, it is popularly used as massage oil and carrier oil for essential oils.

Composition of Sesame Oil

Sesame oil contains high levels of natural antioxidants called sesamol, sesamolin and sesamin oils. Sesamin is a lignin with anti-inflammatory properties, and contains vitamin E, which helps keep your skin strong and supple.

Meanwhile, sesamol possesses over two dozen beneficial pharmacologically active properties, most of which work to improve cardiovascular health. Sesame oil contains 15 percent saturated fat, 42 percent oleic acid and 43 percent omega-6 linoleic acid, with a composition similar to peanut oil. It is also loaded with B-complex vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid.

It's rich in amino acids that are essential in building up proteins, and minerals like iron, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc.

Benefits Of Sesame Oil

  • Skin moisturize
  • Helps remove toxins from your mouth
  • Natural sunscreen
  • Boosts your scalp and hair health
  • Helps to Fight Stress and Depression
  • Helps in maintaining good skin health
  • Helps in improving eye health

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Fresh Butter

  • Shelf Life 15 Days
  • Color Yellow
  • Feature Delicious, Healthy
  • Form Solid
  • Application Cooking, Home, Restaurant, Snacks
  • Minimum Order Quantity 1 kg

At m poonam, butter is prepared through traditional method.

Here, we keep milk by adding small amount of previous day culture (Melvan). And allow it, to remain as it is till morning. In morning curd is form with firm body. Traditionally, butter is produced by churning fermented milk. Churning take place with help of bilona. Churning breaks and damages the membranes of butterfat present in the cream. This results in the production of small butter-grains. These butter-grains begin to float in the buttermilk, the water-based portion of the cream. Butter-grains are separated by draining the buttermilk. If needed, the butter-grains are rinsed with water to remove excess buttermilk. These grains are then pressed and kneaded together.

And pack it once, it get in shape.

Now, it will be ease to apply on Bread or Roti as it is easily spreadable.


  • Contains lauric acid, important in treating fungal infections and candida.
  • Is a great source of Vitamins E and K.
  • Saturated fats in butter have strong anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
  • Vitamin D found in butter is essential to absorption of calcium.
  • Protects against tooth decay.
  • May promote fertility in women.
  • Cholesterol found in butterfat is essential to children's brain and nervous system development.
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Bio Compost

  • Moisture 10%
  • Form Powder
  • Shelf Life 5 Year
  • Feature Light Weight
  • Ph Value 7.0
  • Nitrogen 1.55-2.0%

We stand tall among the Manufacturers and Suppliers of Bio Compost in Surat. The Bio Compost is a nutrient-rich product known for its highly beneficiary role in the farming processes. The Bio Compost can be availed at the best prices in safe and durable packaging and we ensure the timely delivery at all times.

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Fresh Curd

  • Shelf Life 10 Days
  • Color Creamy White
  • Nutrition High Amount of Calories, Rich in Calcium and Phosphorus
  • Minimum Order Quantity 1 kg
  • Type: Fresh Curd
  • Usage Office Pantry, Home Purpose, Restaurant
  • Storage At Refrigerated Temperature (8º C)

Curd is a dairy product. It is fermented food known all over the world. The fermentation process takes place by adding culture to the milk. The unique nutritional value of curds is beneficial in various ways. Apart from enhancing the taste of various foods, curd also improves the digestion and provides strength to bones and teeth. Regular consumption of curds also lowers the cholesterol levels and reduces high blood pressure. It increases the immunity of the body and also helps in improving the skin health, reduces dandruff and other benefits as well. Apart from that, curd also helps to reduce the stress level, which makes it a natural remedy for hypertension and other related issues. Regular intake of the right quantity of curds helps in reducing weight and gain fitness. All these factors make curd a reliable food choice for people who desire healthy living style.



  •  Improves digestion
  •  Helps in weight reduction
  •  Improves bone strength
  •  Healthy heart
  •  Offers milk nutrition for lactose intolerant people
  •  Keeps infections away


Curd is used to prepared many Indian dishes such as:-

  •  Shrikhand
  •  Matho
  •  Lassi
  •  Kadhi
  •  Tadka Dahi 
  •  Curd and Vegetables salad 
  •  Curd Rice


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Fresh Paneer

  • Application Salad, Frying, Cooking
  • Energy 265 Kcal/100 Grams
  • Fat 20.8 G/100 Grams
  • Carbohydrates 1.2 G/100 Grams
  • Protein 18.3 G/100 Grams
  • Calcium 208 Mg /100 Grams

Paneer is fresh cheese. It is unaged, non melting cheese made by curdling milk using lemon juice. Guess, how’s the taste of Paneer when it prepared from A2 milk?Paneer prepared from GIR cow milk is soft and its chewiness tends to easily malleable in mouth. Having smooth and compact texture easily attract your taste bud. Flavour of GIR cow Paneer is pleasant and rich nutty, makes you devour it lonely.  Introduces this rich source of protein in your diet and stay away from “protein deficiency”


Paneer prepared from GIR cow milk helps you in:- 

  • Body building
  • Make your teeth and bone strong
  • Improves mind power
  • Improve sperm count And many more.

So, get your GIR Cow  Paneer from m poonam and prepared Paneer butter masala, Paneer kofta or Paneer chilly and enjoy this tempting mouth watering dish with your loved ones !! 

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Biogas Slurry

  • Type Natural
  • Usage etp (for Industrial Effluent Treatment )
  • Form Liquid
  • packaging Size 35 Lit
  • pack Type 35 Lit Jar
  • Place Origin India

The company has made a mark for itself as a Manufacturer and Supplier of Biogas Slurry in Surat. The Biogas Slurry, offered by the company, is widely demanded across the country owing to its unsurpassed quality. The Biogas Slurry can be availed at highly competitive prices on a timely basis.

Organic Manauure Analysis Report (Dry Weight Basis)

Particulars Compost Varmi-compost Gobar gas salury
PH (1:2.5) 7.8 8.2 7.4
EC (1:2.5)mmhos/cm 5 1.37 4.2
Total (%) 1.54 1.12 2.4
Total P2O5 (%) 1.65 1.05 4.99
Total K2O (%) 1.03 0.52 1.15
Total S (%) 0.2 0.15 0.72
Moiture (%) 41.3 53.8 12.1
Organic Carbon (%) 68 72 76
Organic mtter (%) 39.44 41.75 44
Note : Can not be used this report for court matter.

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Raw Mango

  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Type Raw
  • Place of Origin India
  • Purity 99%
  • Carbohydrate 15 g
  • Potassium 168 mg/ 100 g

We have acquired an enviable reputation as a Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Raw Mango in Surat. The Raw Mango, offered by us, are known for their quality and are hygienically processed and packed. The Raw Mango can be availed at the market leading prices and the delivery is always on time.

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Ripe Mango

  • Saturated fat 0.1 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
  • Total Carbohydrate 15 g
  • Dietary Fiber 1.6 g
  • Sugar 14 g
  • Vitamin B-6 5%

The company is known as a major Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Ripe Mango in Surat. The delicious assortment of the Ripe Mangoes is widely admired by the clients around the world. The company offers the best Ripe Mangoes in safe and durable packaging on a timely basis.

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Cow Urine

  • Purity 100%
  • Form Liquid
  • Packing Material Packed in Plastic Bottles
  • Pack Size 500ml, 1 Litre and 10 Litre
  • Purpose For Consumption , Organic Farming and Gardening
  • Water Soluble 100%

Indian cow urine has therapeutic effect Indian cow urine has great significance in the Indian tradition and has been used as natural alternative care for most diseases.  Cow is often referred to as a dispensary and a treasure for mankind in many holy texts as it has many valuable offerings for humankind. It is the treasure of medicines and everything including the cow urine has several medicinal properties.Our ancestors, realising these amazing health benefits of the cow urine made it’s a part of their everyday life. Desi cow urine is used for raw consumption on an empty stomach every morning, as its hot, pungent, taste reaches even into the deep tissues of the body.Apart from this consumption, people also tend to mix the Indian cow urine in bath water to facilitate spiritual and physical healing.  There have also been instances where gomutra or the cow urine is sprinkled around the house, by diluting it in water. Same thing is done in yagnas and havan. This is said to spiritually purify the premises and ward off negativity from the house.

Other Benefits are:

  • Its prevent heart disorders
  • Its clean kidney and liver and strengthens their activities
  • It is potent anti-poisonous
  • It enhances the function of respiratory system
  • Enhances the function of nervous system
  • It enhances the complexion of skin
  • Slow down aging process
  • It corrects menstrual disorders


For the cow urine to be healthy and beneficial it is important that the cow is treated well and is healthy in both physical and mental sense as this will have an impact on the potency of the goumutra, just like an unhealthy environment will impact the quality of the cow’s milk.

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